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XT150 de carga rojo plomo w / 6 mm Oro Conectores- y Negro (1 unidad)

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XT150 de carga rojo plomo w / 6 mm Oro Conectores- y Negro (1 unidad)


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XT150 cable de carga w / conectores de oro de 6 mm - Rojo y Negro con conectores de 4 mm para adaptarse a la mayoría de los cargadores, 280 mm de longitud total.

IMPORTANTE: "Estos no son los enchufes XT150 copiados baratas Estos tapones XT150 Nylon originales, fabricados por AMONTONE, pueden manejar más de 150A de corriente durante períodos prolongados sin exceder 80DegC gracias a su mejor superficie en contacto con el tapón es también menos probable deformación o fusión.. en comparación con los tapones de copiado no Nylon XT150 ".

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Eric | Comprador verificado

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Sep 25, 2019

works like a charm and the fitt is good.

XAVIER | Comprador verificado

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Sep 03, 2019


Nobis | Comprador verificado

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sehr gut

May 16, 2019

Preis Leistung paßt

ausreichend | Comprador verificado

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sehr gut

May 16, 2019

Brauchbar, Preisgünstig

Nobis | Comprador verificado

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sehr gut

May 14, 2019

Super Qualität zu dem Preis

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 19, 2015

Very satisfied.

And it is well used....

Fidelity | Comprador verificado

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Sep 18, 2014

The problem with these new connector types is the lack of standards. Motionrc (dotcom) sells batteries with XT150 connectors and the batteries have the barrel ends. They also sell charge plugs with two plug ends...which works perfectly from my point of view as you can't accidentally plug the batteries positive and negative port together.

Hobbyking sells this charge plug which is decent quality...but they use barrel for the negative and plug for the positive...which means I had to replace the negative connector on the two charge plugs I purchased. Not a big deal but the wire used in this plug is also pretty small so you can't pull on the wire to snap the plastic case into position without breaking the wire. If you're like me and want to replace the negative so both ends are plug types, use a 3mm allen screwdriver to press the barrel connector into the perfectly and will not put stress on the wire. Also, make sure you put the cover on the first before soldering the plug as it's a lot easier to install from the button vs the top.

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