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This guide - as the title says - is a ROUGH guide and offers a basis from which to choose a power train for your model. It is not intended to be a definitive guide but will help you get into the air with performance that will make your introduction to electric RC flying enjoyable.

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Thank you to everyone who participated in June's edition of HobbyKing's Crash Cash. The multitude of entries we received was tremendously amusing and at the same time, nostalgic. We are sure everyone can relate to this bittersweet experience that low-key, makes the hobby that much more ENJOYABLE!

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Pubblicato in: Jul 13, 2021 | Pubblicato in: Notizie |Etichetti: HobbyKing, Crash Cash

Outerzone is... sharing

What is Outerzone? Outerzone is a database containing model RC aircraft plans from vintage or defunct plans. Since 2011, Outerzone is an RC-community-backed site that started mainly as a repository for free flight, control line, radio control, and Round-the-pole airplane plans for balsa models to keep those plans from being lost in time and for future pilots to enjoy. Outerzone.co.uk now has over 13,000 plans for download and regularly receives new plans from the community.

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 Harvard MK IV

In 1964, Bill Stead organized an air race near Reno, Nevada, and the Reno National Championship Air Races were born. Since then, Reno Air Races, officially known as the STIHL National Championship Air Races, takes place every September at the Reno Stead Airport a few miles north of Reno, Nevada with races in 6 classes and demonstrations by airshow pilots.

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Thank you to everyone who participated in July's edition of HobbyKing’s Crash Cash. The multitude of entries we received was tremendously amusing and at the same time, nostalgic. We are sure everyone can relate to this bittersweet experience that low-key, makes the hobby that much more ENJOYABLE!

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Pubblicato in: Aug 9, 2021 | Pubblicato in: Notizie |Etichetti: HobbyKing, Crash Cash

HobbyKing top 5 best sellers for the month of July 2021. See what's trending fefore they're gone.

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Pubblicato in: Aug 9, 2021 | Pubblicato in: Notizie generali |Etichetti: Top 5 Best Sellers, Top 5 Best Sellers July 2021, Best Sellers, HobbyKing

Quando inizi per la prima volta nell'hobby potresti trovare tutti i diversi tipi di aerei RC piuttosto confusi. Forse ne hai già sentito parlare; tuttavia, sai cosa comporta ogni tipo o in che modo differiscono? Ecco otto tipi popolari di aerei RC spiegati per aiutarti non solo a trovare un aereo che soddisfi i tuoi gusti, ma soddisfi anche le tue esigenze.

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Pubblicato in: Aug 10, 2021 | Pubblicato in: Principiante, Educativo |Etichetti: HobbyKing, Types of RC Planes, RC Plane Types, RC Plane Types Explained
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