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Pilatus PC-6 EP Balsa 1300mm (ARF)

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Pilatus PC-6 EP Balsa 1300mm (ARF)


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93,03 $US
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Le PC-6 est l'un des mondes de l'avion le plus important en raison de sa combinaison unique de capacités STOL, excellente et de la puissance économique de son moteur à turbopropulseur, une bonne capacité de charge et la capacité incroyable d'être en mesure de décoller et d'atterrir dans certains des mondes les plus bandes d'air éloignées et difficiles, il est littéralement une bouée de sauvetage et une bouée de sauvetage.

Le HobbyKing PC-6 vous permettra d'explorer beaucoup, le Flying traits Pilatus est célèbre pour, ultra courte décollage et atterrissages lents, lents, ainsi que ce soit un beau modèle d'échelle de taille pour voler tous les jours. Comme l'avion grandeur, le modèle est bien conçu, bien construit et robuste.

Le modèle dispose d'ailes de plug-in pour le transport facile, une trappe de la batterie magnétique et facilement accessible et une roue arrière orientable. Un pack complet et détaillé dur-ware est inclus ainsi qu'un livret photo d'instruction.

Matériel: Pré-Couvert Balsa / Ply
Envergure: 1300mm
Longueur: 920mm
Poids à sec: 550g
4 canaux (gaz, ailerons, gouvernail, ascenseur)

A besoin:
Your Own 4ch RX / TX
35-36 ~ 35-46 Outrunner moteur brushless
4 X 9g Servo
2200mAh 3s 20c Lipoly Batterie

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| Acheteur vérifié

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Sep 10, 2014

Fluegelflaeche 22dm2 (Rumpf miteingerechnet) Hoehenleitwerk ca. 4.5dm2 gesamt: ca. 26,5dm2 Damit sollte man nicht ueber 1600g kommen. Der Rumpf ist sehr fragil aber gut konstruiert gemacht. Ich moechte in den grossen Rumpf einen leichten Behaelter fuer Zuckerlabwurf einbauen, sollte sich bei geschaetzten 1100 - 1200g Fluggewicht ausgehen.

Das Fahrwerk ist scale, werde aber ein eigenes verwenden.

Das Modell macht einen guten Eindruck und ist schoen ausgefuehrt

VITASLOVAKIA | Acheteur vérifié

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Jun 17, 2014

Mali ste na mysli: Bohuial priiel mi skrten trup. Musel som strhn poah na opravova. Chba hlavn nosnk. Ostruhov koliesko nie je mon namontova tak ako je to vyroben. Podvozkov kolieska s nerealisticky zke a mal vhodn skr na detsk kok. Ale asi je to mern cene.

Unfortunately lost my twisted trunk. I had to strip away the coating and repair. Missing the main beam. Spur wheel can not be mounted as it is produced.
Bogie wheels are unrealistically narrow and little more suited to the stroller.
But perhaps it is proportional to the price.

eu-cust | Acheteur vérifié

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Jun 04, 2014

First of all, i do hard landings quite often...
This plane is fantastic in flight : not fast and able to flight very slow !
I use the printed setup but with a 10*6 propeller.
Not even put the wing struts.
The undercarriage is the hardest part to build. Putted alu in place of the wood to fix it under the fuse and spring struts on the side. Don't forget to add a brace in the fuse between the UC fixation.
An another tip is to reinforce the fixed part of the rudder and stab.
On a very hard landing, the UC went up and all the side crushed. I put a plywood inside, a new brace and no more problem.
The CG is ok with the 3S-2200 just behind the firewall.
After these mods (and putting decent wheels), this plane will teach you how to do good approaches and manage throttle.
even basic aerobatic is doable !
Building and covering quality are good. Nose cowl is superior fiberglass. Only some scratch and not broken on mine.
When i'll do good landings, i"ll buy another to have it clean to everyday relax flying !

dave | Acheteur vérifié

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Dec 16, 2013

Very happy with my porter, did have to change the undercarriage as the supplied broke on first take off run ! Now have a carben fiber with 2 & a half inch blow up wheels as again the supplied wheels wouldn't allow enough speed for take off on grass ! Also wing struts fixings broke after a few riggings & de rigging so now don't bother with them as they are not structural (only for scale show) - also fitted a rudder snake as I couldn't work out how the supplied closed loop system was supposed to work with the fittings that was supplied with the kit, instructions very vague.
Fitted a turnagy 35-48 900 kW motor with a turnagy plush 80a esc & a seperate ubec running x2 2200 3s in connected together to give 4400 mah 3s & have plenty of power & duration. Had to modify the motor mount drastically to allow it to fit inside the cowl - also meant that the battery's had to be mounted centrally so a new tray for them was made. All in all a lot of work but the general standard of the plane is good just the fittings bag could do with a higher standard.
Flys well but watch out for that stall at slow speeds if no flaps fitted & when in tight turns it can drop a wing.
All I all I'm very happy with my finished porter.

No Nukes Here | Acheteur vérifié

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Mar 14, 2013

Converted mine to nitro using the HK AP .15 engine and 20CC fuel tank. Had to add extra ply to firewall and cut out part of front deck to get tank to fit. Also had to locate battery in fuse behind the wing for correct COG. Hacked 2 HK shock absorbing landing gears and reinforced top gear with brass tube crossmember. (Mods are on RC Groups).Used 3" low bounce wheels. Have not mounted cowl but with some mod it should barely fit. Don't suggest you add nitro engine because of all the mod time involved. Flies a little fast with this engine but handles well in the air. Holding together fine after 5 flights. Instructions could be better but you will figure them out if you have built before.

Dave | Acheteur vérifié

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Customer Rated

Feb 28, 2013

Kit looks nice but was missing tail wheel assemble and a few other pieces. Contacted hk and got the run around. They want me to send pics of the box and all the pieces. Would be nice if they just sent a good customer the 3 dollar wheel. I would have paid shipping as they could have just added it to a future order But I paid for one to finish the kit low class service

Saso | Acheteur vérifié

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Customer Rated

Feb 05, 2013

Surely a nice plane with a good price, but never in DE stock ! You'll never get the whole plane. In my package - missing: the wooden parts, front glass, tail wheel (whole), screws, etc.. Then they suggested me to buy another plane and then I'll have spare parts.

viflyer | Acheteur vérifié

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Dec 09, 2012

I ordered two of these and just received the first one. Pretty much what I expected from the reviews, EXCEPT for one thing. The RED covering has some kind of extrusion marks on it that looks like BAD uniform hanger rash. ALL the red covering has these marks/scratches and it ruins the finish of this little plane. Looks like they used a DEFECTIVE roll of red covering at the factory and of course HK just sold the planes this way. I am always hoping for the best, but it never seems to end with these people

simdaddy | Acheteur vérifié

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Customer Rated

Jul 17, 2012

continuation from above.......what stumped me out completely was figuring out how to install the cables for the rudder, mainly because of the MISLEADING, ERONEOUS PICTURE on item 10 on the 3rd leaf of the maual. BEWARE THE RUDDER CABLES UTILISE 2 SLOTS ON THE SIDE OF THE FUSELAGE WHICH NEED TO BE SLICED FOR USE, THE MANUAL DOES NOT INDICATE THIS ANYWHERE, INSTEAD SHOWING AN ERONEOUS PICTURE WHCH SHOWS THAT THE PERSON INSTALLING THE AIRCRAFT IN THE MANUAL WAS LOST. The Turnigy 9x was used so I had to figure out how to get flaps plus flaperons plus the elevator mix ...I managed it with 1 spare mix unused ... THE 4 CROWNS ARE FOR THE MISLEADING ERONEOUS PICTURES IN THE MANUAL , THAT'S JUST CARELESS. end of part one.

simdaddy | Acheteur vérifié

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Customer Rated

Jul 17, 2012

This is the first part of my review on this aircraft, part 2 will come after the maiden flight.

First of all I was satisfied with the look and packaging of the craft,however the bolts for securing the main wings were missing. I approached the build from the wings which had to be recovered due to the complexity of my flap apparatus using the same setup of the ailerons to house the servos and flap hinges. One of the suggested motors (PRODUCT ID: NTM3542-1250), required some modifications to fit the onto the nose fixture. Windows were added using clear plastic after cutting and re-ironing the covering edges (fairly easy). The main landing gear was obviously modified, using the oleo from some spare (PRODUCT ID: OL-LGEARSET), also re-enforcing the fuselage inside with a piece of 6mm carbon fibre, sloted to fit snug onto the gear attachment fixture. Wheels , dubro 2.25" smooth rubber wheels placed upon hobbyking metal rims(PRODUCT ID: 22858), by the way, these HK wheels say rubber but they're foam, they simply tear off when trying to remove The 2 semicircular pieces for the bottom of the landing were attached using 2mm bolts and nuts as opposed to self tapping screws. Tail wheel used was PRODUCT ID: OR025-01101, with obvious, somewhat major modifications to the empenage to fit. Normal pin hinges were used throughout except for the flaps. By far what stumped me out comp

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