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90mm EDF JET w / Air Retracts (Version Camo) (PNF)

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90mm EDF JET w / Air Retracts (Version Camo) (PNF)


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259,99 $US
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Un très grand jet EDF qui offre de superbes performances, énorme présence à la fois sur l'air et sur le sol et d'être un PNF, une construction rapide. Il y a beaucoup de puissance sur le robinet de la combo V2 1770kv / ventilateur de 90mm, lorsqu'il est utilisé avec un 6s Lipoly, la capacité de mouche lente est aussi la courtoisie impressionnante des volets de pré équipée, mais qui ne sont pas ce que ce superbe jet recherche est tout au sujet, haute vitesse et haute manevoeverability sont le nom du jeu!

Ce modèle dispose d'un empennage tout déplacement ainsi que d'un gouvernail et des ailerons, qui, combiné avec l'unité EDF poids léger-vol et une forte poussée, devrait satisfaire même les plus exigeants des pilotes. Air escamote, de bonne qualité servos, un énorme 100A ESC tous les ajouter à une solution fiable et facile à vivre avec un grand jet. Ceci est une recherche de grande taille EDF modèle très intéressant qui va impressionner tout le monde lors de votre prochaine réunion du club!

Envergure: 923mm
Longueur: 1436mm
Charge alaire: 100g / dm2
Voler Poids: 2200g
Channel: 6ch
Moteur: 1770kv 3674 Brushless Inrunner avec dissipateur (V2)
ESC: 100A
Servo: 9 x 9g
EDF: 90mm

Votre propre 6ch Tx et Rx
Batterie 3700mAh 22.2V 6S 25C

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abagnalejr123 | Acheteur vérifié

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Mar 13, 2013

The EDF unit that is supplied with the kit is brittle & will shatter in the first 3 minutes of full power use (I'd done some research and was expecting this, so purchased this kit on the understanding that it would need replacing). What I was not prepared for, however, was the sub-standard quality of the retracts and struts. The springs are not strong enough to lock the gear in the down position, hence the nosewheel collapsed on the first landing. ALSO, the struts have been "downgraded" from the ones that are commomnly found on this model. It would seem that in an attempt to save weight, to make the newer air retract units work, the nice "turned aluminium" struts I was expecting, were absent. In their place was a lightweight wire nosewheel strut, and tubular main stuts, with absolutely no spring suspension incorporated whatsoever. Completely unsatisfactory. Because of the lack of suspension, the shock forces are transmitted straight to the retract mounts, which will fail if not strengthened.

abagnalejr123 | Acheteur vérifié

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Mar 13, 2013

The EDF unit that is supplied with the kit is brittle & will shatter in the first 3 minutes of full power use (I'd done some research and was expecting this, so purchased this kit on the understanding that it would need replacing). What I was not prepared for, however, was the sub-standard quality of the retracts and struts. The springs are not strong enough to lock the gear in the down position, hence the nosewheel collapsed on the first landing. ALSO, the struts have been "downgraded" from the ones that are commomnly found on this model. It would seem that in an attempt to save weight, to make the newer air retract units work, the nice "turned aluminium" struts I was expecting, were absent. In their place was a lightweight wire nosewheel strut, and tubular main stuts, with absolutely no spring suspension incorporated whatsoever. Completely unsatisfactory. Because of the lack of suspension, the shock forces are transmitted straight to the retract mounts, which will fail if not strengthened.

guitarPlaya | Acheteur vérifié

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Customer Rated

Aug 04, 2012

Maidened this morning! Excellent! Fast agile nimble. Slats and flap exciting no electronic or mechanical issue truly PNF!

guitarPlaya | Acheteur vérifié

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Aug 02, 2012

OK! Got it today. Out of box. Nickle size 3mm deep divit and inside flap hinges Unglued left wing. Easy fixes. Comes. With decent instructions and CG. rugged electric retracts. Will inspect all electronics run voltage and current checks on motor and esc program esc for 3.7 cutoff voltage. Insure all servos center without chatter or buzz.set end points to conservative degrees.. Set dual rate and expo to restrictive values. For leisure maiden. Increase values for sport flying over time. Limit flight to 2mins on 4k 6s 20c turnigy flight pack

| Acheteur vérifié

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Apr 24, 2012

ok plusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplus

Martin74 | Acheteur vérifié

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Apr 11, 2012

- EDF broke while testing outside the plane due to poor balance of the fan, motor shaft also bend and broke

- Air retracts with air leaks (joints between tube and valve)

- Steering gear need rework its not reliable

- Poor paint finish

- Without instruction manual (cg point ? throws ? )

PeterVau | Acheteur vérifié

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Jan 19, 2012

18-01-2012 Just got this Camo F-16 and it is an awesome kit and plane! Excellent painting, parts fits - a great design effort to do everything very well. This version now has air retracts, which probably work totally fine, but I will change them out to servoless (HK-312's I think). The nose gear do not use a servo on the leg, but now it is in the body and uses a pull-pull wire system for steering. The tail box blocks and collars do not bind as in earlier versions. The landing gear looks strong, it is sprung (oleo's?). It basically looks like Starmax fixed all the prior version shortfalls. If you are thinking about this plane, stop thinking... BUY it, you will love it.

Tartago | Acheteur vérifié

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Dec 29, 2011

Very nice big jet.

I fly mine using a nano 5000 6s, no more than 3min or the battery will puff. the EDF is very hungry.

I changed the mini air retracts with mid size servoless retracts and now it works much better.

I needed to add a BEC because the supplied ESC is opto.

Remember to isolate/cut the red wire coming from the ESC to the Rx. I had issues due to the BEC fighting with the ESC for servo control. I almost throw away the ESC.

Flying is very easy. I even landed with just one elevator half. Better reinforce the elevator plastic bushing that secures it to the fuse. I put a strip of thin ply on top.

For landing keep some speed (20pcnt) and she will land like the real thing.

Remember to give some height to the front LG. Mine was all equal and the plane took 100' to suddenly jump into the air. I gave 1cm more and problem solved.

I installed a lighting system for the looks.

nicola | Acheteur vérifié

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Nov 13, 2011

1)Consiglio non mettere i missili sotto le ali per il collaudo 2) carrelli scarsa qualit sostituire 3) spiegazioni del baricentro batteria sbagliata lento e molto pesante in volo 4) non mi sono fidato della ventola l'ho sostituita con quella della freewing. Da qui il mio giudizio negativo

Sean | Acheteur vérifié

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Oct 25, 2011

Bought this (the grey one) a few weeks ago & just finished putting it together. Have not got a 6 cell yet so no ESC test but i tested the motor with a 3 cell & worked so a working motor is always good. All servos working.
No instructions on how to fill the air retracts so unsure if they work yet but look strong as its all alloy & metal.
The only real down side to this product that i can see at the moment is the wings & tail fin glue on so when its together then thats it..thats the size it stays.
Taking it for a test flight at local field in 6 days provided lipos arrive.

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