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Malyan stampante M180 Dual Head 3D - US Plug

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Malyan stampante M180 Dual Head 3D - US Plug


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Il Malyan M180 è il miglior stampante valore 3D che abbiamo visto fino ad oggi, non solo offre i vantaggi della doppia stampa testa, un telaio in acciaio robusto, letto di stampa termica regolabile e stampa della scheda SD, è anche uno dei più affidabili, macchine prosumer di alta qualità troverete nel mercato di oggi. Questa macchina non mancherà di tenere il più esigente degli hobbisti e designer soddisfatti con risoluzione fantastica, velocità di stampa e la possibilità di stampare due colori senza cambiare bobine.

L'M180 è uno strumento incredibilmente flessibile per la stampa 3D, che consente di stampare gli oggetti che hanno due colori, senza la necessità di cambiare bobine in mezzo alla pocess, si può anche stampare in due materiali diversi o se si scambia regolarmente tra di mezzi si può avere un ugello dedicato a ciascuno; ci sono molti, molti vantaggi per stampanti gemelle ugelli. Questa macchina permette anche di sperimentare alcuni dei nuovi filamenti d'impatto adesso sul mercato come il nylon, filamenti flessibili e legno, che saranno disponibili in un magazzino nei pressi di Dipartimento Funzione presto.

Questa macchina è incredibilmente semplice da usare, basta caricare il file dal software scelto su una scheda SD, pop nella stampante, selezionare il file che si desidera stampare tramite l'interfaccia utente grafica a colori con la rotella di scorrimento e premere Go; la stampante fa il resto per voi. Non potrebbe essere più facile.

Dal momento che questa stampante è atterrato in ufficio i nostri ingegneri hanno permesso uno strato di polvere di accumularsi sulla loro costosa macchina commerciale, è quella buona. Spesso con le nuove tecnologie vi è un compromesso di caratteristiche e qualità per mantenere il prezzo basso; Non con questa macchina, vi sarà semplicemente spazzato via dalle inclusioni di qualità nel M180, come l'illuminazione a LED interna, un estraibile letto di stampa di vetro e una ventola di raffreddamento completo della testina di stampa CNC che è praticamente marmellata gratuito.

Non lasciate che il suo prezzo ingannare, l'M180 è realizzato con parti e materiali con cuscinetti a sfera invece di boccole e le viti di piombo di qualità di qualità, il prezzo è stato mantenuto basso attraverso il design intelligente.

Se siete pronti a fare il passo fino a una stampante lettino riscaldato di medie dimensioni o se si desidera solo la comodità della stampa a doppia testa, allora la M180 è la scelta più ovvia; potrebbe essere la vostra prima o seconda o addirittura terza stampante, ma probabilmente sarà l'ultima stampante è necessario per pagare un tempo molto lungo.

• letto di stampa termica
• testine di stampa doppi
• Stampa scheda SD
• telaio in acciaio rigido
• Ampia gamma di materiali filamento
• Tecniche di stampa di precisione
• Super facile da mantenere
• piano di stampa vetro rimovibile
• la stampa libera Praticamente marmellata

Formato stampa: 230x150x165mm
Risoluzione di stampa: 0.1-0.2mm
Precisione: X / Y Asse 0.1mm, l'asse Z 0,01 millimetri
Velocità di stampa: 25cm ³ / h
Piattaforma di stampa: piastra di alluminio riscaldato con copertura in vetro temperato
Struttura: acciaio ad alta resistenza, con angoli in plastica morbida
Filament: 1,75 millimetri ABS / PLA / - anche PVA, fianchi, nylon, legno e filamenti flessibili
Ugelli di stampa: 0.35-0.4mm
Temperatura estrusore: 190-280 ° C
Riscaldamento del fondo di stampa: 85 ° C
Software: ReplicatorG / Makerware / Cura / Simplify3D
Sistema operativo: XP, Win7, WIN8, MacOSX e Linux
Interfaccia: scheda SD o un collegamento USB
Formato file: STL / G-Code
Peso Stampante: 11,5 kg
Dimensioni d'ingombro: 465x320x390mm

• strumenti necessari di base
• Piccola lunghezza del filamento per istituito
• scheda Mini SD contenente il software, driver USB e alcuni file 3D per iniziare
• Due piattaforme di stampa di vetro in modo da poter avere uno per ABS e uno per PLA
• 4 fogli di nastro adesivo per coprire il vetro per la stampa PLA
• luce interna a LED
• Alimentazione interna

  • Malyan 3d Printer
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chrisclw | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Oct 08, 2016

My M180 arrived without any user manual with it, but was able to get a soft copy from Malyan directly. Not sure if my unit was sitting in the warehouse for a long time or not, I had to lube all the rail and bearing again in order to reduce the noise during printing. There are still some rattling noise that I can't get rid of during printing, but only when the print head is moving fast or retract quickly in Y-axis. Overall, the out-of-box print quality is good, not the best. I, however, did purchase a copy of Simplify3D, which is well worth the money spent, instead of using the Malyan tweaked Makerware for slicing. The two nozzle do not level with each other, and would require some tweaking time to make them level. It is not a big issue, but just a pita to get them level. I just wished that the factory would have the 2 nozzle leveled up prior to shipping them out. | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Aug 17, 2016

I have had this printer for about a week, and feel it is a great learning tool and introduction to 3D printing. The quality of the printer seems good, but let's hope it holds up well as time and printing go on. I have found Simplify3D software to be a great tool in smooth and linear computer to printer transitions. So far, I have a $500 paper towel holder, but the more things I print, the cheaper that becomes. has thousands of files ready to print. Printer seems efficient and surprisingly has a heated glass base (comes with two glass plates) and a hold down system for the plate....2 very useful additions. Dual extruders are another great feature which I'm just beginning to explore. Next, RC parts will be printed and utilized. I'm really enjoying this printer and think it is a good investment to start with, w/lots of upside potential. GO FOR IT!

Jason | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Aug 09, 2016

Came very badly damaged somehow, packing appeared excellent, shipping box was undamaged.

Will update my review pending hobbykings handling of RMA, this is large and heavy so spending hundreds to ship it to china and back would be unbearable

Print bed mount brokenpicture of

metalguy | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Jul 21, 2016

I bought this as my second 3d printer, after the Print-Rite. It prints great right out of the box. There are some things to be aware of, however. The hold-downs for the glass pretty much suck, and they can come loose while printing, allowing the glass to move, and ruin your print. I cured this by using 2-4 paper clamps. (Spring loaded type for large amounts of paper) No problems with that since. I also use Simplify 3d slicing software, as it gives a lot more control over how the print happens compared to Cura. Over all, I like this printer, and will probably buy their much larger version eventually.

Ted35 | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

May 07, 2016

I've had this printer since Oct 2015. This is my 3rd 3D printer. My workflow is as follows: Sketchup (or similar) for item design. Load into Cura for slicing. Load the slice into ReplicatorG to convert into .x3g. Copy onto SD card and print. One of the biggest flaws with this printer is the hot-end fans blow across the extruder filament which means that the filament picks up any dust that is in the fan's flow. Needless to say hot-end clogs are common. Build quality seems...chineese. The print bed/and glass is so thin that it warps easily making the heated bed impractical. The two hot-ends aren't the same distance from the build platform making two color printing not possible. I just use the one closest to the build platform (the right hand one).

frogs | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Feb 22, 2016

This is my first printer and so far I am quite happy with it. The prints I have done so far turned out pretty well. The dual extrusion works well with Simplify 3d software but the replicatorg software it comes with is pretty crappy; the slicer takes a really long time and importing files for dual extrusion is almost impossible. On the hardware side of things the printer is pretty intuitive, my only gripe is the power switch placement; it is on the back! This makes it a pain to turn on and off when it is sitting against a wall.

This printer is worth the money in my opinion but it could use some improvement.

Grigor | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Jan 10, 2016

Hello all.
I bought the printer and it seems there is malfunction.
Regarding the manual the extruder fan have to turned of for first 5 layer.
But it's running every time, and the printing item turned away from glass.

Dwrizzol | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Dec 30, 2015

Before I bought this printer I had no experience in 3D printing. I have had this printer for about a week now and am very happy. Setup and printing has been very easy. I would recommend this printer.

| Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 02, 2015

I have had this printer for a while now and have had zero problems. It has been printing almost non-stop since it arrived. Being my first 3D printer, I was surprised at how easy it is to use. I couldnt be happier with it!

jaylevine | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Nov 11, 2015

I just received mine on October 31, This is my first 3D printer. It works pretty good printing the sample models that came with it. I bought the Simplify3d software to convert my own stl files and it works great. I had one problem, the X homing switch didn't work, i found that it wasn't plugged into the board completely. Once that was done everything worked fine. I have run the printer for about 14 hrs now and i have not had any hangups. I purchased several different PLA filaments and experimented with all of them, and I have not had any jambs through the extruder. I would recomend this printer to anyone wanting to start 3D printing.

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