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MultiWii SE V2.0 regolatore di volo w / FTDI

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MultiWii SE V2.0 regolatore di volo w / FTDI


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46,81 US$
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Il V2.0 MultiWii SE è un / controllore di volo accelerometro basato giroscopio che viene caricato con le caratteristiche. Con le opzioni di espandibilità e completa programmabilità, questo dispositivo può controllare praticamente qualsiasi tipo di aeromobile. Questo è il controllore di volo ideale per il vostro velivolo multi-rotore.

• piccole dimensioni, i fori di montaggio 35x35mm
• 6 canali di ingresso per ricevitore standard e il ricevitore PPM SUM
• Fino a potenza del motore 8 assi
Uscita • 2 servi per il sistema di rollio e beccheggio del giunto cardanico
• può utilizzare l'uscita di un servo per innescare un pulsante della fotocamera
• Presa TTL FTDI / UART per il debug, firmware caricamento o display LCD
• Presa I2C per estendere sensore, LCD I2C / display OLED o pensione Crio di I2C-GPS NAV
• 3.3V separata e regolatore di tensione LDO 5V
• ATMega 328P microcontrollore
• MPU6050 6 assi giroscopio / accelerometro con unità di movimento Processing
• HMC5883L 3 assi magnetometro digitale
• Sensore di pressione digitale BMP085
• A bordo convertitore di livello logico

Modalità aereo:
• Una delle seguenti modalità di base
- Acro
- Livello
- Tenere premuto Alt
- Blocco Capo
• Modalità opzionale
- Headfree (CareFree)
- Tenere GPS (Hai bisogno di ricevitore GPS + I2C-GPS Consiglio NAV)
- GPS Ritorna alla posizione di partenza (Hai bisogno di ricevitore GPS + I2C-GPS Consiglio NAV)

Dimensioni: 40x12x40mm
Peso: 9.6g
Fissaggio distanza tra i fori di filmato: 35mm (Può essere cambiato a 45mm dal Consiglio Crio Distribution)
Diametro del foro: 3mm

Contenuto del pacco:
MultiWii SE FC x 1
programma USB (cavo mini USB richiesta ma venduto separatamente) bordo x 1
3pin al cavo 1Pinx3 100 mm x 2
3pin al cavo 3Pin 100 mm x 1

Maggiori informazioni possono essere trovate sul sito web MultiWii.

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| Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 03, 2016

Never Buy it from them. they will send you

XZN MWC MultiWii SE Standard multi-Copter 4-axis Main flight con

this board which is very poor and cheaper(US 19) than the item shows in their listing.

ByeByeCopter | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Mar 20, 2016

They sent me the wrong board the 1st time. Did a RMA to replace wrong board and they sent me the same wrong board again. Can't comment on functionality because I've never received what I ordered!

AGATINO DANIELE | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Apr 27, 2013

Good board for my 20 cm. arm small tricopter flying great with D2822/17 kv 1100 motor and 1,5 Ah lipo pack for about 10 minutes of very fun.

Mush_ | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Nov 18, 2012

Hi All! I've got MultiWii 2.0 installed and running on my Quadro. HobbiKing Rx, HobbiKing 10A ESCs are used. Previously I used HobbyKing Multi-Rotor Control Board and it flied well. On this MultiWii control motors running not fast enough to take quadro off the ground. Even if I move throttle stick to the most up position it does not fly. Can anyone say what is wrong?

N'guyen-van | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Oct 30, 2012

Nice board flying very well But when I tried to plug the battery monitor on A3 input as shown on file "pin assignments" (lipo directly on this input) I burn the Atmega ...I had to add the divider resistor before input the direct lipo voltage.So be carefull bfore wiring this batterie monitor input (A3 pin).
I put a updated picture of the pin assignments with the rsistors in the file section

Frisco | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Oct 21, 2012

I use this board on a 55cm quad, replacing a homemade combo of Arduino ProMini and 4 single sensors boards... Adding a LZ-GPS was very easy because I2C is brought out on its own pin header. The HK S2 V2 board has the Crius V2 layout and comes with preloaded MultiWii 2.1 firmware for Quad X constellation. Firmware can easily be updated or changed to any other config with the FTDI header and Arduino 1.01 software. The MPU 6050 gyro/acc gives really great and stable flight behaviour with an very smooth ACC level mode never seen before. BMP baro is not state of the art anymore (low resolution), but its OK to get a height hold mode within 2-3 meters. Overall: Great board with good quality, small boards size, totally worth the money. Will buy a 2nd one for my Flydumini as soon as they are on stock again.

ANARIT-119 | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 09, 2012

A good product!!! This comes pre-programmed. But the PID values are all out of boundaries. So you will face a hard time setting it up...

CENK | Acquirente verificato

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Oct 03, 2012

bu gne kadar kullandm kartlar arasnda en iyisi.
gps modl de almanz tavsiye ederim.

iPetePete | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 28, 2012

The ever expandable MultiWii controller

"away" | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Sep 20, 2012

The 0.03 hectopascal maximum resolution of the BMP085 is an optimum enabling the sensor to respond to differences in altitude of 25 cm.

At this days pressure sensors have ~ 10cm. altitude sensitivity!

  1. 1
  2. 2
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