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Juguetes del WL V944 Cielo Voyager CCPM helicóptero de 6 canales Flybarless listo para volar de 2,4 GHz

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Juguetes del WL V944 Cielo Voyager CCPM helicóptero de 6 canales Flybarless listo para volar de 2,4 GHz


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26,90 €
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El V944 es un canal de paso fijo 4 helicóptero flybarless y es una máquina fantástica embalado en una miniatura listo para volar paquete.

El V944 está equipado con un giroscopio de 3 ejes que asiste al piloto en la estabilidad de vuelo. La cabeza del rotor flybarless está diseñado con ponderadas palas del rotor principal para la estabilidad adicional, mientras que los sistemas flybarless permite a la cabeza del rotor CCPM a ser sencillo para la configuración sin problemas y reparación.

El 6 canales 2.4 GHz transmisor tiene un fácil leer la pantalla LCD y se puede conmutar entre los modos de palo con el control deslizante en la parte frontal de la caja.

El V944 es adecuado para folletos heli inexpertos y experimentados por igual y no defraudar con su capacidad de respuesta.

Para aquellos con experiencia y tiempo de vuelo con helicópteros coaxiales y un Rotor Head es una progresión ideal hacia el mundo de los helicópteros del paso colectivo.

• Sistema de control giroscópico de 3 ejes
• Flybarless sistema de rotor
• Sistema de protección de energía de corte automático
• 6 transmisor de 2,4 GHz canales con pantalla integrada LCD
• El interruptor de "Easy Control" para la formación invertida
• Cargador de baterías incluido

Longitud: 240 mm
Altura: 93 mm
Rotor de diámetro: 249mm
Peso: 28g
Rango: 80-100m
Batería: 3.7V LiPoly (1s 300MAH)

El paquete incluye:
Helicóptero 1 x 4 canales V944 WLToys Flybarless
1 x Transmisor 6CH 2.4G w / LCD
1 x cargador USB
2 x LiPoly Batería para el helicóptero
1 x Conjunto de piezas de la hoja principal
1 x lámina de la cola de repuesto
1 x Accesorio para módulo de repuesto

4 pilas AA para el transmisor

  • Capacidad ( mAh ) 0.00
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Y. | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 16, 2015

my revieuw was too short. up yours, its like hobbykings service. time after time i buy crap here. the helicopter in question doesnt fly, it only has throttle. the 6ch transmitter only gives one command; throttle. jeeej. cost me more on shipping then the product cost, and agreed, i shouldnt expect much at this price, but cmon, at least it neads to work as advertised. Knowingly selling broken products is called SCAMMING.

tychau | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 12, 2015

I have bought two of this helicopter.
The first one I received was not function-able. One of servos cannot move up or down, but the motor was always running. Another servo was jammed, hardly to move up or down. Besides of this, both provided batteries were in low voltage, could not charged up.
Hobbyking Refund to me, And I bought the second one. I picked up the helicopter yesterday. The helicopter still had the same problem. Both servos were jammed, could move up or down several times, but I could smell of burning plastic. The linear servo was in terrible hot, I used a thermometer to check the temperature, the temperature raised to 48 C and due to limitation of the clinic thermometer, it stopped rating. For my surprise, on the bottom of the helicopter, there was a label Q18 and with a "cross" on it.
Don't waste time and money on this helicopter.

Brian | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 09, 2015

I would suggest to everyone not to buy this heli. Out of the box the right stick on the transmitter will not work and the servos will jam. I have flown helis before and this one wont even get off the ground. And when you try to send it back they will ask for videos/photos of the problem and make you pay for shipping back again on a faulty product. Very poor. Will be taking my business elsewhere and telling the other hobbyists to stay away.

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