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Velocidad de la chimenea Para 30cc-50cc motor de gas (plata)

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Velocidad de la chimenea Para 30cc-50cc motor de gas (plata)


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Velocidad de la chimenea Para 30cc-50cc motor de gas (plata)
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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 09, 2012

Denne er for fed, men sjovt nok er den ik billig. en 1/2 tresser med fragt??

simon.castle | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 18, 2012

This is a much much nicer item than the plastic FTL one. Inside diameter is bigger at 18.5mm, The inside bevel where it meets the carb is smaller at about 2.5mm and at 45 degrees Overall height is 23mm, Outside diameter of mouth is 33mm, weight 18g

As can be seen from the pic the curved mouth is much bigger and smoother, so it may work better.

Oh and the base is flat and not warped like the plastic ones.

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