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Turnigy nano-tech 8000mAh 6S 25 ~ 50C Lipo Pack de

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Turnigy nano-tech 8000mAh 6S 25 ~ 50C Lipo Pack de


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Más que un nombre de fantasía. baterías LIPOLY TURNIGY nano tecnología se han diseñado desde cero con el rendimiento en prácticamente cualquier circunstancia. Utilizando un sustrato de avanzada tecnología de nano-lico que permite a los electrones pasen más libremente desde el ánodo al cátodo con menos impedancia interna. En breve; menos hueco de tensión y un aumento de las tasas de descarga que un polímero de litio densidad similar pilas (no nano-tecnología).

Para los amantes de los gráficos, que significa una mayor tensión bajo carga, las curvas de descarga más rectos y un excelente rendimiento. Para los pilotos se explica más fuertes golpes del acelerador y el rendimiento irreal recto-para arriba. Una excelente noticia para los pilotos en 3D!

Desafortunadamente con otras grandes marcas; números, clasificaciones y gráficos pueden eludieron. Tenga la seguridad, Turnigy nano-técnicos son el auténtico, que ofrece un rendimiento sin igual!

Capacidad: 8000mAh
Voltaje: 6S1P / 6 células / 22.2V
Descarga: 25C Constante / 50C Burst
Peso: 1105g (incluyendo cable, el enchufe y el caso)
Dimensiones: 195x50x55mm
Balance de enchufe: JST-XH
Enchufe de descarga: bullet-5 mm conector

Las ventajas sobre las baterías tradicionales LIPOLY;
• La densidad de potencia alcanza 7,5 kW / kg.
• Menos hueco de tensión durante la descarga de alta velocidad, dando más poder bajo carga.
• Impedancia interna puede llegar tan bajo como 1.2mO en comparación con la de 3mO de un Lipoly estándar.
• control térmico más, paquete por lo general no supera 60degC
• Hinchazón durante la carga pesada no supera 5%, en comparación con 15% de un Lipoly normal.
• Mayor capacidad durante la descarga pesada. Más del 90% a la tasa de 100% C.
• Carga rápida capaz, hasta 15C en algunas baterías.
• Mayor duración del ciclo, casi el doble que el de la tecnología LiPoly estándar.

La tecnología de nano-core en las baterías de litio es la aplicación de aditivos conductores nanómetros. Los aditivos nanómetros conductora forman redes ultra-fuertes de electrones de conducción en los electrodos que pueden aumentar la conductividad electrónica.

Estos aditivos crean la capacidad de imbibición en el líquido portador para suministrar más canales de iones. Esto mejora la capacidad de transmisión de iones y la difusión de iones. A través de la mejora de la conductividad y de iones de transmisión electrónica, la impedancia se reduce y la polarización de la descarga de alta tasa disminuye en gran medida.

  • Capacidad ( mAh ) 8000.00
  • De descarga ( c) 25.00
  • Max velocidad de carga ( C ) 5.00
  • Longitud -A ( mm ) 195.00
  • Altura - B ( mm ) 50.00
  • Width-C(mm) 55.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-12


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Allen | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Apr 23, 2016

I am using this with a Sky Hero Spy 750 Y6 and I love the performance of this battery. I get a full 12min flight with one of these lipos. Very powerful and high quality battery. My setup: t-motor mn4120 kv400 motors, 1755 T-style Tarot props, hobbywing x-rotor pro 40a ESCs, Naza-m V2 w/ GPS flight controller. With this lipo loaded my Y6 weights around 4.7kg.

SilaS | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 15, 2015

I ordered 4 of this item, want to use it in pair. 1 has in first cell 0 ZERO VOLTAGE! Opened and RMA RMA #188380 - Order #20012435185.
NOBODY ANSWERED IT! I know, that once I will fell in this by HK, but I think till it is UNFAIR!
Next to it, the working one pair needs more cycle to produce well and give out the marked energy. The earlier 6000 and 5000 packs works better.

willoz | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 24, 2015

excellent rapport qualit prix. bien appair

ANLUCAS | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 09, 2015

These 8000mah nano-techs are excellent. THey deliver a true 20C without voltage drop. Excellent for large EDFs in 12S.

Luigi | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 27, 2015

Received 2 batteries of this type, and both had 3 cells undervoltage. Shame because the price was a great deal (perhaps a bad batch?). Requested a refund.

Antonie_Kruger | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jun 26, 2015

I purchased 4 of these for a big hex project. They arrived in a week after order. They were well packed and seemed OK. On first charge I noticed that, without exception, every pack has a runt cell. One of the cells would not charge to full voltage in balance mode. Up to 0.3V lower than the other cells in the pack. I've charged these batteries for the 5th cycle today. 2 of the packs seem to be dying whist the other 2 seem to be charging all cells to capacity. I think these were the last LiPo's I'm buying from HK.

Stipe | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 09, 2015

Ordered two of them, one LiPo's cell is damaged readings are:
1: 4.06
2: 4.20
3: 4.08
4: 4.01
5. 4.00
6. 4.01

discharged two times, charged again and same result, another lipo is just fine...

Brad G | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 08, 2014

Some of the best batteries I've ever used. I got 2 of these to use in parallel in an s900, got 18 min of normal flight (not just hovering either) with 2 of these in parallel with a fully loaded s900 with GH4 cam and gimbal, probably 17-18 lbs AUW, minimal voltage sag, end voltage under load was 21.6V, only 0.002V difference between cells, and the rest voltage after a few minutes of idle time was 22.2V (3.7V/cell), phenomenal. I'll definitely buy more of these later, much better than the big 20,000 or 21,000 mAh 6S1P batteries for the s900 or any big multicopter. I also recommend looking into the Turnigy Multistar 6S 10,000 or 16,000 mAh packs also available here, if the 10C rating is not an issue for you, those seem to have very good reviews too. Hope this helps other people with the choice of batteries.

Undermoose | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 24, 2014

I purchased the 8000mah Turnigy Nano-Tech LIPO battery to power my Freewing SU-35 which has upgraded motors/fans. It does a fine job meeting the 160amp draw for 3.5-4.5 minutes of flight. The only criticism I have of these batteries is that the wire lead is only 10gauge so I had to upgrade them to 8gauge for my high draw configuration. It's working great. Thanks HK!

__Okdi | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 08, 2014

I have 20 charges down now and cell difference is still as low as 0.002V (2mV)! This, after discharging (flight) AND after charging. I consider this as a very good value! Discharge current is around 120Amps max on a pair of WeMoTec ducted fans (mini EVO) and 2W27 motors. Cell impedance is at 3mOhms according to my charger (Hyperion, the big fat one). Ordered 2 more now and hoping they will perform the same. Maybe I should mention that I discharged/charged it for the first 6 times at very low rates (2C disc./0.6C chg.) - it is said that this measure helps prolonging the battery lifetime significantly. Seems to be true when I look at my older batteries.

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