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Avro Lancaster w / Retracts / Porta sequencer e Bomb Porte 1.300 millimetri (PNF)

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Avro Lancaster w / Retracts / Porta sequencer e Bomb Porte 1.300 millimetri (PNF)


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L'Avro Lancaster è stato uno dei migliori bombardieri di WW2, nati fuori del fallimento della Avro Manchester, Lancaster è diventato il cardine del Comando RAF Bomber, con la sua superba maneggevolezza, estetica e la capacità di assorbire la punizione pesante, la Lancaster era amato da esso è equipaggi. Su 16 maggio 1943, il dispone di 617 Lancaster Squadron è decollato da Inghilterra per eseguire operazione chastise e attaccare il Grande dighe della valle del Ruhr, pochi giorni dopo il raid, il Lancaster e gli equipaggi di 617 Squadron divennero nomi familiari, questo è stato il primo di molte incursioni particolari da parte dei Lancaster. E 'stato l'unico aereo alleato in grado di trasportare bombe speciali come mantenimento, Tall Boy e Grandslam, ironia della sorte il Lancaster è associata con il bombardamento a tappeto, ma è diventato una leggenda a causa di queste audaci incursioni estrema precisione, tra cui l'affondamento della corazzata Tirpitz.

Questa superba Lancaster è un modello in scala elevato dettaglio e indossa la combinazione di colori di "Phantom of the Rhur", che è lo schema attualmente utilizzato sulla BBMF Lancaster, uno dei due soli esempi lasciati volare nel mondo. Realizzata in resistente schiuma EPO, questo plug sorprendente e volare modello è di buone dimensioni ed è perfetto per il trasporto, in particolare in quanto ha collegare le ali, ma è abbastanza grande per avere presenza. Tutti i servi, i motori e ESC di sono pre-installate, rendendo il montaggio semplice. Ci sono tonnellate di dettaglio scala da ammirare, le linee dei pannelli, vetri, armi .303 macchina, scala 3 puntelli della pala (che sono contro-rotanti per il volo regolare e decollare), filatori, i cappucci modellati, l'elenco potrebbe continuare, questo fa rendere il Lancaster più coinvolti in termini di costruzione, ma ancor più soddisfacente!

Il Lancaster ha anche un sacco di funzioni di lavoro, il telaio scala è retrattile ed è legata ad un sequencer per azionare i portelli del carrello, anche il ruotino di coda è in scala. Le porte del vano bombe sono servo azionata e la Lanc anche dotato di alcune bombe a cadere, tra cui un enorme bomba Grandslam! Con tutte queste caratteristiche e servo di, il modello ha bisogno di una fonte di alimentazione RX affidabile e viene fornito con un pacchetto RX 1600mAh 4.8V. Con la sua praticità, dettagli sorprendenti scala, eccellenti caratteristiche di volo e caratteristiche sorprendenti, questo Lancaster è un must per qualsiasi scala e Warbird appassionato!

Plug and Fly - richiede solo Lipoly e RX!
Incredibile Scala Dettaglio
dimensione pratica per il trasporto
Collegare Ali
di potere molto da preinstallati Brushless Outrunner Motors
batteria separata RX per l'affidabilità
Qualità scala Retracts e portelli del carrello gestite da Sequencer incluso
Operativi Bomb Bay Doors
bombe Incluso

Apertura alare: 1.300 millimetri
Lunghezza: 908 millimetri
Peso di volo: 1380g
Motori: 4 x 18 millimetri Brushless Outrunner 1200KV
ESC: 10A x 4
Del Servo: 7 x 9g
Si ritrae: Servoless con scala U / C & sequenziato Gear Doors
Oggetti di scena: 6x4 delle tre pale contro-rotanti
Reciever batteria: 1600mAh 4.8v Nimh

Il proprio 6 canali TX / RX
2200mAh 3s Lipoly Batteria

* Ora confezionato in nuova scatola della gomma piuma con il nuovo ESC di

  • Avro Lancaster w/Retracts/Door Sequencer and Bomb Doors 1300mm
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pejay | Acquirente verificato

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Feb 16, 2013

Tried to fly the plane after extensive repair - see my earlier review but still flies as a stone and crashed again. So I have now thrown it into the dumpster after removing all useable items. I recommend you save your money or buy another flyable plane.

TLmark | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Feb 01, 2013

My Lanc came today and was very nicely packed
And no damage. Very happy.

I hope it goes back in to stock in the UK warehouse soon

david | Acquirente verificato

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Oct 19, 2012

This is a tough one to rate because it is such an appealing plane. Its actually a bizzare mix of sophistication and cheapness!. All the bells and whistles are cleverly executed with inferior parts. The servos are so tiny and weak they are barely up to the task. I upgraded to a bigger Turnigy servo on the elevators. Like most everyone else on this forum my gear doors stall in the opened or closed position. At some point once I see how it flies and if its worth it I may address this but for now it simply means they might fail at any time and too much current is being pulled from the battery pack. I am certain this is not a plane you want to land wheels up! That said all the motors are in perfect synch and the bomb bay sorta kinda closes so it should fly at least once. The appeal is the subject not the execution. Hey HK I would gladly pony up another $200 for a 6 foot version with real components. C'mon guys plug it in the CAD machine and lets see a big boy Lanc!

Ross | Acquirente verificato

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Sep 10, 2012

Not flown mine yet but a few serious build issues ! Bent bomb doors, hinges coming out and the gear door servos stalled in open and closed positions. It was impossible to fix this so I re-engineered the system and used the gear legs to work the doors. Tailwheel mounting broke up on assembly.

Looks beautiful and with some cockpit detailing I can forgive it almost everything.

Why no rudders however - could be fun in a crosswind takeoff !

Jeffrey | Acquirente verificato

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Sep 06, 2012

Finally got my V2 in early August. 4 days form HK to the States! All the packing issues from V1 have been addressed, mine was pristine. The esc issues also, mine work perfectly. Lots of detail, the paint job is superb, far better than most foamies. Still some niggling QC issues - broken gear door hinge, gear door servos buzzing and working intermittently. Tailwheel broke off first time out. I am still playing around with putting a crew in, so I fly it without glazing. Grass take offs need high elevator rates to keep from nosing over. Flight is pleasant and predicable, except the camo works far too well if you get below the tree line. I make long approaches, carrying power all the way til the mains touch and it just about lands itself. The servo and tailwheel issues and the lack of regular spares like props and landing gear are the only gripes I have. And it's a LANCASTER!!!! I have the only one in town.

Jeffrey | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Aug 31, 2012

Waited months for V2 to arrive. Once they were in it was 4 days from HK to the US. All the packing issues of V1 have been addressed, mine arrived without a mark on it. ESC issues as well, all 4 motors worked perfectly the first time. Couple of niggling QC issues with the tailwheel, gear door servos and the bomb doors, everything else perfect. I use a BEC instead of the flight pack, so my lipo has to come much farther forward, but it still balances without added weight. Has a little trouble on t/o with grass, needs high rates on elevator. Landings are a breeze as long as you carry power til the wheels touch. No nose overs on grass. Starting to work now on detailing and such, but the plane is a gem. It looks magnificent in the air. Good bang for the buck.

hydra | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 29, 2012

Recieved V2 well boxed with no transport damage. Un flyable out of the box with severe washin in both wings. Cold bent the wing tips to have an even few degres of washout by eye. fixed lousy controle horns by screwing a self tapping screw through the top of the control sufaces into the horn. After staightening the bannana fins and tailplane and addressing the jittering sevo"s as best i could, off to fly. With the c of g nose heavy at 55mm from leading edge, takeoff was smooth, with steady climb, wings level. Stall with full back stick finally produced a wing drop, easily recoverd. Slow flight showed some loss of aileron authority. Beautifull to land, with good elevator authority to a smooth three point landing. And the Lancaster is redeemed. Although the wing can be fixed, it's unfair to allow this fault through to the public. Cheep is good untill it doesent work, then it becomes expensive.

pejay | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Aug 26, 2012

Nice looking plane with lot's of details. Comes with a large bomb which you can see on one of the pictures but it does not fit anywhere, not in the bombay or anywhere else. And there are two more items, look like a ship steering wheel which I think are 4 bombs to be cut away. The bomb bay holds the battery and there is no fasting for it so be sure to use welcro or otherwise the battery will drop out when you open the bomb bay doors. The motors are not synchronised so at the first attempt of a take off, the plane dansed around on the runway. So be sure to set all speed controls by giving full trollte when connecting battery and then lower down to no throttle when you hear the beeps. After this all motors ran at same speed and take off was easy but climbed very slowly. The plane needs a lot of speed to fly well - it behaves like a stone and need at least half trottle at landing. I tried to land at almost no throttle but id dropped to the asphalt like a stone and broke both landing gears and one prop. You will need a long smooth runway since landing has to be at high speed. Maybe short cut grass would be better. Anyhow it is not a well flying plane - much too heavy so I give only 2 crowns for the good looks and if you buy it, I suggest you hang it in the ceiling as a decoration but a bit pricy for this. Manual is very poor and of course so far there is no spare parts so buy a set

Ross | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Aug 22, 2012

I would love to write a review on the Lancaster - but I can't, because after having ordered the things months ago it has not yet arrived. I contacted Hobbyking yesterday to ask why it was taking so long to turn up - I was told it had been delivered to another country !! Then, I was told they will need another month to investigate if it has been delivered to me, even though I was told by the same folk doing the investigating that it had been delivered to ANOTHER COUNTRY ! Now I am being told the Post Office has it ! With 20 past orders to Hobbyking, totalling nearly $3000 Australian dollars, I would expected another one would just be sent!, not penalised further because Hobbyking's own mail contractor has failed to deliver. Not Happy.

lee_Jones | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Aug 17, 2012

After making over 230 orders with hobbyking, this has go to be the worst kit i have ever bought.

It may look good in the pictures, but parts break off very easily, the wing alignment was a quarter of an inch out and unusable - support say i need to wait for replacement ( still waiting for replacements to arrive after 12 weeks !!!) the ESC's/motors combo must be rubbish as they hunt back and forth on or near full throttle, which would make it impossible to fly, so they also will need replacing - cant ever see me flying this one, and a total waste of money - don't waste your money on it buy something else !

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