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HobbyKing® ™ Junkers JU-52 1200mm (PNF)

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HobbyKing® ™ Junkers JU-52 1200mm (PNF)


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The Junkers JU-52, or "Iron Annie" as it was nicknamed was originally developed as an Airliner and transport and served in Germany from 1932 until 1945, unsuprisingly, it was pushed into military service and was even used as a medium bomber for a short period. So succesful was the JU-52 that licence built version's were still being used as a civil and military carrier right up to the 1980's. The H-King JU-52 is a model of the Lufthansa operated aircraft regularly seen at airshows around Europe and is painted in the historical 1936 Deutsche Lufthansa scheme.

This superb scale Plug and Fly model is simple to assemble with the motor, ESC and all servo's pre-fitted. The single motor has more than enough power, the out-board props are just for effect and spin easily, the prop wash from the main motor is enough to spin them up, this configuration was chosen to keep the model simple, light and capable of excellent flight times. The JU-52 is very practical, it features a 2 pc removable wing that is simple to wire up as there isn't a spiders web of ESC wires to hook up, a steerable tailwheel for excellent ground handling, rubber tyres for durability and most importantly, it is made from tough EPO foam.

The finish on HobbyKing® ™ JU-52 is excellent, the full corrugated effect skin adding to it's scale appearance. Scale flight is what this superb looking model is all about and this is where the Junkers excels, a combination of 4 channel control and light wingloading means this model can be flown slowly but with authority, it is another unique and exclusive model from HobbyKing® ™ for the scale enthusiast that will stand out at any flying field!

Wingspan: 1200mm
Length: 820mm
Flying Weight: 700g
ESC: 20A w/BEC
Servo: 9g x 4
Motor: 900kv 3128 Brushless Outunner

Your Own 4 Channel TX/RX
1800mAh~2200mAh 3s Lipoly Battery

  • HobbyKing® ™ Junkers JU-52 1200mm
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| Verified Buyer

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 25, 2015

This model arrives with motor in trouble.

I cant achieve specs because manual is old and has no information I need. I dont like of two props fixed and the motor alone doesn't work.

| Verified Buyer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 27, 2015

Really cool plane, goes well with my ME110. Have added motors in the wings easy job as all the wiring tunnels are moulded. Also added flaps so it flies really slow, and have repainted it in the 'Where eagles dare' winter camo. Lookout for the video coming soon

aussie stevo | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Oct 08, 2014

Lovely scale looking plane to look at but has nasty wing tip stalling tendencies which broke the propellor on landing
My advise is to fly this plane on near full power in low wind conditions
All in all I would give this one a miss unless you just want a nice looking ornament for the shelf :(

aussie stevo | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Sep 14, 2014

Average flyer tends to drop wings if you don't stay on its more a no to light wind flyer but does look the part in the air very scale looking
Wne together fast enough very solid under carriage the supplied hingers for the contol surfaced were no require the foamed hinges work fine.
Broke the main middle propeller on a cross wind landing but as everyone keeps saying no spares ??? How can you do this to us hobby king please give us a solution here?

digitalkafka | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

May 12, 2014

Die Kritik, was die Flugeigenschaften anbelangt, kann ich nicht teilen. Mit einem 3S 2200 Akku stimmt der Schwerpunkt und die JU fliegt vllig problemlos.
Dass Decals sich lsen, ist wahr. Ab und an drberstreichen, fertig... oder lackieren. Das Flugbild ist klasse :)

metalguy | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Jan 22, 2014

I recently bought this plane and modified it for use with three hobby king donkey 1550 kv motors, instead of the original single motor, and huge prop. I also stepped the ailerons, installed flaps, (also stepped) and stepped the elevator. To do this, I used hinges from a 1.4 meter FMS Stuka dive bomber. I used 10 amp ESC's for the motors, and the rest of the model is stock, minus the stickers, as they were coming off right out of the box. This plane flies well, but is roll sensitive, so not a beginner's plane. I found the instructions ok, and the hardware also was adequate for the job. I enjoy flying this scale model immensely! Nice plane.

Jeferson | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Oct 29, 2013

I bought the JU-52 a few months ago and I can tell it was a great ARF to put together. From the beginning I didn't want it in the Luftansa colors so I found out a Luftwaffe color scheme (from the Create operation) that I liked and got to work. I added 2 extra motors (you can find how to do it on the files part), operating flaps, repainted the bird, added detail cockpit including pilots and finally created the stickers myself. In the end it became a beautiful plane. You can check some photos at the "files" part. Have fun!

Jeferson | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Oct 28, 2013

Great ARF! I bought the plane for I wanted to convert it to 3 motors and paint it in Luftwaffe colors. So, I installed 2 additional motors (see files for a "how to do it", plus added pilots in the cockpit, flats and painted in the colors of the Crete operation. See files for the the pictures.
Great job HK. It was fun to build and fun to convert it to something else!

DerKai | Verified Buyer

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Aug 21, 2013

Die Qualitt ist dem Preis entsprechend man darf nicht zuviel erwarten.
Aber sie fliegt schn entspannt mit Halbgas bei Vollgas ist sie eigentlich viel zu schnell fr ihre Gre. Irgendwelche negativen Flugeigenschaften sind mir bisher nicht aufgefallen. Starten und Landen auf Rasen wrde ich besser lassen, die Ju hat schne Gummirder und ein stabiles Fahrwerk aus Stahldraht aber reit gerne samt Halterung aus dem EPO.
Damit sie auch gut aussieht habe ich meine mittlerweile auf 3 Motorigen antrieb umgebaut und mit Ju52 Scale Probs ausgerstet.

Jannes | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Aug 03, 2013

While it is a nice looking plane, it is still made in China.
The stickers are peeling off from the moment you unpack it.
After the assembly, which was tedious because the instructions are incomplete and unclear, the plane just didn't want to stay in the air.

One small crash on long grass is all it took to take this thing out of commission.
Now I'm left with an overheating battery and a RX/TX. Great.

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Customer files
Converting JU52 to 3 motors Download [1294]
In Luftwaffe colours Download [336]
Luftwaffe Colors Crete Operation Download [3032]
HK Ju 52 Mod. Download [1440]
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