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Turnigy e-unidad 5345/9

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Turnigy e-unidad 5345/9


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Turnigy e-unidad 5345/9

Número de células:
4 ~ 7 x Li-Poly
RPM / V: 195
Max EFF actual: 45A
Empuje máx w / sugirieron prop: 12kg
Prop sugerido: 22-23inch
Peso: 695 g

  • Kv (rpm / v) 195.00
  • Corrientes max (A) 45.00
  • Resistencia ( MH ) 0.00
  • Max Voltaje ( V ) 25.00
  • Potencia ( W ) 0.00
  • Un eje ( mm ) 8.00
  • B Longitud ( mm ) 93.00
  • C Diámetro ( mm ) 63.00
  • Puede longitud D ( mm ) 48.00
  • Longitud Total E ( mm ) 114.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-10


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Michael | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 14, 2011

Unfortunately, my motor came with 3 screws missing. Annoying, since I have to get some suitable screws locally.

Thomas | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jan 26, 2011

Don't be put off by the small amount of information on the page, this is a quality motor!

The power I measured on my hk-01 wattmeter was way above what I expected and it runs as smoothly as any of my hacker brushless motors.

I have this in a custom electric scooter and the torque it produces makes it wheelie everytime I turn on the motor, the torque is immense!

UH-Switzerland | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jun 07, 2010

Use it in a Great Planes 27% CAP 232 with 12S Zippy 5800mAh and Graupner Sonic 20x12". Please take a quality ESC like the Phoenix ICE 80HV, Sentilon V4.0 will demage this Motor!

The current is around 80A (ca. 4.5hp) and 58A in max. flight speed and vertical 66A.

With this configuration you have more speed (150km/h) and more climbing rate then the theoretical datasheet-power of every 50cc gasoline engine -> Be the scare of the gasoline guys -)

probroandy | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 12, 2009

using this motor in a 1/4 scale edge. combo includes a castle 85HV and 10S lipo swinging an apc 20x12 Wide E-prop. at max throttle, i get 2620Watts @ 64A. on a 7 minute flight, it uses 2400mah. plenty of umph and the motor stays cool. excellent quality! no problems yet

bimp | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 09, 2009

Real weight without accessories is 827g.

SPEEDfR3AKNZ | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 26, 2009

Brought one of these motors to replace the TGY AerodriveXp SK Series 63-74 170Kv as i had as the magnets came loose. This Motor is Much better for my 2 meter Extra 260, running a 20x11 APCe prop on 10s 5Ahr (37volts) i got around a 8 to 10 minute flight and max amps pulled was around 63Amps. Total wattage around 2300watts. after every flight motor and ESC was bearly warm. This is a great motor, well built and could easily take a bigger prop.

Webster Phreaky | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 22, 2009

Looks like the Precision Aerobatics "Thrust" motors exactly (except for the color). Same factory?

SFX | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Feb 18, 2009

An excellent motor - especially considering the price! You'll really appreciate that once you hold it in your hands - precisely machined, only small amount of torque ripple for a motor of that size.

I tested it on the bench with a 20x12 cherry wood propeller (also HK) - (ESC limit was 26V)

24V, 28A (~700W), 5kg static thrust (no heat)

That's nowhere near the full potential of that motor - either use a bigger prop, or higher voltage!

Howard Randall | Comprador verificado

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Nov 14, 2007

Here are some numbers for the BL-5345/9

Prop APC 24X12

20V 35A 3500rpm 39.7 mph prop speed

22V 42A 3800rpm 43.2 mph prop speed

23V 44A 3900rpm 44.3 mph prop speed

24V 47A 4000rpm 45.5 mph prop speed

25V 50A 4100rpm 46.6 mph prop speed

26V 54A 4200rpm 47.7 mph prop speed

Model- Fokker D8 span 84" 1180sq/inch

Weight 13 Lbs./5.9 Kilos on 7cells

Flies Very Well."An Excellent Motor"


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