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F-18 FES 90 millimetri Jet in fibra di vetro 920 millimetri (ARF)

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F-18 FES 90 millimetri Jet in fibra di vetro 920 millimetri (ARF)


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186,48 US$
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L'F-18 è stato progettato come un vettore supersonica per tutte le stagioni aerei da attacco da combattimento / terra base, che è stato un disegno tale successo, la Hornet è volato da diverse forze aeree di tutto il mondo.I F-18 dispone di un elevato rapporto spinta / rapporto peso ed eccezionale capacità di dogfighting per gentile concessione del suo eccellente design arodynamic. Dopo aver costruito una reputazione per la versatilità e affidabilità, così come guadagnare impressionante record di combattimento, l'F-18 Hornet può essere veramente considerato come un classico dell'aviazione.

Questo accattivante modello fa la giustizia F-18 sia in termini di aspetto e le prestazioni, finito nel famoso schema "Jolly Roger", la fusoliera presenta linee dei pannelli ben modellate e modanature scala eccellenti per gli stabilizzatori verticali. L'ala è il nucleo di schiuma / foglio di balsa e le grandi alettoni combinata con la grande coda all-in movimento significa F-18 come maneoverability. Il modello è dotato di fisso sotto-carrozza, ma può essere facilmente convertito in ritrae.

La Hornet è un getto veloce e con il giusto set up, questo modello non deluderà, questo F-18 avrà bisogno di un 6s ~ 8s istituito per ottenere il meglio da essa, ad alta velocità è il nome del gioco, ma altrettanto dipendenza sono "alta alfa" passaggi lenti, una superba volantino e una vera gioia per gli occhi, questo grande Hornet è un must per gli appassionati di getto.

Winspan: 920 millimetri
Lunghezza: 1.250 millimetri
Peso di volo: 2200g
Fan Formato: 90mm

tutto Hardware
Fisso U / C
Unità 90 millimetri Fan

4 ~ 5 canali TX / RX
Motore EDF 35 millimetri Brushless (albero 5 mm)
3 x High Torque MG Mini / Parco Servo
2 x Servo standard
6S 4000mAh ~ 8s Lipoly batteria
80A ~ ESC 100A

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steve | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Jan 05, 2013

Je l ai monte en 10s avec un fan rc lander et esc castle creation. Detruit au premier vol, je crois que mon centre de gravite etait trop tail heavy. De plus mon set up etait trop pesant et rendait l avion bien trop lourde malgre la pousse annonce de 10 lbs par ceux qui m ont vendu l edf.
Voici le video:

jt001 | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

May 25, 2012

Pluses: well done basics such as fuselage, elevators and wing panels.

Negatives: No instructions. Missing many of the required hardware parts to get the model flying. Missing elevator attachment to elevator rode that will connect to pushrod. Cracks on intake ducting that needs repair.

This can easily be made into a fine kit with more attentions to the items above.


MikeExtra300 | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Apr 09, 2012

Great bird, but quality of finish is not really good (can rabble off the paint by fingernail)! And it is heavy!!! Bird is 1670g with 12 blade fan, all together with retracts is 3020g! Dont know how HK is getting always to their low weights?!? Looking forward for first flight!

ken | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Apr 06, 2012

OK OK But how dose it fly Is it worth of being called FAST or is it only like a foam edf so called fast?

pilot-f16 | Acquirente verificato

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Mar 24, 2012

I have receive my today well packed but without manual..where I can find it..does anyone knows where the cg is??

Gary Fong | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Oct 19, 2011

Recommended CG of 9 cm is wrong. Way too tail heavy which caused my test flight crash. I changed it to 6 cm and it flew OK.

fredmaix | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Oct 02, 2011

Very nice jet. The dimensions are good. But the finish is sometimes randomly. The rudders are very heavy. To mount a retractable landing gear, it takes a lot to make changes. The implentation of different elements within the plane requires a lot of thoughts ...

WILLIAM | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Sep 27, 2011

plane arrived poorly packed. fuselage had cracks that i can repair. canopy was cracked very badly. after several emails it became clear that hk would not replace and i was wasting my time. unable to find replacement anywhere. will try to make something. too bad such a nice looking plane has such poor support. last fragile thing i order from hk.

Dinos | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Aug 24, 2011

A few days ago I received the F 18 and I started to construct ,then a notice one eleron is 4 mm shorter than the other! Is the first time I saw such a tragic mistake from HK.
Otherwise everything looks good! for the time........let s see.

Stefano | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Aug 10, 2011

I byu this plane today ,i hope to the fast shipping :P
But f a 18 with this motor Warhead 3545-1850KV EDF ,it's ok for good speed flyng ? f 18 Flying Weight is 2200g and the thrust motor is 2650g ,i dont think sufficent for the plane this motor

Someone fly with motor ?

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