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Catégorie: Drones

The Armattan Rooster 5” Quadcopter


Before I get into this review, I’ve got a confession to make.

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Posté sur: Feb 19, 2018 | Posté dans: Drones

Self-flying drones have arrived - but do we really need it?

When drones were introduced into the world, they were a revolutionary technology that had so much promise, in technology, photography, sports and entertainment.

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Posté sur: Feb 20, 2018 | Posté dans: Drones, Featured Articles

Mattel Announces Jurassic World Pterano-Drone

Over the weekend at the New York Toy Fair, Mattel announced a large range of new Jurassic World merchandise to coincide with the release of the upcoming film later this year.

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Posté sur: Feb 21, 2018 | Posté dans: Drones, Featured Articles

Worlds first hands-free planted using drone technology

Researchers from Harper Adams University and Precision Decisions in the United Kingdom have just announced that they have successfully planted, grown and harvested crop using nothing other than robot tractors and drones.

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Posté sur: Feb 27, 2018 | Posté dans: Drones, Featured Articles |Étiquettes: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

High Fashion Meets RC World at Fashion Week!

Two things I never thought I’d be saying together in the same sentence: RC world and high fashion.

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Posté sur: Feb 28, 2018 | Posté dans: Drones, Featured Articles, General News

How to Balance a Prop

Balancing a prop is one of the most important things when building a multicopter or a plane.

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Posté sur: Mar 5, 2018 | Posté dans: Drones, Featured Articles |Étiquettes: Beginners

Drone Tech Now Being Used for Insurance Claims

We’ve previously reported the use of drone technology in a number of different industries.

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Posté sur: Mar 6, 2018 | Posté dans: Drones, Featured Articles |Étiquettes: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

Passenger drone debuts at SXSW in Austin

South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, Texas has always been the go-to conference for tech startups and tech giants alike to share their latest innovations.

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Posté sur: Mar 13, 2018 | Posté dans: Drones, Featured Articles

BMW Teams Up with Drone Racing League

Drone racing is an emerging sport that people are continually invested and interested in.

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Posté sur: Mar 16, 2018 | Posté dans: Drones, Featured Articles |Étiquettes: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

Postal Drone Crashes on its Maiden Flight

Everyone loves a good hobby crash fail story. Last week there were reports out of Washington DC that a security guard robot fell into a water fountain and truthfully, we have only just stopped laughing about it.

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Posté sur: Apr 5, 2018 | Posté dans: Drones, Featured Articles
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