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12x7 Turnigy Ultra-Light madera hélice (1 unidad)

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12x7 Turnigy Ultra-Light madera hélice (1 unidad)


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hélices Turnigy están hechos de madera ultra ligero. mecanizada digital (CNC) y acabado a mano. La gama de propulsores Turnigy son bien equilibrado y fuerte y ligero.
Todo Turnigy Prop se primered y lacado dos veces para asegurar una vida larga y brillante acabado brillante suave que ayuda a reducir la fricción y el ruido.

Ultra alta relación resistencia / peso.
la alineación de grano punto de ruptura prolongada.
Ruido bajo
balanza de precisión.

  • Diámetro X ( pulgadas ) 12.00
  • Y de paso ( pulgadas ) 7.00
  • Rotación CCW

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-13


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Michael | Comprador verificado

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Feb 17, 2022

Great props well balance

adrianmol | Comprador verificado

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Great propellors

Jan 17, 2022

I now use Turnigy Ultralight Wood propellers in all my electric plans. They look very attractive on the model and perform well.

AEROBATIC | Comprador verificado

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unbeatable price prop

Aug 30, 2021

I use this Prop on a SG Spacewalker II, Propdrive 5060/380KV on 6S. The curved blades help to reduce noise on full throttle.

ognyan | Comprador verificado

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very nice

Jul 28, 2021

Ready to use. I would scribble the trailing edges a bit so that two sharp exiting edges near to one another to form the airfoil. Not necessarily.

James | Comprador verificado

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Wooden propeller

May 12, 2021

Very good overall, balance almost spot on. I always use a du bro prop balancer

Fredking | Comprador verificado

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Not bad

Nov 11, 2020

Not balanced and it has a 5mm hole!

Steve | Comprador verificado

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Great propellor

Feb 12, 2020

As described, lightweight, quality prop at a good price. Works well, sounds smooth. Replaced the carbon prop on a Tundra and it pulls and sounds better.

Alfred Brenner | Comprador verificado

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Good Quality

Oct 21, 2019

Good quality

Abo Soud | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 27, 2015

wasn't sure at first how good these are so I ordered few pieces from different sizes and man I was wrong the quality and weight of these props is good for your electric plane. I'll buy more for sure

__milo | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 28, 2015

its for electric engines, and I don't think it specifies that on the description.

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