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TL-680 Tema Locker y Sellador de Resistencia Baja

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TL-680 Tema Locker y Sellador de Resistencia Baja


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TL-680 Tema Locker y Sellador de Resistencia Baja
Baja viscosidad y una buena resistencia a los disolventes, utilizados para la fijación y sellado de componentes como ejes y bujes con la transición y ajuste de interferencia radial dearance menos de 0,17 mm.
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Tony | Comprador verificado

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Good condition

Feb 03, 2021

Just what I needed

Denis | Comprador verificado

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As described

Jan 31, 2021

Just as expected. Excellent value for the price !

olivierpo | Comprador verificado

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Dec 27, 2020

jamais recue

skyfox60 | Comprador verificado

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best TL ever

Jul 18, 2020

I use only this brand of TL.
Good glue, good price.
Perfect for my Helis.
Well done, HK

Chris | Comprador verificado

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May 12, 2019

1A Qualität, kaufe ich jederzeit wieder. Für den Preis unschlagbar, sehr guter Sicherungslack für normale Anwendung

Turkish Flyer | Comprador verificado

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Outstanding Value !

Jan 27, 2017

Large bottle; about half full but trust me there is plenty there to go around everywhere for a long long time to come. This thread locker is an absolute bargain with the same quality others charge at a higher price for a far less amount. I now have this low strength and previously I purchased the medium strength ( TL-242 Thread Locker & Sealant Medium Strength ( item number: TL-242 ) ). Both work great if you have intentions of effortlessly dismantling later what you assembled. I use the low strength for smaller nuts and bolts, such as on linkage connectors, etc and the medium strength for larger nuts and bolts such on propeller shafts and landing gear connections, etc.

Turkish Flyer | Comprador verificado

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Outstanding Value !

Jan 27, 2017

Large bottle; about half full but trust me there is plenty there to go around everywhere. This thread locker is an absolute bargain with the same quality others charge at a higher price for a far less amount. I now have this low strength and previously I purchased the medium strength ( TL-242 Thread Locker & Sealant Medium Strength ( item number: TL-242 ) ). Both work great if you have intentions of effortlessly dismantling later what you assembled. I use the low strength for smaller nuts and bolts, such as on linkage connectors, etc and the medium strength for larger nuts and bolts such on propeller shafts and landing gear connections, etc.

michele | Comprador verificado

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Jan 06, 2017

ottimo frenafiletti per viti piccole m3 m4
usato su telaio t rex 450 pro garantisce lo smontaggio delle viti senza rovinarle

michele | Comprador verificado

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frena filetti adatto a minuteria

Jan 02, 2017

frenafilletti molto buono adatto per viti piccole da M3-M4
usato su viti telaio t rex 450 garantisce una buona presa e consente l'allentamento delle viti per eventuale smontaggio senza troppa sforzo in maniera da non rischiare di rovinare la testa delle viti o della brugola, consigliato

michele | Comprador verificado

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frena filetti adatto a minuteria

Jan 02, 2017

frenafilletti molto buono adatto per viti piccole da M3-M4
usato su viti telaio t rex 450 garantisce una buona presa e consente l'allentamento delle viti per eventuale smontaggio senza troppa sforzo in maniera da non rischiare di rovinare la testa delle viti o della brugola, consigliato

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