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Turnigy E3 compacto 2S / 3S Lipo Cargador 100-240V (enchufe de EE.UU.)

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Turnigy E3 compacto 2S / 3S Lipo Cargador 100-240V (enchufe de EE.UU.)


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El cargador compacto Turnigy E3 LiPoly es muy sencillo de utilizar el cargador de 2S y 3S paquetes de baterías. No hay necesidad de fuentes de alimentación adicionales o 12v BATTERYS como esta pequeña unidad tiene su propia fuente de alimentación integrada que es muy feliz en la red eléctrica de 100V a 240V (esta unidad en particular viene con un enchufe de los EEUU y plomo).

El Turnigy E3 es muy fácil de usar, basta con conectarlo a la red eléctrica y todos los LED se ilumina de color verde y luego a parpadear en rojo para indicar que el cargador está listo. Conectar el equilibrio de plomo de la batería al puerto de equilibrio del cargador, después de 2 segundos el cargador detecta la tensión de la batería y comienza la carga. Cuando el cargador comienza a cargar los LED se ilumina en rojo constante, si la batería es una celda de 2 a continuación, los indicadores LED de células 1 y 2 se iluminarán constantemente, si se trata de una célula 3 a continuación, el indicador LED de células 3 también se iluminará. Cuando una célula está completamente cargada, el LED correspondiente se iluminará en verde, cuando todas las células se vuelven verdes que la batería está completamente cargada, desconecte la batería antes de desconectar el cargador.

• fuente de alimentación integrada
• 100 ~ 240V compatible
• inicio de carga automática
• simple, fiable y seguro de usar

Entrada de CA: 100 ~ 240V, 50 ~ 60Hz
Tipo de batería: LiPoly
Recuento de Células: 2 ~ 3 células
Corriente de carga: 1.2A Max
Cut Off celular Voltaje: 4.2V ± 0.02v
El circuito de potencia: 11W ± 10%
Dimensiones: 88x57x35mm
Peso: 103 g
Enchufe: 2 de los EEUU Pin Plug

Declaración de conformidad:
Este cargador se ajusta a los reglamentos de la FCC y CE y ha sido probado para cumplir con todas las normas técnicas necesarias.

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VOiD | Comprador verificado

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Aug 18, 2021

Great, simple charger!

Chuck Lambson | Comprador verificado

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Simple but works very well

Mar 01, 2021

I bought this because it is small enough to take it with me on trips. I have used it for about 10 charges of my 2S lipos and it works well every time. It charges each cell independently through the balance port so it keeps the cells balanced. I have been checking with a meter and it charges the cells to within 0.01 volts. One of the reviews I read said that it has no balancing feature but it may have been a faulty unit or one of his cells dropped below the threshold for charging.

Slowstick | Comprador verificado

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Turnigy 2-3 cell Charger

Aug 11, 2019

Very good charger & reasonably priced,thanks hobbyking

Eveline | Comprador verificado

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Jun 03, 2019

This Is a good basic charger but on 5th time using smoke came out and it has not shown any signs of life since

Christie | Comprador verificado

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Simple, safe, fast, reliable

May 29, 2019

Good luck, meets my needs for simple safe charging.

Connor | Comprador verificado

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Good quality but with flaws

May 28, 2018

I was really happy with the charger, used it on both 2 and 3 cell batteries and it worked great for a few weeks, but as soon as the balance was off on one of the batteries the charger would only flash red lights at me, it had no way to fix the 6 red flashes error (300mv difference of voltage in cells). Its a good charger but be aware, when you buy it that it has no balance feature.

Dylan | Comprador verificado

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good for the price

Oct 27, 2017

great for the price. seems to charge faster than some of the chargers I have used dose but can get hot sometimes but nothing to worry about. all in all great charger

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 10, 2016

Turnigy E3 Compact 2S/3S Lipo Charger 100-240v (US Plug) so best for the price

Roland | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 11, 2015

Excellent value (Less than $13). Since I will only be using it to charge the Turnigy nano-tech 2500mAh 3S1P 5~10C Transmitter Lipo Pack (From HobbyKing too), it's plenty sufficient. Worked great right out of the box and the Lipo Pack is already in use in my DEVO 10 :)

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 05, 2015

When I got it the first time I charged a battery the lights didn't show that it was charging. It started out as red for a few minutes (Like 3) then switched to green even though it wasn't fully charged. It still charges it when its green though, so I just time it.

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