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Dipartimento Funzione X1 Wattmeter & Tensione Analyzer

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Dipartimento Funzione X1 Wattmeter & Tensione Analyzer


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28,86 US$
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Dipartimento Funzione X1 è molto compatto e preciso wattmetro e Analizzatore di potenza.
Dotata di sensore di corrente speciale per alta precisione e bassa resistenza. Prevedere il tempo di volo aereo modello con un dato elica, Garantire correnti di picco di sicurezza per il motore, ESC, il cablaggio e connettori. Controllare la salute della batteria e prestazioni, Misura di potenza e consumo di energia di qualsiasi dispositivo con una batteria.
Fino a che i record X1 Wattmetri più alto e più basso di tensione, Ampere e la lettura più alta watt.
Inoltre ha un'interfaccia rifilatura misura di tensione, che permette di regolare la deriva della tensione.
Campo di tensione: 8-30V
Campo di corrente: 0-100A
Peso: 57g
Dimensioni: 49x38x17mm
Campo di temperatura: -20 ~ 50 ° C
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JackHammero | Acquirente verificato

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Dec 25, 2012

I have only used this a 3 or 4 times. Very easy to use and works very well. I have used on 2s and 3s. So far I am very happy with this product.

Raymon | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Apr 28, 2012

I bought one. It DID come with instructions. Even though it doesn't tell you - it's easy to figure out that 'blue' is positive ( ), and 'black' is negative (-). It works - except that it will not go to the 'manual calibration' mode. It's usually ~0.10 to ~ 0.13 volt high when battery voltage is measured by my digital multi-meter. Even though it can not be calibrated - I think it MAY still be "use-able" for checking watts to select the best props for flying. (watts = volts x amps ). I'm a bit leery of taking this problem to HobbyKings customer service after some problems with a couple of dead batteries I was sent. I wish they would respond too - and replace - defective products better. But they are what they are.

Sansan | Acquirente verificato

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Mar 30, 2012

very nice product!

It also can be used on 10 S lipos, however it will measure current only - it can not show voltage more than 30.4 V but it capable to withstand 42 V very well

lulu32 | Acquirente verificato

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Feb 19, 2012

Bonjour, ce WATT meter ne marche pas comme indiqu dans la notice. pas de mode calibration. de plus vide il indique dja une consommation de 0,2 A avec un accu 4S. n'a fonctionn que 2 fois. A la troisime en essayant de trouver le mode calibration, plus d'inscription sur l'cran. A dconseiller donc.
Hello, this watt meter works only twice. don't find calibration mode. at the third use, it doesn't work. Don't buy it.

andy | Acquirente verificato

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Oct 04, 2011

great little watt meter for the price arrived today in extremly fast time from hk . works perfectly very acu.. say good buy to the expensive Emeters and watt meters :)

Helmut | Acquirente verificato

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Aug 11, 2011

Achtung, in China ist blau plus (????) Ich wollte schon reklamieren und hatte so eine Eingebung. Kaputt ist kaputt dachte ich und hab mal umgepolt. Und schon ging es. Ansonsten macht es was es soll.

4stripes | Acquirente verificato

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May 10, 2011

This unit works well for lower watt applications (up to about 1500watts). When I use on my 90mm EDF it under reads due to the wires being too thin reducing the current. Buy for $27 it is a great tool to gauge performance.

Miroslaw Cichocki | Acquirente verificato

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Apr 30, 2011

Hi, yesterday receive my X1.First checking electronic circuit inside looks OK, but two points soldered again(for that price it's nothing for skiled modelar) After preparatin of proper connections according to inlet(battery) & outlet(ubec) side, start checking with my 70mm EDF (4s1800mah) and absolutely OK. Displaying all offered paramiters(for eg.460Watt 32Amps 15,6V) that quite enough to be calculate propper drive & components. About manual calibration is small mistake in instraction, proper procedure is press the booton & symultaneously connect power(battery) then calibration procedure begining.To this time all my motors (in planes too) are checked (bigest 870 Watt) but device working on cold & cool,that's all.In my opinion good purchase.

| Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 25, 2011

If you're serious about your electric motors you get one of these. Don't bother buying the cheaper HK-010 watt meter since the results of that one just aren't anything near the actual value. This one is a much better tool for getting correct measurements. And you can even get it in the air and read out the in flight information.

Cliente | Acquirente verificato

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Nov 26, 2010

Mine working fine. I have checked the data with a multimeter and there was no diference. It shows the voltage and amps precisely.

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