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FrSky RPM 01-sensore di giri Telemetria

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FrSky RPM 01-sensore di giri Telemetria


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FrSky RPM-01 telemetria RPM sensore (per l'utilizzo con FrSky Telemetria sensore Hub)

sensore RPM legge i dati RPM utilizzando un sensore ottico.

Gamma di misura: 0 ~ 60000r / min
Installazione: Puntare il sensore di giri verso l'alto, in qualsiasi accessorio che richiede la lettura RPM.

Nota: alternata dell'interno illuminazione corrente influenzerà la lettura RPM.

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Riccardo | Acquirente verificato

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Jul 27, 2013

I've installed it on a Walrus, on the canopy, pointing the propeller's blades.
I've tested it in my room and it worked perfectly, then I tried it outside, under direct sun light, and it didn't work at all.
I had a hook and loop stripe on the canopy, so I was able to test different distances between propeller and sensor and I've tried from 5 cm till 15 cm, with steps of 1 cm, but during flight I had no RPM data.
When I landed the plane, I tried to make shadow with my hands and it looked to work in some way, but if I left it under the sun, 0 RPM all the time!
I'm totally disappointed about it.

ibrahim_bodur | Acquirente verificato

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Jul 08, 2013

devir sensoru telemetry sistemi iin kullanilabilir

FPVking | Acquirente verificato

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May 03, 2013

Superb item to use in all RC gear. Cheap but top of the line system like Futaba. It just works. Buy with confidence.

jozef | Acquirente verificato

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Feb 06, 2013

Mal snmac rpm len pre lod bude potrebn pouit nasvietenie.

skyfox60 | Acquirente verificato

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Jan 23, 2013

Easy way to check thr rotor RPM, but you should be aware the it is out of viewing range of the flybar, I mounted mine on the tail-tube. Easier at FBL helis. Not to be used at home with illumination switches on, because it shows the mains frequecy( 3000RPM at 50Hz b.e. ). A small piece of tube put on the sensor makes better resistance to daylight distorsions. Good product.

albino | Acquirente verificato

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Jun 17, 2012

dificult to install and data little bit random.

birky | Acquirente verificato

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Mar 14, 2012

if you would like to test this sensor inside, use some stromg light.

Hansc | Acquirente verificato

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Feb 29, 2012

Good sensor to check rpm on motor in flight. It's light and works very well. Have it attached to my sensor hub that goes to the digital port on the receiver (not the analog ports). Check frsky website for documentation on the refresh rate of this sensor and other technical details.

Andraz | Acquirente verificato

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Jan 15, 2012

Optical sensor which should be placet just behind the propeler. Works no problem with diferent numbers of blades. Other than that there's nothing much more o say about it. Good product.

Julian | Acquirente verificato

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Jan 01, 2012

installed on Raptor 30. Works great. I didn't realize I was flying at such a low rotor RPM (1300). I modified the throttle and pitch curves to get a hover at about 1650 rpm and it was much more stable.

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