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Gemfan Elica 5x4.5 nero (CW / CCW) (2 pezzi)

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Gemfan Elica 5x4.5 nero (CW / CCW) (2 pezzi)


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GemFan eliche hanno fissato il gold standard nella comunità Multirotor piccola classe. Noti per la loro durata nel tempo, grande bilanciamento e superba centraggio mozzo e prezzo sacrificabili. Vengono confezionati come un insieme di 2, con una rotazione CW e una rotazione in senso antiorario. Vi è una vasta gamma di opzioni di colore che possono essere mescolati e abbinati per aiutare con l'orientamento Multirotor. Questo è l'aggiornamento ideale per qualsiasi piccola Multirotor.

Dimensioni: 5045 (5x4.5)
Colore: Nero
Hub: 5mm (adattatori inclusi per 4mm, 3,17 millimetri e 3 mm)
Materiale: nylon rinforzato in carbonio

Rotazione 1 x CW
marcia antioraria 1 x

  • Diametro X (pollici) 5.00
  • Pitch Y (pollici) 4.50
  • Rotazione CW/CCW

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-13


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| Acquirente verificato

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Jul 23, 2016

cheap but great performance

Joshua | Acquirente verificato

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Feb 17, 2016

These props are very stiff and well shaped.
[WARNING] However, the structural integrity of these props are nearly impossible to verify after a crash. I was tuning PIDs for a 250 quad (using 2150kV MS Elite 'Mini Monster' motors and a 4S battery) and had a few rough landings. After the first prop broke, I carefully checked each prop after each flight, as they were snapping at the root.
I finally had the PID's tuned in to prevent oscillation at ~50pcnt throttle, so I tried gunning the throttle to see how it handled at ~80pcnt throttle.

In a split-second, 7 out of the 8 total blades on my quadcopter exploded / ripped apart mid-air and the quad fell to the ground. Some blades flew more than 10 meters, one blade had flown inwards and ripped ~4cm of heatshrink off the side of my video TX and one propeller was found in at least 3 pieces, split down the length of the blade into slivers.

While I cannot recommend these props for a quad using the same high-power motors and 4S battery setup, I do believe these props operate fine with a more moderate / 3S setup.

Here is a link to a video of the incident:

Alessandro Capon | Acquirente verificato

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Jul 10, 2015

toste. davvero toste

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