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Viti nylon 6x40mm

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Viti nylon 6x40mm


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Viti nylon.

Grande per le ali staccabili o porte di tratteggio. Leggero e forte!

L'immagine mostra il filo di guardare abbastanza noioso / liscia. Questo non è il caso, il filo viti è abbastanza nitida con un sacco di profondità di filettatura e morso.

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Oct 28, 2008

One thing the description of this product doesn't mention is what kind of thread these bolts have - I still don't know, but it's different to the thread on my glider. That combined with the fact that the shaft of the bolts I received were ALL oval (very badly molded) made these completely useless.

Kim Jeppesen | Acquirente verificato

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Hard to rate isn't it :-)

Nov 14, 2007

All I can say is that it meassures as decribed, and works perfectly! Sharp thread and obviously same material as other Nylon bolts existing for the same purpose. But this is so much more cheaper!!! :-)

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