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NTM Prop Unità 28-36 2200KV / 696W

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NTM Prop Unità 28-36 2200KV / 696W


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I motori NTM Prop Drive sono solida prestazione outrunner s con avvolgimenti stretti, cuscinetti di qualità, magneti correttamente valutato, statore equilibrato e anelli di flusso più sono QC controllato in 14 punti, da materiale di lavorazione tutto il percorso attraverso di banco prova finale.
Perché noi progettiamo e realizziamo completamente questi motori in-house (da 3D / 2D di disegno per i materiali di approvvigionamento, la lavorazione, il bilanciamento, assemblaggio finale e banco) siamo in grado di controllare completamente la produzione e garantire la coerenza del prodotto, dalla progettazione fino alla spedizione del prodotto a voi. La rimozione di intermediari ha fatto sì che possiamo guidare un miglior rapporto al mercato e al minuto questi motori in fabbrica (i nostri) prezzi! Tutti i dati di performance sono reali e testati sui nostri lanci del motore.

I nostri ingegneri QC di controlli e contrappesi ogni motore prima della spedizione al magazzino

Modello: NTM Prop Unità Serie 2836 2200 kv
Kv: 2200rpm / v
Poli: 3
Motore del vento: 7T
Corrente max: 50A
Potenza massima: 310W @ 11.1V (3S) / 696W @ 15V (4S)
Albero: 4mm
Peso: 87g
ESC: 40 ~ 60A
Conteggio delle cellule: 3s ~ 4s Lipoly
Fori dei bulloni di filmato: 16mm e 19 millimetri
Filo Bolt: M3
Collegamento: 3.5mm proiettile -Connettore

Prop Test Data:
5x5 - 11.1V / 232W / 20.9A / 0.64kg di spinta
5x5 - 14.8V / 516W / 34.9A / 1.021kg di spinta
6x4 - 11.1V / 310W / 28.0A / 0.945kg di spinta
6x4 - 14.8V / 696W / 47.0A / 1.17kg di spinta

Nota: Un pacchetto accessorio è disponibile per questo motore. Si prega di vedere gli oggetti correlati qui sotto.

  • Kv ( rpm / v ) 2200.00
  • Correnti Max (A) 50.00
  • Resistenza ( mh ) 0.00
  • Max Tensione (V ) 15.00
  • Potenza ( W ) 696.00
  • Albero A ( mm ) 4.00
  • Lunghezza B ( mm ) 36.00
  • Diametro C ( mm ) 28.00
  • Can Lunghezza D ( mm ) 25.00
  • Lunghezza totale E ( mm ) 56.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-10


  • Does a good job on my flying wing, 3s and 6x5 prop.
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LuboTB | Acquirente verificato

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Apr 20, 2016

Good driving my 1.8kg Alex F5J with reduction 3.7:1 and 15x7 Aeronaut prop (45A at pick).

After 20 run the stator lost home and needed to be re-glued.

Alex | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Mar 21, 2016

@hobbyking please add the prop adapter to "ACC" (related items) for ease of combine or bundle purchase
Buy this too I didn't = :(.

mike1492 | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Feb 12, 2016

I put this on my Sky Surfer Pro and it is just great. Im running a 6x4 prop with a 50a esc powered by a 4s battery. I have tried a 4s 2200mah 20c and found it to be a little sluggish compared to a 4s 3000mah 40c which is working out just great. The plane wasn't giving me unlimited vertical but it is definitely not a gentle glider anymore. I would recommend this motor for someone that wants to get more speed out of their Bixler/Sky Surfer. I am finally able to do nice tight loops and rolls. A side note the acc pack has a nice prop adapter.

jmamaradlo | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Feb 02, 2016

Great upgrade for a Bixler 2. Standard motor on Bix2 is lacking power specially if you fly in windy conditions. The mounting holes on the Bixler 2 motor mount lines up perfectly for this motor using the supplied 4 screws. I used a 6x5 prop as Im using 3s lipo with a 40a Esc I have lying around. Plenty of power, get the Bixler airborn in 1/4 throttle. Dont forget to buy the accessory prop drive pack if you plan to buy this motor.

Greg | Acquirente verificato

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Feb 01, 2016

Just flew this on my Bix 3 which was like a rocket ship! Here is my video explaining how i mounted it:

Andrejs_LV | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 24, 2015

Perfect motor, only no chance to reverse shaft. Better to buy short shaft version or cut of shaft. Need to buy accesosry kit separetly.

| Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 06, 2015

I have not yet run this motor to full power with a prop on but I ran it up to 5A with a 7x4 master airscrew 2 blade on 3s. very smooth throttle response with an aerostar 50A ESC and the motor really spins up very smoothly

Taylor | Acquirente verificato

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Jul 23, 2015

Put this little gem in an EFX Racer kit and she gets up!! Just a few rpms shy of the stock 2300kv 2836 but has just as much power if not more. Running on a 4s 40c 2200 throwing a 6x4 APC pulls 47 amps static. Comes down warm after 4 min flights. Running on a 3s 35c 2250 with the same prop she has more than enough power for the novice flyer as well as being very efficient. Mixed throttle I was getting 7 min flights with each cell at 3.75v(about 35pcnt battery remaining). Very well balanced and tight quality control all around. I have at least 10 NTM motors and every one has been great, this is no exception. Grab one, you won't be disappointed. Don't forget your 28 series accessory pack guys!!!


| Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 26, 2015

Very powerful motor, great magnets and bearings, wires very resistant.

For me one of the best motor that i bought for now.

arussell | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 14, 2015

wonderful motor max power I have found for weight and size

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