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Turnigy Reaktor 120 DUO 2x120W (240W) Cargador de Equilibrio CA/CC (enchufe de EE. UU.)

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Turnigy Reaktor 120 DUO 2x120W (240W) Cargador de Equilibrio CA/CC (enchufe de EE. UU.)


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137,25 €
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1 year warranty
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La gama de cargadores Turnigy Reaktor es conocida por su gran potencia y tamaño diminuto. El Turnigy Reaktor 120 DUO se ha apegado a esta fórmula, pero ahora incluye una fuente de alimentación de CA incorporada para complementar su entrada de CC y viene con dos salidas de 120W.

Este cargador / descargador de equilibrio de alta potencia puede proporcionar tasas de carga de hasta 12A y manejar hasta 6S LiPo / LiFe / Li-Ion / LiHV o 15S NiCd / NiMH con precisión. El Reaktor 120 DUO no solo ofrece una capacidad de tasa de carga súper alta, sino que ahora cuenta con carga de almacenamiento, carga / descarga cíclica, memoria de 10 parámetros de carga, verificación de resistencia interna de la batería y opciones de corte de espuma. Además de una toma de carga USB.

El Turnigy Reaktor 120 DUO tiene una salida dual y es una excelente solución de carga para las baterías de sus modelos RC.

• Sistema operativo optimizado
• Equilibrio de celdas individuales para la descarga de la batería
• Adaptable a varios tipos de baterías de litio
• Modo rápido y de almacenamiento para baterías de litio
• Carga / descarga cíclica
• Modo Re-Peak de baterías NiMH / NiCd
• Almacenamiento / carga de datos
• Control de voltaje de terminal (TVC)
• Medidor de batería LiPo
• Máxima seguridad
• Límite de corriente de carga automática
• Límite de capacidad
• Umbral de temperatura
• Límite de tiempo de procesamiento
• Opciones de resistencia interna de batería y cortador de espuma

Voltaje de entrada: CC 11.0-18.0V, CA 110V o 230V (interruptor manual)
Potencia de carga: 2x120W (240W)
Potencia de descarga: 2x10W (20W)
Corriente de carga: 0.1-12.0A
Corriente de descarga: 0.1-5.0A
Corriente de equilibrio: 500 mA / celda
Recuento de células LiPo / LiFe / LiIon / LiHV: 1-6
Recuento de celdas de la batería NiCd / NiMH: 1-15
Voltaje de la batería Pb: 2-20 V (1-10 celdas)
Memoria de datos de la batería: 10 perfiles
Peso: 1200g
Dimensiones: 180x139x60mm

1 x cargador
1 x manual
2 cables de carga XT60
2 x adaptadores XH para equilibrar
1 x cable de alimentación

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Marco | Comprador verificado

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Great Alternative To The More Expensive Ones

Aug 06, 2022

Like the title says, half the cost and performs just as well. Only downside is you cannot set discharge voltage threshold per cell. No biggie though. Highly recommended!

tru | Comprador verificado

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very good experience.

Apr 27, 2022

very good

Thomas | Comprador verificado

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Damaged out of the Box

Sep 14, 2021

The worst charger I have bought. Doesnt work out of the box and obviously a returned item. Once plugged in doesnt do anything. Total waste of money Bought a Venom Pro quad to replace this.

Joe | Comprador verificado

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Nice Charger easy to use.

May 01, 2021

My first charger but seems to work well and was easy to use. Charges my 4s batteries for my Xmaxx quick and keeps them ballanced

Matt | Comprador verificado

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Great Charger!

Mar 20, 2021

I have had a programmable turnigy charger for the past decade. I absolutely love the interface and the capabilities. I bought this one to add the ability to charge two batteries at the same time and also the convenience of it's integrated power supply. It is already getting tons of use.
My only suggestion would be to find a way to fit the LiPO cell balancer into the facing of the product, but I have no idea what the circuit path and spacing looks like internally.

WD | Comprador verificado

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Quality issues

Feb 27, 2021

This charger works very well, until it starts misfiring !
This is my third one , the first two developed issues while still under warranty, Hobby King send me replacements very quickly and without any questions, so this is a great peace of mind, big Kudos on their service and the way they handled these issues.
The third one is working very well, but I have only used it for a very few times, with the pandemic our park at first was closed off and now I can only fly on Sundays, the ones before were also used very sparingly, I have only two 6 cell 5000 mah batteries, they get a full charge in about 30 minutes, which is very good.
This charger is very easy to use and works very well, until it decides to call it quits, sooner rather than later. But the warranty and service from HK is great, I'll keep buying from them. Perhaps other folks have had better luck, don't know !

Bob | Comprador verificado

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Great charger

Dec 04, 2020

Really handy to charge two batteries at once. Nice controls, solid value.

WD | Comprador verificado

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Go for it !

Mar 08, 2020

Although I had problems with this charger, like error reading the number of cells on the lipo battery, fan coming on and off intermittently, one charging port decided to not work and the other acting up as well, I have to admit I wasn't happy with this particular unit, after I got in touch with HK they immediately replaced the unit with a new one, delivery was super fast and they stayed in touch with me throughout the process, I must admit that their service dept. was courteous an highly efficient, I was very happy with it.
The second unit has worked flawlessly, does its job well and charge my 6S 5000 mah batteries very well, in about 35 to 40 minutes, from 3.8v to 4.2v each cell (balance charge) with all cells being almost equally charged, no problems here. Now, from full charge to storage charge it takes a long time, but so do most other chargers. So far the unit is working as it should, its case is rugged and durable, all necessary cables come with the unit. Price is very good and their service department has been top notch I can only recommend this charger should you be in the market for one.

Dave | Comprador verificado

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Working well for me

Mar 05, 2020

I've cycled and charged a bunch of my lipos and NiMh batteries in the days since I received this charger. It is a big upgrade from the basic charges I've used for the past 2-1/2 years. I can easily gauge the health of my batteries and no longer have to wonder if the balance charge is being done correctly on my lipos.
The unit is pretty heavy and the fans are not that quiet - not a problem for me. The case seems solid and I hope it continues to perform well for years. I'd buy this one again.

Mouhamed | Comprador verificado

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Feb 09, 2020

Very sola powerful

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