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P-47 con alette, ritrae elettrici e luci, 1.600 millimetri (PNF)

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P-47 con alette, ritrae elettrici e luci, 1.600 millimetri (PNF)


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179,99 US$
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Il P-47 Thunderbolt è stata prodotta in numero maggiore rispetto a qualsiasi altro aereo da guerra degli Stati Uniti, che era in gran parte a causa della sua versatilità. Originariamente un caccia pesante, il P-47 è stato ostacolato da "corto di gamba" per bomber dovere di scorta, ma è stato rapidamente scoperto di essere molto efficace combattente attacco al suolo in quanto potrebbe trasportare un carico utile decente, è stato pesantemente armato con otto mitragliatrici 0.50 cal e è stato in grado di resistere a danni battaglia pesante, è in gran parte considerato come il precursore del caccia multiruolo di oggi.

Questo duro EPO P-47 Plug and Fly è un grande, superbamente dettagliata warbird cercando, che avrà una quantità minima di tempo per asemble. Il potente motore, ESC sono pre-montato, così come lo sono il servo di quali sono i tipi standard a schermo intero per l'ascensore e timone. Si ritrae elettrici sono anche preinstallati, tra cui un ruotino di coda retrattile.

Ci sono una sacco di dettagli e una gamma completa di armamento in dotazione con il kit, i quattro puntello lama sembra davvero la parte e questo grande "Jug" avrà un aspetto sorprendente in quanto straffes il cerotto di volo! A causa di un carico alare molto leggero, è un gattino di volare e la cortesia dei grandi lembi preinstallati terre più come un allenatore, un facile da costruire, facile da far volare grande warbird di bell'aspetto e le prestazioni per abbinare, una perfetta aggiunta per la vostra collezione.

Apertura alare: 1.600 millimetri
Lunghezza: 1.416 millimetri
Peso di volo: 3000g
Motore: 4258 Brushless Outrunner 400kV
ESC: 70A w / UBEC
Servo: 9g x 4, 40g x 2
Retreacts: Servoless elettrico

tutto Hardware

La tua 6 canali TX / RX
3200mAh 4s Lipoly Batteria

  • P-47 with flaps, electric retracts & lights, 1600mm
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Steven | Acquirente verificato

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Feb 01, 2013

When I reconnected the ESC to motor, come to find out that the color coded wires red, yellow, black, will make the motor run clockwise. You have to reverse the wires to get it to run counterclockwise. Great product from China. I guess you get what you pay for when you buy China products.

Steven | Acquirente verificato

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Jan 23, 2013

During shipment the ESC disconnected from the motor. It was way in the back inside the plane. Shipping company's really through the boxes around when they are being shipped. It took about an hour to reconnect the ESC to the motor. Had to pull the motor out of the plane so I could put the ESC wires out the front of the cowl and reconnect the motor. Then put the motor back in the plane. This is one BIG WAR BIRD. Did not glue wings together, used clear shipment tape to connect them together. Works very well. Instruction book sucks. It's made by FMS BlitzRC works. Batt is 14.8v

WTWUK | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 13, 2012

I managed to get this one as a freebie offer. However, having received it today with only a couple of very very minor issues with a bit of glue missing from the flap hinge and cowl, I would have been happy paying full price for one!

Superb build quality and paintwork is excellent. Not able to fly it yet as the weather is awful! Absolute 5* across the board!

BernardoUruguay | Acquirente verificato

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Oct 29, 2012

Great product at a great price!

Harold | Acquirente verificato

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Oct 21, 2012

Purchased this from HK and absolutley LOVE this plane! I did open up the scoop in the rear to get some air through the fuse for cooling. The only place I could find for parts is "Starmax, who manufactures this for HK and others. With that 16 inch prop roaring on a low pass this thing sounds "lethal". Next thing is going to be a sound module to make it perfect!

Got to hand it to HK. They have a winner with this one!

sgtflyboy | Acquirente verificato

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Sep 04, 2012

Hey out there. I need some help. I bought the 1600 with retracts. Every thing went together fine. When I flew the maiden on it, I landed and the motor and the ESC was so hot I couldn't touch it. I brought it home and trimmed some of the foam out of the front of the motor bay, and also opened up the vent in the under side of the fuselage in front of the tail wheel. Took it back out and it still is flying very hot. Has anyone had this kind of problem?

sgtflyboy | Acquirente verificato

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Aug 01, 2012

I did the test flight on my plane last night. Great flying and handling plane. Power to spare. Fly's at about 3/4 throttle at a nice cruise and will still climb if need be. Have to give it a 3 star overall rating because after the plane came down, the motor, ESC, and the battery wires were so hot you could hardly touch them. I am guessing that this situation might be caused because there are no cooling holes in the fuselage. I am flying with a 4S 4000 Mah Battery. Had a good 6 minute flight. The plane has plenty of power. Flying at 3/4 throttle you still have power to climb. Has anyone had a similar problem?

EDF_Freak | Acquirente verificato

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Jul 30, 2012

Big foamie with nice details. CG is correct per instruction but in order to achieve it, you have to use at least 4S 5000mAH being pushed all the way to the front. Even with this large battery, you still need to add 90 grams of lead on the side of the motor mount (each side 45 grams) to achieve the CG. When the CG correct, it flies brilliantly but it is a bit too slow to my taste (I have to fly it full throttle all the time). With 4S 5000mAH you have around 7 min of flight time being full throttle most of the time. Beside CG, the other downside is to set the steering rudder because you have to install the wire yourself and it is a bit tricky. Cheers

sgtflyboy | Acquirente verificato

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Jul 20, 2012

The plane is a great looking bird. I received the plane and it was packed great, with all the parts there. My one problem was the screws that hold the wing on. does not match up with the fuselage. Easy fix with a little hot glue. Inventory of parts very poor and if I would need extra parts, I would be out of luck. The manual is very poor and if I hadn't had building experience, and knew how to measure screws I would have been out of luck. I can't find the size of the prop, so I can't order an extra one.

sgtflyboy | Acquirente verificato

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Jul 13, 2012

Started putting my plane together, and none of the retracts works. Contacted the support team and they want me to send the gear back to them at my expense, and then wait for them to make a decision as to what is the problem. Not only is this going to take a long time, but I am going to be out an airplane to fly. I don't have a bunch of money, and stretched my budget to buy the plane. I am probably going to just make it a fixed gear plane, and not buy again.

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