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900MHZ 200mW Tx / Rx & Camera CCD da 1/3-inch PAL 520TVL

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900MHZ 200mW Tx / Rx & Camera CCD da 1/3-inch PAL 520TVL


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73,80 US$
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12 sistema video Canale 900Mhz Tx / Rx con fotocamera CCD. Grande per i sistemi di FPV in paesi con potenza di uscita RF meno restrittiva.

A differenza di altri sistemi generici, abbiamo prodotto un cablaggio e incluso con la fotocamera in modo che il Tx e fotocamera saranno compatibili e la stessa tensione.
Se si acquista la fotocamera e Tx separatamente la polarità spina e tensioni possono essere molto diverse.

1 x SONY CCD 1 / 3inch Camera
1 x 4 canali 900Mhz trasmettitore video (200mW)
1 x 900Mhz 12 canali Ricevitore video

Spec fotocamera.
Dispositivo di immagine: 1/3 pollici Sony Super HAD CCD a colori
Pixel: 752 x 582 (PAL)
Sincronizzazione: Sincronizzazione interna
Risoluzione orizzontale: linee 520TV
Illuminazione minima: 0.1Lux / F1.2
Rapporto S / N: Maggiore di 48dB (AGC OFF / B / W OFF)
Bilanciamento del bianco: Auto Tracking White Balance
Compensazione del controluce Auto:
Obiettivo: 3.6-6mm
Tensione in ingresso: DC12V
Corrente elettrica: 80MA ± 5MA
Otturatore elettronico: Auto
PAL: 1/50 a 1 / 100.000 secondi
Uscita video: 1,0 Vp ~ p75Ω
Temp di funzionamento .: -10 ~ + 50
Dimensioni: 38 x 38 mm
Alimentazione: 12V / 150mA
FPV Tx Spec.
Canale: 4-Ch, la sincronizzazione AV
Potenza: 200mW
Tensione in ingresso: 12V
Peso: 18g
Dimensioni: 31 x 88 x 8mm
Frequenza: 0.9G 0.910G, 0.980G, 1.010G, 1.040G
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crazycarmaniac | Acquirente verificato

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Apr 28, 2014

First one i orders was wired wrong ans burnt out due to poor wuality control. Got second one under warranty and gives a decent video pic quality but could use due to australian mobile network frequencie 900mhz-980mhz.

Things you might want to consider are
- interferance from aus 3G network
- uses a SMA antenna plug
- tx and rx use 12v and camera is 12v

crazycarmaniac | Acquirente verificato

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Mar 30, 2014

works well but doesn't like being behind hard wood obsticals, definetly needs a better ariel as the stock one cuts in and out constantly

grmis | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Feb 16, 2014

THis is the second kit I buy, and I am happy with them !
Notice that now the receiver has an SMA plug for the antenna (no longer F-type), which is better.

JohanJonker | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Aug 19, 2013

Completed my second run and can safley say this will make 5km with proper antennas.
First run I got 4.4km and the second run made 4.1km due to limited range on the my HK openLRS system..for a budget/cheap FPV setup, this is well worth $$.. Camera at 520tvl is a must have, they arent nearly as bad as everyone makes them out to be..

For this to be of any use at fpv, please replace the lense with a wide angle lense. And the wiptail stock antennas are useless... But there is many option for antennas on the net that will give you proper range.

Unrootz | Acquirente verificato

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Jul 29, 2013

an excellent starter fpv setup. however the transmitter antenna is HUGE and very heavy. The camera quality is really poor also. I would recommend making a di-pole for this. a clover would work but it will have to be really big at 900MHz. the inverted di-pole is pretty easy. each side 3.02" and 180*. made a world of difference. There are videos on youtube on how to make one. but for what it is and the price. I say, excellent value.

HB9FMC | Acquirente verificato

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Jun 07, 2012

Tout bien arriv en suisse... Super produit de prime abord. Qualit de l'image parfaite aprs rglage de loptique. Contrairement ce qu'on trouve sur ce forum, le cble de la camera est mont juste: blanc coter long de la platine de la camera. La polarit 12V du Rx n'tant pas repre, le est au centre. Merci Hobbyking, reste insr le OSD et a monter le tout dans le planeur ...

mike_o | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 02, 2012

Just received the set and did a little testing on board a RC car. Very good video quality - displayed on a HD TV set it's close to that of my HD camera! Range seems to be OK; Using it in GSM 900 country!!!

deadly83 | Acquirente verificato

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May 17, 2012

Very poor product, no docs, no DC adapters, no battery with same plug, no polarity and signal marks in Tx and Camera. And finally doesn't work.

Vladimir | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

May 07, 2012

Received 520P 900 200mW Tx/Rx and 1/3-inch the PAL CCD chamber. Excellent piece. First it was packed so well that even if a parcel would throw about the earth, the equipment wouldn't be damaged. Secondly, all electric connections are executed so that it is not necessary to think at all that where to include. There is no risk to mix polarity of a wire and, thereby to burn equipment. In the third, the weight of the chamber and the transmitter is so small that won't be big load of any plane. The unique shortcoming - the heavy aerial. It can be possible as that to solve this problem. Well and certainly video signal transfer - it is qualitative, without hindrances and on decent distance. Tests while took place in the apartment, flight weather here will be established, I will test in flight on the trainer of "Cessna". Thanks of HobbyKing for fine equipment for FPL of flights!

Bezold | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Feb 24, 2012

Good system for the money. I got rid of the giant coaxial antenna and soldered a 1/4 wave antenna directly to the tx board. That took care of the overheating and lengthened the range a good bit. Camera isn't half bad, again it's what you pay for. Powering the camera/tx off the balance plug of the main battery and the receiver off an extra 3s. Overall a great value. Flies all the way up to the clouds for $65.

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