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1/10 Quanum Vandal 4WD elettrico che corre carrozzino (ARR)

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1/10 Quanum Vandal 4WD elettrico che corre carrozzino (ARR)


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Colpire la strada sterrata non è mai stato così facile con il nuovo 1/10 Quanum Vandal 4WD elettrico che corre carrozzino quasi pronto per funzionare! È infatti già pre-assemblato con elettronica già installati. Sarà sufficiente aggiungere la tua trasmettitore 2CH / ricevitore e la batteria LiPoly.

Il telaio Vandal è leggero ma rigido, che offre una perfetta combinazione di leggerezza e resistenza. Inoltre, è dotato di un robusto sistema 4WD albero condotto fornendo un sacco di coppia sia per la ruota anteriore e posteriore. Una frizione antisaltellamento regolabile protegge della trasmissione e ingranaggi in metallo anteriore / posteriore differenziali. Nessun sistema di trasmissione a cinghia richiede manutenzione ordinaria disordinato con questa configurazione!

Questo quasi pronto per l'esecuzione corretta include 1/10 ruote buggy, pneumatici di mescola morbida per una maggiore trazione e maneggevolezza, nonché una, scocca preverniciato perfidamente stile. Inoltre, con funzioni quali sospensioni completamente regolabili, shock petroliferi pieno e regolabile camber / ricino, è facile per mettere a punto la corsa per le condizioni della pista preferita o colpire posto.

• Quasi Ready to Run - Basta installare il proprio sistema radio e la batteria
• posizioni di montaggio camber regolabile, caster e d'urto
• basso centro di gravità design dello chassis
• sistema 4WD albero guidato
• frizione antisaltellamento regolabile
• anteriore Metal Gear / differenziale posteriore
• shock petroliferi riempita
• pneumatici mescola morbida per una maggiore trazione
• pre-verniciato e rifinito scocca w / foglio decal incluso
• Motore pre-installato, ESC, e servosterzo


Lunghezza: 415 millimetri
Larghezza: 255 millimetri
Altezza: 142 millimetri
Passo: 275/280 millimetri
Rapporto di trasmissione: 11.2: 1
Hex Hub Formato: 12mm
Batteria Vassoio Dimensioni: 142x46x24mm (MAX dimensioni della batteria)
Motore: 3650 12.5T 3000kV Trackstar
ESC: 45A Trackstar Brushless ESC con HXT connettore 4 millimetri

il trasmettitore e il ricevitore 2CH
batteria LiPoly 2S 3000 ~ 4000MAH

  • Quanum Vandal 1/10 4WD Buggy
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Tyler | Acquirente verificato

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Jul 04, 2016

I bought this buggy thinking what have I got to lose for the price, boy was I surprised when I get a super durable awesome handling machine! I run mine on 3s and it is stupid fast!! The ESC says 3s up to 13.5 turn but I can tell you the 12.5 turn motor with the stock gearing is fine, even running in 95 degree Atlanta heat. Put some 10k oil or so in your diffs for instant handling improvement. I also have ordered and recommend sway bars. This is an awesome RC for the money, and is fully upgradeable. A from me! (Occasional cogging but doesn't bother me as I just bash.)

| Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 04, 2016

This buggy is awesome, and own associated products as well. Capable of 3s even in 95 deg. Atlanta heat. Super fast, handles great, 10k oil in diffs and swaybars are first things to upgrade, even better, also is durable.

Gary | Acquirente verificato

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Jun 24, 2016

Just got my Vandal today, and WOW what a fun buggy! I'm running a Turnigy 2S 5000mAh 60c lipo, and it's a blast!
I double checked the screws, wheels, etc... to make sure it was good to go, and it was perfect.
I added a receiver and battery in less than 5 minutes and was driving it around in no time!
I have read other reviews, and there have been complaints about the shock shafts bending. I took it off some big jumps and flip/crashed quite a bit, and the shocks are just fine, so maybe they changed suppliers.
I do plan on changing out the shock fluid though, the stock stuff is too "bouncy"
for me. I also plan on running some 30K weight gear lube, as these come with a pretty generic grease.
Overall, this buggy is an OUTSTANDING car for the money. I will definitely be buying two more!

drayclay1000 | Acquirente verificato

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Apr 21, 2016

Just got my buggy not too long ago, it is Great! Very good deal, Just make sure to tighten down everything and you'll be good to go

povlhp | Acquirente verificato

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Oct 07, 2015

Was recommended this as the best beginners RC offroad car. It is great. Drives very fast, goes around 50 km/h on 2S, not tested on 3S. It is stable, does not easily flip over.

On my 2nd run, I hit a large stone and need to take front apart. Not sure if I need to replace anything, but as recommended elsewhere, I also purchased parts for $20-$30, so I am ready for the parts that normally breaks.

I run it with a Turnigy 20C 5200mAh, good for half an hour on the first session. Not sure why anybody would buy a 4000 mAh to run in this. The 5200mAh is a perfect fit.

jojo47 | Acquirente verificato

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Sep 27, 2015

bonjour,a tous j'ai acheter ce buggy il est vraiment super en plus les pices ne sont vraiment pas cher ,je l'ai reu trs rapidement.merci hobbyking .

Andi_HH | Acquirente verificato

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Aug 20, 2015

Der Wagen selbst macht einen recht guten Eindruck. Wovon ich sehr enttuscht bin bin, ist der Regler und Motor. Ich konnte vielleicht gerade mal 2 Min. in der Grundeinstellung fahren, wovon mir auch laut Live-Chat geraten wurde, als ich nach der Programmierkarte fragte. nach zwei Minuten qualmte der Motor heftig und es kam nur noch ein zucken an die Rder, dann war vorbei. Anfangs tippte ich, wegen qualmenden Motor, auf einen defekten Motor. Jedoch hatte der Regler zustzlich versagt. Mal unter uns: echt traurig!!!!! Habe mir mehr von den Komponenten erhofft. Kauft lieber nur den Kit, dann knnt ihr die Komponenten selbst nach der Qualitt whlen.

Andi_HH | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Aug 19, 2015

Der Wagen selbst macht einen recht guten Eindruck.
Wovon ich sehr enttuscht bin bin, ist der Regler und Motor.
Ich konnte vielleicht gerade mal 2 Min. in der Grundeinstellung fahren, wovon mir auch laut Live-Chat geraten wurde, als ich nach der Programmierkarte fragte. nach zwei Minuten qualmte der Motor heftig und es kam nur noch ein zucken an die Rder, dann war vorbei. Anfangs tippte ich, wegen qualmenden Motor, auf einen defekten Motor. Jedoch hatte der Regler zustzlich versagt.
Mal unter uns: echt traurig!!!!!
Habe mir mehr von den Komponenten erhofft. Kauft lieber nur den Kit, dann knnt ihr die Komponenten selbst nach der Qualitt whlen.

Barry45 | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 08, 2015

Excellent car my grand children love it.

| Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 25, 2015

Just add a battery, install your receiver and you are running this nice buggy. Works great.

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