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Durafly ™ Rare Orso Micro 400 millimetri (PNF)

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Durafly ™ Rare Orso Micro 400 millimetri (PNF)


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78,89 €
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Un super stabile volantino sport in un pacchetto micro! Il Durafly® ™ Rare Orso Micro 400 millimetri arriva il 90% montato a destra, fuori dalla scatola e può essere pronto a volare in pochi minuti.

La costruzione leggera di questo modello, accoppiato con un design collaudato cellula conferisce a questo modello un bloccato nel tatto durante l'esecuzione di acrobazie, lunghi lisci volo a coltello è un gioco da ragazzi. Molti modelli di queste dimensioni sono spesso limitate da servi lineari o componenti a buon mercato, ma non l'orso! con, completamente proporzionali HK-5320 servi preinstallati digitale, un Turnigy ESC e un motore brushless AP05-3000kv la qualità costruttiva è semplicemente fantastico. alettoni completamente a battente sono un altro esempio del perché l'orso si distingue dalla folla. Si tratta di un modello veloce per mettere insieme, il motore ed ESC sono pre-installati, lasciando incollare sulla fascia e cappuccio poi andare a volare!

Le prestazioni sono ovviamente ciò che questo modello è tutto e questo Bear è la cava! L'alimentazione è fornita per gentile concessione del potente motore Brushless Turnigy in esecuzione su 2s, per l'affidabilità di un Turnigy ESC è pre-montato e il servo / ESC connettori sono compatibili con il 4 canali arancione Micro RX (R415). Questo modello potrebbe essere a buon mercato per mettere in aria, ma non fare errore, questo è un modello acrobatico seriamente in grado, solo assicuratevi di prendere una manciata di batterie LiPoly con te quando vai e volare, correre il Durafly® ™ Rare Orso Micro intorno al parco locale è coinvolgente!

Apertura alare: 400mm
Lunghezza: 410 millimetri
Peso di volo: 80g
ESC: 6A w / BEC
Servo: HK-5320 Digital 1.7gx 4
Motore: AP05 3000 kv Brushless Outrunner

Libretto di istruzioni

Tuo 4 canali TX / RX (RX compatibile con 1,25 mm Molex a 3 pin Connettori)
180mAh 2s Lipoly Batteria
colla sicuro Schiuma

Pezzi di ricambio disponibili QUI!

  • Durafly™ Rare Bear Micro 400mm
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Matthew | Acquirente verificato

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Feb 10, 2015

I really like this plane as it looks really good and it is really durable, I also like the power of the motor and the quality of the servos and hinges, the only problem I have had with it is that the motor has broken off of its mounting and wrecking the wires attached to it, I will have to purchase a replacement with a stronger mount but other than that I think it flies well as being a really good durable foam

Alexander | Acquirente verificato

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Feb 08, 2015

I bought the Rarebear with the recommended 180mah 2S battery and no matter where I placed the battery inside the airframe it would not give me a sensible c of g. The plane was always tail heavy and was horrible in the air. After installing a 370mah 2s in the nose I have managed to get the plane balanced and now have it flying very well. For the its small size it flys very fast and is extremely manoeuvrable in the roll axis especially.
I have replaced the motor with a NTM 1312 after the stock motor managed to develop a wobble after a rough landing, the NTM seems alot smoother but power seems fairlysimilar.

ripcurl777 | Acquirente verificato

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Feb 03, 2015

cool little planecool little plane it is super fast.

| Acquirente verificato

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Dec 12, 2014


newcomer | Acquirente verificato

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Dec 11, 2014

SCS EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED has sent you an invoice for 15.39 EUR.
HK should change or revert on previous shippement.
Why always trying to cheat on shippement ?

Tovin | Acquirente verificato

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Dec 05, 2014

Quality is ok for $30 cheap price, I got issues with the elevator servo which is not running smooth. First flight was a disaster as adjusted too much on elevator caused nose down and crashed, broke the tail horizontal wing. After some quick fixed and third flight trim everything went extremely smooth. It can fly really slow as a low wing plane and very stable with light breeze of wind. I was amaze for such micro size plane with such stable flying characteristic, rolls, fast and slow loop is easy. However can feels that 2 cell battery & stock motor is not powerful enough otherwise it could flies even better.

| Acquirente verificato

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Dec 05, 2014

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Sleeektoy | Acquirente verificato

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Jan 01, 2014

Great value plane, however i only flew it 3 times and the metal part of the motor mounting shattered with a very soft touch of the prop on the ground. Flies very well after some decent trimming.

trevpez | Acquirente verificato

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Sep 28, 2013

No they aren't well behaved out of the box.I have sorted mine out. The plane needs a lot of weight up front also the stock aileron throws are set to max, reduce them to minimum. That is still extremely agile. I can fit a 300Mah nanotech in there which helps C o G. Stock motor burnt out straight up, it can't handle full throttle for more than 20 second bursts. I replaced it with a T1811-2900 kv motor with a little modifying. I reduced the prop to a 4530 GWS [ to keep amps down].
Now it is a missile with blistering roll rate and about 4-5 mins of fun

FlyGuyLee | Acquirente verificato

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Sep 10, 2013

Plane arrived in one piece. adjusted CG and checked for straight control surfaces. Then the hand launch. I think that the engine was mounted crooked as the plane veered hard to the right and was uncontrollable through several launches, the last of which bent the prop shaft. So, not happy with the quality control on this beast.

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