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HobbyKing Holiday Sale Coupons - Don't Miss Out!

HobbyKing Holiday Sale Coupons - Don't Miss Out!

HobbyKing Holiday Sale Coupons - Don't Miss Out!

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Guide To Starting an RC Gas Engine

Guide To Starting an RC Gas Engine

One of the many great aspects of this hobby is its diversity, not just simply the diverse range of model types and subjects out there, but the diverse ways in which you can power them. Whatever system you choose, however, it needs to be reliable and of course, electric-powered models win that hands down, but when choosing a "wet' system" (uses fuel) you'll want something that you can trust to run and start well and reliably and not need constant tuning and adjusting and this is where the Turnigy TP range of gas Engines is making waves, especially in how easy they are to start right out the box, a sign of a good engine.

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The Durafly Me-163 V2 Optional Gear Release Installation Guide

The Durafly Me-163 V2 Optional Gear Release Installation Guide

Our recently released V2 Me-163 has been well received and with more stock inbound and the optional landing gear dolly arriving in stock, seems like a good time to pen a blog not just on the installation of the system, but a little on the history of it too.

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HobbyKing Crash Cash Winner: November 2022

Thank you to everyone who participated in November's HobbyKing’s Crash Cash. The multitude of entries we received was tremendously amusing and at the same time, nostalgic. We are sure everyone can relate to this bittersweet experience that is low-key, which makes the hobby that much more ENJOYABLE!

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Pubblicato in: Dec 5, 2022 | Pubblicato in: Notizie, Articoli in primo piano |Etichetti: HobbyKing, Crash Cash

Mod Tech Monday - Durafly SlowPoke 1200mm (47.2) PNF Improvements

Mod Tech Monday - Durafly SlowPoke 1200mm (47.2) PNF Improvements

The Durafly slowpoke was developed from the concept of the old Hobbyking "Retro Series" of models that looked to bring old balsa classics from years gone by to the modelers of today in the now well-established medium of EPO foam.

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HobbyKing Crash Cash Winner: October 2022

Thank you to everyone who participated in October's HobbyKing’s Crash Cash. The multitude of entries we received was tremendously amusing and at the same time, nostalgic. We are sure everyone can relate to this bittersweet experience that is low-key, which makes the hobby that much more ENJOYABLE!

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Pubblicato in: Nov 9, 2022 | Pubblicato in: Notizie, Eventi, Articoli in primo piano |Etichetti: HobbyKing, Crash Cash

The H-King Frenzy: A Sports Flying Mean Machine!

The H-King Frenzy: A Sports Flying Mean Machine!

The incredible Frenzy is the perfect all-rounder. With reduced control throws it's a smooth, stable, and remarkably easy to fly airplane that is perfect for the novice or beginner.

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