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Fokker Triplane Dr.1 640 millimetri EPO (PNF)

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Fokker Triplane Dr.1 640 millimetri EPO (PNF)


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Questo superbo Fokker Dr.1 è realizzata in schiuma dura EPO ed è non solo ben rifinito, è stato anche molto ben progettata, non richiede colla e può essere montato più veloce di molti modelli monoplano!

Non c'è carenza di dettagli in scala e lo scarlatto profondo vernice e scivolo decalcomanie realmente guardare la parte, il cupolino è in realtà in metallo e ci sono un sacco di bei tocchi, tra cui il parabrezza, le armi e la figura pilota completo con il suo "sciarpa di seta"! Il montaggio è super veloce, tutti i servo di sono pre-installati, come è il motore brushless outrunner e ESC, sorprendentemente, la sezione della fusoliera è completamente pre-assemblato, lasciando a collegare semplicemente le ali, che di solito è la parte più laboriosa di modelli WW1 , non questo Dr.1! L'allegato ala è veramente veloce e semplice, in realtà tutto questo modello potrebbe essere montato in meno di 1 ora, tanto più che gli strumenti necessari sono inclusi!

Il Dr.1 utilizza un LiPoly 3s (non fornito) e non manca di potenza per il ciclo dispari, il Fokker ha anche il pieno controllo a quattro canali e solo sembra fantastico crociera se il cielo. Questo grande modello è veramente bello qualità e sembra davvero la parte sia a terra che in aria, è un must per gli appassionati di WW1 e scala!

Plug n Fly - è sufficiente aggiungere il proprio ricevitore e la batteria! (non incluso)
Molto alto livello di fabbrica di pre-montaggio
Fast Time Assembly
Tutti gli strumenti di montaggio incluso
Alta Particolare Scala Fine
Genuina pieno Cowl metallo
Non richiede Glue - avvitare Assembly
Ben quattro Channel Control

Apertura alare: 640 millimetri
Lunghezza: 534 millimetri
Altezza: 280 millimetri
Elica: 7x6 (2pc)
Peso (senza batteria): 378g
Volare Peso (con batteria): 480g
Motore: 1200KV Brushless Outrunner
ESC: 20A brushless w / BEC
Servo: 9g x 2, 3.6gx 2

Tuo 4 canali TX / RX
500mAh ~ 600mAh 3s Lipoly Batteria

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Andreas | Acquirente verificato

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Sep 11, 2013

It flyes with suggested equipment. But you should make a preflight checkup with a lot of glue for all preinstalled plastic parts.

For flying very calm I use a stabilisation (EAGLE A3 PRO).

And now I fly it on its best way after reducing the weight from 542 to 458. How?
Remove the metal cowling, put the Lipo above the motor and the ESC under the motor. The CG should stay 20mm from leading edge of middle wing.

Tim | Acquirente verificato

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Apr 17, 2013

The build was all done with the little screws so no messy glue. Getting the screws on though was a rather hard and tedious ordeal. The paint flakes off easily so don't bend the wings or other painted parts and use gloves when building. The wooden engine mount (motor back plate) wobbles alot but motor seems to stay on which is a bit of a let down! The engine should of had a stronger base plate than what's included!) When I maidened her she kept nosing down on ground launch, so I could not do a runway take off. The hand launch worked well though and she shot up vertical fast (so you need some down elevator on full power launch). The plane seems powered enough but is hard to turn with out flipping into rolls ( so beware of this it can result in stall tuns and then a crash!) A good idea would be too reduce the throws on aileron and rudder and try mixing them together. The CG seemed fine with the 600mah LIPO. The plane actually has a heavy chrome plated stainless steel cowl to give the correct nose weight (a very good feature Art-Tech!) Flight time is short (being just 600mah) so watch it as you need some power to land sucessfully (which is rather hard) You Really need at least 2 spare batteries to get longer flights. It seems to do a timed 4 minutes on the 600 LIPO so don't stay up too long and set a timer alarm to be safe. Also don't let the plane get too far away from your contro

ottoha | Acquirente verificato

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Jan 17, 2013

So, dass Model ist zusammengebaut und fertig zum Erstflug. Viel Arbeit war es nicht. Die Oberflaeche des Models ist recht empfindlich und weich. Da muss man schon aufpassen. Einfach fliegen und landen wirds wohl aufgrund der kleinen Abmessungen auch nicht. Ich wollte einen Kreisel auf die Querruder einbauen, versuchs aber erst mal ohne.Gut war die Bauanleitung vom Hersteller http://www.art-tech.cn/english/ArticleShow.asp?ArticleID=385.

ottoha | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 28, 2012

Habe mir gerade mein Weihnachtsgeschenk selber gekauft. Bin gespannt wie es in natura aussieht. Mal sehen, ob ich zum Fliegen noch einen Kreisel brauche.

peterswolf | Acquirente verificato

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Oct 18, 2012

(continued) - you'll get the most enjoyment out of her. On the above mentioned battery I was flying mostly 3/4 throttle and got about 4 minutes flight time to bring the voltage down to 11.7. As for assembly it was pretty straight forward, some things were a little hard to line up and screw in those tiny screws. The jittery/slow servo and overheating power system are concerning. To summarize, this plane looks amazing on the shelf and in the air. Takeoff and landing are hard as you'd expect, and the power system appears to run a little on the hot side. Good quality plane from Art-Tech as I've come to expect.

peterswolf | Acquirente verificato

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Oct 18, 2012

(continued) - the flight pattern quite a bit. In any case I didn't want to wait for a dead stick, so I decided to bring her down. She began to settle but was still creating to much lift for a decent glide path, so I cut back the throttle, she didn't stall but she sank quicker than I expected, I flared at the end of the descent but it was a touch too little and she had a hard touchdown followed by a nose over. Not much damage at all, some of the wing struts popped out and the right side of the landing gear strut and also come out of the fuse, but that was it for damage. So double check your mounts for the struts and glue them if needed. One thing I did notice after landing I set the plane aside, talked with some others for about 10 minutes, then removed the battery, it was still very hot. So that is a bit of a concern. I was using a Rhino 3S 610mah 20C lipo. The whole inside was still very warm after resting for 10 minutes, so some venting might be nice in there. Those of you how are more experienced with tail dragger landings and takeoffs would probably do a lot better than me with this plane, but all in all I'm pretty happy, she's a handful, but she's worth it. The actual flying part was pretty easy and relaxed, flying only aileron and elevator I flew very conservative and didn't do any rolls or loops. This plane is best to maiden in zero wind I would say and that's when you'l

peterswolf | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Oct 18, 2012

Maiden flight today! I was able to scoot out to the field midday today and the winds were about 3-4mph, though a crosswind on our runway, I decided to go for it. I had lots of trouble initially getting her in the air as I was trying to be more scale like and she would just nose over with gradual throttle (I need to work on my skills to do that some day). I decided one last try before hand launch, and I held back the elevator (full throws) and went max throttle, up she went in about 10 feet. She flies very nice! Looks amazing in the air. I had 50pcnt rudder and 50pcnt aileron rates, 100pcnt elevator. Flying half throttle she was a little hard to fly (for my skill-set) and I'm not very good with flying rudder, so I was mostly flying elevator and aileron. If you put up to about 3/4 throttle she was much more manageable, but flying pretty quick, faster than scale that's for sure. On the ground I had one twitchy aileron servo but by lowering the travel the twitching went away, however it moved slower than the other one, so it may account for the difficult handling. That being said I understand this is a very hard airframe to fly to begin with. After a few minutes of flying laps I chuckled to my observers, so how am I going to get this thing down. At lower speeds she becomes quite a handful to keep going. I did a couple of passes over the runway and even with the slight crosswind it affected

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