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Turnigy ™ TGY-MG930 DS / 3,6 kg MG Servo / 0.14sec / 26g

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Turnigy ™ TGY-MG930 DS / 3,6 kg MG Servo / 0.14sec / 26g


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El Turnigy MG930 es un doble rodamiento de precisión servo heli.
Una elección excelente y un ajuste perfecto para su HK-T500!

Peso: 26g
Dimensión: 36.2 * 15.2 * 28.7mm
Par de arranque: 3,6 kg / cm (4,8 V) - 4,5 kg / cm (6,0 V)
La velocidad de funcionamiento: 0.14sec / 60 grados (4.8V) - 0.11sec / 60 grados (6.0V)
Tensión de funcionamiento: 4.8-6.0V
Rango de temperatura: 0- 55deg
Servo enchufe: JR (JR y Futaba adapta)
  • Servo Par ( kg ) ( min . 0,01 kg ) 3.60
  • Servo Velocidad ( Sec / 60 grados ) 0.14
  • Servo A ( mm ) 33.00
  • Servo B ( mm ) 36.00
  • Servo C ( mm ) 30.00
  • Servo D ( mm ) 15.00
  • Servo E ( mm ) 50.00
  • Servo F ( mm ) 20.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-11


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QuadFinger | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 01, 2014

Good servo for the money, solid, good centering.

Florian | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jun 26, 2014

Habe die Servos im 500er Paddelheli an der Taumelscheibe im Einsatz.

Kann bisher nur gutes berichten, auch nach mehreren hundert Flgen kein merbares Spiel im Servogetriebe.

Fr den Preis ist das ein wirklich gutes Servo fr Paddelflieger.

Mike | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 12, 2014

These servos are great for the price, sometimes they're jitter because of the grease they use, it's all clumped up in there. I got 3 new style and one old, the new is definately an improvement with metal rim to heat sink. I took it apart cleared the old grease out and put syth grease in, it works very well on my HK-500.

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 17, 2014

These servos are the best bang for your buck. They perform very nicely and aren't too noisy. They center properly and have great resolution. I would recommend these to any casual flyer. I'm using these on my T-Rex500 clone.

zmanphx | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 31, 2013

I bought 4 of these servos for my trex 500 clone. I always get a spare just in case. I had two test flights on the heli without issues. I run these at 6 volts with BEC. I discovered on the bench that 2 of the 3 cyclic servos had an intermittent stutter or lurch overshoot and then come back to position. This happens on the full end of each swing intermittently. I then tested my spare servo and it had the same issue with the stutter but even worse, it froze and would not move unless I move the servo arm. I researched on line and some have had this same issue. I thought it was a 6 volt issue. I tested this also at 5 volts with servo tester and got the same results. This would be too risky to fly with on a 500 size helicopter and have it glitch during full swing servo throw.

zmanphx | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 31, 2013

I bought 4 of these for my trex 500 clone for cyclic. I always get an extra servo as a spare. 2 of the 3 cyclic had an intermittent stutter or lurch when testing on the bench full swing in each direction with servo tester and when plugged in to my orange RX running full collective in both directions. The stutter or lurch always happens on the far end of the servo swing in either direction. One cyclic servo had the stutter more frequently than the other servos. The servos had only 2 flights on them. I tested my spare new servo and it had the exact same stutter and at one point froze with no movement until I move it manually. This could be a dangerous in flight especially on a 500 size .

| Comprador verificado

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Dec 25, 2013

Stosunek Ceny do Jakosci Bardzo Dobry Polecam Daniel !!!

Cabea1977 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 09, 2013

timo dervo, ideal para helis clesse 500, para voos 3D e esporte pois responde a altura.


Climber48 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 17, 2013

I don't received yet, but I see how it work in a my friends heli and seems great. So i decided to buy one to test it myself

Michael2 | Comprador verificado

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Mar 15, 2013

Alle 3 Servos im HK500GT. Alle 3 Servos nach 1 Stunde in der Neutralstellung festgefressen. So fest, dass man sie nicht mahe bewegen kann. Schleichend whrend des Flugs. Nach ffnen der Servos fand ich innen kein Schmiermittel, es war wie eine schleifende harte Paste. Alles gereinigt mit neuem Fett drin und Test! Aber das Alugetrieberad sollte ersetzt werden, denn genau das ist der wunde Punkt. Alle anderen Zahnrder haben berlebt. Wenn also euer Heli seltsam anfngt nach recht oder extrem nach links zu schwenken, ohne Grund, dann macht mal die Servos auf fr 18,24$!
1 Stunde Testlauf und ein bischen Schweben fr fast 60$.

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