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40C ZIPPY Flightmax 4000mAh 6S1P

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40C ZIPPY Flightmax 4000mAh 6S1P


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Zippy baterías Flightmax proporcionan la capacidad completa y dada de alta, además de ser los mejores baterías de valor en el mercado! No importa la aplicación que tiene en mente, baterías Lipoly zippy son una opción ideal.

Capacidad: 4000mAh
Voltaje: 6S1P / 6 células / 22.2V
Descarga: 40C Constante / 50C Burst
Peso: 690G (incluyendo cable, el enchufe y el caso)
Dimensiones: 147x50x44mm
Balance de enchufe: JST-XH
Tapón de descarga: Bullet-conector de 4 mm

  • Capacidad ( mAh ) 4000.00
  • De descarga ( c) 40.00
  • Max velocidad de carga ( C ) 2.00
  • Longitud -A ( mm ) 147.00
  • Altura - B ( mm ) 50.00
  • Width-C(mm) 44.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-12


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Danny | Comprador verificado

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Great battery

Jun 13, 2019

Great value for the money, I will continue to use these in my freewing edf f16 .

Gogster2k | Comprador verificado

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So far so good!

Jun 13, 2019

I got a pair of these LIPOs for my Align TREX700e and they are performing very well so far. Plenty of power for aerobatics, etc. Time will tell as to their durability and stability.

Sral | Comprador verificado

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Guter Akku

May 08, 2019

Guter Akku mit normaler Leistung. Betrieben mit emax GT4030 Motor und 15x10 Master Airsrew Propeller. Ergibt ca. 65A und der Akku wird nur lauwarm. Aber deutlicher Spannungsabfall in den ca. 6 Minuten Flugzeit zu spüren.

Hamlett | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 16, 2015

A fine batt on pre check all cells ok and has a real kick very happy

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 24, 2014

Hm hab 2 bestellt 1 lipo war wirklich perfekt kein drift super niedriger innenwiederstand 2 ohmen Wahnsinn.

Aber der der andere lipo,war nicht so prall 1 Zelle kam nach dem Laden nicht ber 4.10volt selbst nach 90min balancieren nicht. Habe keinen Ersatz bekommen da der Spezialist vom Kundendienst via Chat der Meinung ist das der Akku ok ist ... Wirklich enttuschend vom Kundendienst irgendwie vergessen die das da mehrere tausend Euro im Sack sind wenn son lipo den Geist auf gibt ....

valbg | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 25, 2014

My acrobat 1.60 m Flights to withstand 10 minutes with her. Very good quality for a low price compared to others.

UGLYPUG | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Apr 26, 2014

I just purchased 2 of these batteries from the USA warehouse. I only received one, and the one that did come, has two bad cells! After jumping through all the hoops and sending pictures and two hours on the computer, they agreed to send me two new batteries, but, they are showing back order, but when I look on the website, it shows plus ten balance! I am almost done ordering batteries from HK. Their quality control on batteries has plummeted, and the warehouse supervision is lacking! I am now buying the more expensive, but getting twice the performance and life, batteries from 2 dog RC! And, quality control is outstanding! If they had not shown back ordered for batteries in stock, I would not have posted this, but, that just ruined my attitude towards their customer service. Tell me they will replace them, but, then make me wait claiming back order, when the website shows ten plus batteries! I love most of their products, but batteries are poor quality.

fatboyfreak | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 06, 2014

I purchased 2 of these a few months back. theyve been thru a few too many crashes and yet they charge and ballance out each time. I charge em at 1c and no more. im not a smack down pilot, but I can run my bird thru the sky. running this lipo with comp sdk motor from HK along with CC edge 100, 10 amp bec, 12 tooth pinion and get about 6 min with throttle curve at 89 flat.

Pitts | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 18, 2013

Great Batteries. All balanced within .01V. Going in LX Giant Kittyhawk. Thanks Hobbyking...

ysnr36 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 29, 2013

Trs bien pour un Logo 500

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