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DYS BE1104-4000KV Multi-rotore del motore (nero)

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DYS BE1104-4000KV Multi-rotore del motore (nero)


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DYS BE1104-4000KV Multi-rotore del motore (nero)

Il DYS BE serie di motori sono un equilibrio di qualità, prestazioni e prezzo. Tutti i motori sono dotati di BX integrato un pezzo alloggiamento del motore di CNC e albero di trasmissione rendendo per una luce, forte e compatto.

Il motore multi-rotore DYS BE1104-4000KV è ideale per le piccole (120 e meno) multi-rotori che richiedono un peso leggero, di piccole dimensioni, motori ad alta velocità. Sarà necessario eliche che hanno 3 fori (1 per l'albero e 2 per viti di fissaggio) come l'elica deve avvitare direttamente sulla parte superiore del motore. Questo motore è un partner ideale per le DYS XM10 10A ESC e DYS ABS3020 eliche.

• Per 120mm o più piccoli telai
• Piccole dimensioni (14mm Dia.) E leggero (5.5g)

Rpm / V: 4000KV
Dimensioni (Dia.xL): 14 * 16,5 millimetri
Peso: 5.5g
Albero: 1,5 millimetri
Tensione: 2S ~ 4S (7.4V a 14.8V)
Watts: 81.4W
Max corrente: 5.5A
Suggerita Prop: 3020 (3S 11.1v ~ 4S 14.8V)
Supporto motore Fori: M2 x 9mm
Elica fori di montaggio: M2 x 5mm

1 x BE1104-4000KV motore
4 viti M2x4mm
4 viti M2x6mm

Carbon Fiber Multirotor T-Style Elica 3028 (CW / CCW) (2 pezzi)

Dati di spinta:
Prop V Ampere Watts spinta (g)
3020 11.1 1.1 12.2 50
3020 11,1 2,9 32,2 100
3020 11,1 4,3 47,7 144
3020 14,8 1,2 17,8 60
3020 14,8 2,8 41,4 120
3020 14,8 5,5 81,4 190


Dimension Diagram Guide

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Ray BlueSky | Acquirente verificato

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Oct 01, 2016

I bought a couple of these for micro gliders, all I needed was tiny motor that would run on 2S, the 3020 props are perfect for the job, on 2S the motor doesn't even get warm, I get a good 8 min flight at full throttle using a 2S pack, sounds sweet and quiet, I would recommend direct soldering of the motor wires to the ESC and with UHU por to provide support.
Regards RBS

wesix | Acquirente verificato

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Aug 29, 2016

The motors look good from the outside and inside. good quality housing and windings. motor leads are from motor winding wire, not copper stranded wire, so be carefull when cutting short the wires, they are only tinned to about half length.
running motor at more than 1/2 throttle without load but fixed to a frame shows some high frequency vibrations, so any hard-mounted boards are not recommended.

| Acquirente verificato

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May 03, 2016

awesome little motors one seems too feel abit strange . I will contact if I have a problem

travis | Acquirente verificato

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Mar 27, 2016

Very unbalanced. I bought 5 for a 140mm quad project and 4 out of the 5 were terribly unbalanced. The motors are so small that they are practically impossible to balance. That being said they perform as advertised.

foster | Acquirente verificato

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Mar 02, 2016

this motor along with the dys high kv esc and the DYS ABS3020 Bullnose Propelers are a awesome setup for a 150 size race quad

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