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P-51D Shangri La 1600mm EPO w / escamote électriques, volets, lumières (PNF)

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P-51D Shangri La 1600mm EPO w / escamote électriques, volets, lumières (PNF)


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250,07 $US
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Ceci est une grande Warbird de mousse! Être Plug-N Fly il est un modèle de construction rapide emballé avec suffisamment de fonctionnalités et de détails à l'échelle pour faire de ce un oiseau, vous serez fier de posséder.

Fabriqué à partir de mousse EPO, ce modèle est pratique, malgré sa taille, une aile amovible d'un peice fait pour faciliter le transport, même la queue peut être un-vissé si désiré. Les escamote pré-équipés servos et électriques sont tous pré-étiquetés faisant champ montage rapide et simple. Il utilise le genre de 4s paquets qui deviennent très courant maintenant sur les grandes foamie de, les chances sont, vous avez déjà un peu votre flightbox. Le moteur de pré-équipée a beaucoup de pouvoir pour les acrobaties de Warbird échelle ou tout simplement mitraillage votre domaine de vol!

détail d'échelle est tout simplement superbe, tout comme les décalcomanies pré-appliqué, les caractéristiques comprennent pré-installé électrique escamote / tailwheel, il y a l'échelle très 4 prop pales et spinner, feux de navigation, sortie du radiateur réglable, réservoirs largables, moignons et des fusils d'échappement moulés . Les volets garder la vitesse d'atterrissage droit vers le bas, ce modèle n'a pas de tendances de décrochage de pointe de Warbird méchant, il flotte juste comme un entraîneur. Si vous avez jamais imaginé posséder un Warbird mais ont été rebutés par toutes les histoires que vous avez entendu parler entre eux étant «difficile» de voler, c'est le modèle pour vous!

Envergure: 1600mm
Longueur: 1400mm
Voler Poids: 2800g
Moteur: 45-58 Brushless
ESC: 80A w / BEC
Prop: 16x6 Quatre lames
Servo: 9g x 4, 17g x 2
Rétracte: Electrique Type Servoless
6 Channel (thottle, aileron, profondeur, direction, rétracter, volets)

Tout le matériel
Instruction Book

A besoin:
Your Own 6 canaux TX / RX
Batterie 3200mAh ~ 4000mAh 4s Lipoly
Mousse colle sûre
* S'il vous plaît noter, en raison de la taille de ce modèle, il sera expédié à double boîte pour arriver en bon état
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RCNut | Acheteur vérifié

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Customer Rated

Feb 08, 2014

I bought this over a year ago and only recently had the space to fly it so just finished putting it together. I replaced the retracts and ESC as recomended in the forums and added oleo legs to soften the landings. With a 4000mA 4S lipo I couldnt balance it at the published COG of 110mm then I learned the CORRECT COG is 140mm. Maidened it last weekend and all went well with just a couple of notches of trim. Flys smoothly and easy to land. Tends to nose over when taxiing on grass (even with full up elevator) due to the position of the undercarriage but otherwise a nice looking and scale flying model.

chris | Acheteur vérifié

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Customer Rated

Nov 04, 2013

Took ownership of this big bird recently and very impressed although haven't flown yet. Fairly easy to assemble, it says 95pcnt of the work is done for you but what they don't say is they have left you the most fiddly bits to finish it off. Connecting the tailwheel to the rudder was no easy task and requires tiny fingers and patience! but nonetheless it is a fantastic looking warbird others have said is relatively easy to fly, just waiting for a nice day to try it!

david | Acheteur vérifié

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Customer Rated

Jan 31, 2013

purchased this plane begining jan 2013 found out the esc would not work sent it back to hobbyking they received it on 15th jan it is now the 30th jan still have no esc , borrowed a esc off my friend with hopes of flying this model, only to find the elevator servo would not work at all plus one aileron servo was useless the retracts worked three times then one of them stopped working at all so i have to send all these items back and wait for replacements judging by how long it takes to get things sorted i may be lucky to fly this plane by summer (I DONT THINK SO ) TOTALLY dissgusted i will just put the plane in cupboard and totally forget about it as it is rubbish the customer service leaves much to be desired WILL NOT BE BUYING ANYTHING ELSE OFF HOBBYKING EVER AGAIN AND WILL PASS ON MY EXPERIENCE TO MY FELLOW FLYERS IN MY CLUB

KENKING | Acheteur vérifié

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Customer Rated

Jan 07, 2013

got my 1st flight today and it fly's very smooth it looks well and fly's well no bad points only the grafits could be better, the p51 will fly very slow for scale looking it sounds good as well 1 of my mates has now got one and 2 moor lads at the club are going to order, lipo im useing 4s 5000mh 35c from hk and it's fine, very happy for the price.only 4 crowns for the graffits but the aircraft 10 out of 10.

gotasuby | Acheteur vérifié

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 16, 2012

Huge p51,Havnt flown it yet but looks good. Good support in to wing/tail. Retracts are weak though. Takes a few hours to put together and I recommend hinging all the control surfaces.

BOGEY | Acheteur vérifié

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Customer Rated

Sep 13, 2012

esc not connected to the engine,that was a bitch..afterwards found engine ran backwards,had to go in again..forget the instructoins,they are useless. still canot figure out the tail wheel some cable,but here again no instructions..not a good job of putting on decals. .canopy not glued to cockpit.hope to fly it soon..not for a beginner

BOGEY | Acheteur vérifié

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Customer Rated

Sep 04, 2012

The esc had never been conected to the engine.that was a bitch to fix.The instructions are a joke.the plasic canopy was not fastioned to the cockpit.other than that,it is ok.

legrosboss | Acheteur vérifié

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Customer Rated

Sep 01, 2012

Bonjour , je vais vous commendez un P-51D Shangri La 1600mm EPO w / lectrique se rtracte, Volets, Lights (PNF) (DE Warehouse) si vous voulez bien regard si le manuel du mode d'emploi est bien dedant

wattwind | Acheteur vérifié

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Customer Rated

Aug 18, 2012

Great model, I have put strobes in the gun barrels.
After flying it regularly for 12 months with only one spill.
I've put a sound system in it as it has so much room in that huge fuse.
As a result I'm now upgrading the motor to pull the extra weight.
This model is so versatile & a pleasure to fly.

68protouring454 | Acheteur vérifié

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Customer Rated

Jun 19, 2012

where can i buy a fuselage? also need propeller replacments and nose cone, please let me know where i can buy these replacement parts, even if its not from hobby king

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