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Catégorie: Planes

My experience with the Durafly EFX Racer has been a really good one. It’s fast, stable and a real adrenaline rush to fly. Here are five of my favorite things about this out-of-the-box speed devil. 

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Posté sur: Jan 25, 2021 | Posté dans: News, Featured Articles, Planes |Étiquettes: HobbyKing, Electric RC Plane, RC Sport Plane

Back-For-Grab: Check out what RC planes are back in stock at HobbyKing. Electric ww2 planes to balsa kits. Act now. 

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Posté sur: Jan 22, 2021 | Posté dans: News, General News, Planes |Étiquettes: HobbyKing, Back-in-Stock RC Planes, RC Planes

The FAA delivered a final rule on the  Remote Identification for Unmanned Aircraft on December 28, 2020. But what does that really mean for us? Here is everything you need to know broken down into bite-sized sections.

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Avro Lancaster Photo from History Net

The Avro Lancaster: some may know her purely for the menacing yet elegant design, while others may know her as the most successful heavy bomber in World War 2; and then there were those who regard the "Lanc" as the single greatest factor contributing to the Allied victory over Nazi Germany.

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Posté sur: Jan 15, 2021 | Posté dans: General News, Planes, Educational |Étiquettes: HobbyKing, Lancaster V3, RC Warbirds, WW2 Warbirds

Can you fly RC planes during winter? The answer is yes and in fact, winter flying can be much more enchanting and rewarding compared to flying in the warmer seasons. However, the detriments of the cold season must be prudently accounted for, otherwise, you will be digging your own grave. Here are 5 things you should be aware of when flying in the cold.

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Posté sur: Dec 31, 2020 | Posté dans: Planes, Beginner, Educational |Étiquettes: HobbyKing, RC Planes in Winter, Winter RC Flying

Whether you are learning to fly on your own or have a coach, you will need to be mindful of these five (commonly overlooked) areas if you want to become a successful RC pilot. In no particular order (as they are all equally important) these are Wind, Orientation, Speed, Altitude, and Over Control.

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Posté sur: Dec 29, 2020 | Posté dans: Planes, Beginner, Educational

Want to find the best RC plane for yourself or for your family and friends? Well, look no further! To cap the year off, here are HobbyKing's top 10 best-selling RC planes in 2020. From trainer planes to scale models and from warbirds to EDF jets, which one will you add to your hangar?

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Posté sur: Dec 28, 2020 | Posté dans: General News, Planes, Beginner |Étiquettes: HobbyKing, Top RC Planes, Best-Selling RC Planes, Best RC Planes

You have probably tried (in vain) to remove the thick crusty layer of oil, the muck, and the lacquer off your glow engines - however, they just won't budge. Don't worry, we have a simple formula to rectify all your wasted efforts. In this blog, we will look at what works and what doesn't when it comes to cleaning out your glow engines.

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Posté sur: Dec 23, 2020 | Posté dans: Cars, Planes, Boats, Beginner, Educational |Étiquettes: HobbyKing, Glow Engine, Nitro Engine, Cleaning RC Engines

Looking for some special offers in the UK? We're offering these featured RC Planes, Batteries, and Tools exclusively for our British hobbyists.

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Posté sur: Dec 22, 2020 | Posté dans: Battery, General News, Planes |Étiquettes: Only in the UK Offers, batteries, accessories, HobbyKing

Everyone has heard about the Wright brothers and their status as the "God Father" of modern aviation. However, how much do you actually know about them? Here are 7 fun facts about the Wright brothers which you probably didn't know.

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Posté sur: Dec 16, 2020 | Posté dans: General News, Planes, Educational |Étiquettes: HobbyKing, Wright Brothers, Wright Brothers Day
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