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TM Spitfire .60 ARF (90% completa)

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TM Spitfire .60 ARF (90% completa)


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Spitfire 0,60 ARF (90%)
Este 90% spitfire completa va a impresionar incluso los huéspedes construidas bricolaje fanáticos!
Diseñado para un tamaño de 0,60 o motor equivalente EP, el Spitfire es grande y muy impresionante.
Aterrorizar a sus amigos que vuelan próximo fin de semana con este chico malo!

Envergadura: 63in
Peso del vuelo: 6.6lb
Longitud del fuselaje: 51.2in
Motor: 2 tiempos .61 / 4 tiempos .70
Motor eléctrico: TP4130-7T o por el poder de la libración un HXT50-65C-320

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Avi Sirota | Comprador verificado

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TM Spitfire .60 ARF

Nov 14, 2007

I ordered this spit with few hesitations. After I opened the box I was relived. I have it for few weeks now and had 9 flights. Very good value for money even with the shipping costs!

The retracts are the only weak point and can be slightly bent in normal landing conditions.

It would be a good idea to reinforce the wing struts in the landing gear meeting points with epoxy\fiberglass. Small weight addition for a needed reinforcement.

It fly's great with my 90 4 strokes engine.

Peter Lee | Comprador verificado

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Nov 14, 2007

This aircraft went together very well - perfectly straight and true. The retract mechanisms were good and strong but the mounting points were strengthened as recommended by others.

I used a Quannum 36-70 KV1000 inrunner mounted in a graupner cylindrical mount fixed to the firewall. It was a perfect fit. Two LM 2250 4s cells in parallel give six minutes of excellent performance. Possibly the easiest aircraft I have ever maidened, in that no adjustments were made at all.

Highly recommended.

Graham Kindberg | Comprador verificado

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Nov 14, 2007

Great value for the money! Goes together so well, only plane that has taken 5 min. to fit the retracts. Love the fit of the wheel wells too, they actually conform to the shape of the wing...first time I have found this in a ARF. Quality right through, best money I have ever spent.

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