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Categoria: Planes

How to Stop Your Propeller Falling Off in Flight

Losing a propeller in flight is a nightmare situation. If you intend to fly another day you’ve got to think quick because you only get one go at it.

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Pubblicato in: Jan 30, 2018 | Pubblicato in: Planes, Educational |Etichetti: hobbyking, propeller, mid-flight, repair, rc plane

Soar Through History with Durafly Bf.109 1100mm

Durafly has finally released the highly anticipated Bf.109 and it's sure to excite.

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Pubblicato in: Feb 6, 2018 | Pubblicato in: Featured Articles, Planes |Etichetti: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

Model Aircraft Maintenance

Model RC Aircraft are subject to punishing extremes that take a toll on the components and the airframe.

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Pubblicato in: Feb 7, 2018 | Pubblicato in: Planes |Etichetti: Intermediate

Everything You Need to Know About Electronic Speed Controllers (ESC)

We take the humble speed controller for granted but it hasn’t always been this easy.

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Pubblicato in: Feb 8, 2018 | Pubblicato in: General News, Planes |Etichetti: Advanced, Beginners, Intermediate

The Art of Balancing an EDF Fan

An unbalanced fan sounds terrible and yet many modellers don’t realise just how easy it is to get a fan to sound like a turbine.

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Pubblicato in: Feb 13, 2018 | Pubblicato in: Featured Articles, Planes |Etichetti: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

Bigger is Always Better When it Comes to Landings

Bigger wheels definitely make life easier when it comes to taking off from grass or a rough surface.

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Pubblicato in: Feb 20, 2018 | Pubblicato in: Featured Articles, Planes

QUIZ: Name That Plane

How well do you know HobbyKing planes? Take our quiz to find out just how much of an expert you really are.

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Pubblicato in: Feb 23, 2018 | Pubblicato in: Featured Articles, Planes

Float Planes, Flying Boats and Sea Planes

Float planes and sea planes conjure up nostalgic glimpses of a bygone era. Some of the most amazing planes of the last century were float planes.

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Pubblicato in: Mar 1, 2018 | Pubblicato in: Featured Articles, Planes

RC Plane Safety Tips

The hobby has many things that we should do and just as many things that we should not do.

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Pubblicato in: Mar 9, 2018 | Pubblicato in: Featured Articles, Planes |Etichetti: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

Becoming a Better Pilot – Landing

Learning to Fly RC can be daunting and many of us struggle with landings.

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Pubblicato in: Mar 12, 2018 | Pubblicato in: Featured Articles, Planes |Etichetti: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate
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