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Pico F / BB Servo w / Futaba Plug 6.2g / .10sec / .9kg

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Pico F / BB Servo w / Futaba Plug 6.2g / .10sec / .9kg


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GWS Pico Servo
Peso: 6.2g / 0,22 once

4.8V Spec
Velocità: .12sec 60deg
Coppia: .79kg-cm / 11 oz-in

6v Spec
Velocità: .10sec 60deg
Coppia: .9kg-cm / 12 oz-in

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Triple Ace | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 07, 2013

Good general purpose servo. Have 1 on a pan tilt and works well. No glitches

D R | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Mar 14, 2012

Labeled Pico F BB but smaller, look like Pico Std.
Torque figures less than original pico F BB.
Torque 0.53

Bernard | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Jul 21, 2011

These are excellent servos but they are Pico F/BB, not Pico F/BB as the specs would indicate. Pico F/BB is 5.4g 0.09sec and 0.53kgcm @ 4.8V. The Pico F/BB is physically bigger (22.8 x 9.5 x 19.8, 6.2g) than the Pico F/BB (22.8 x 9.5 x 15.5, 5.4g).

latinlax01 | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Apr 21, 2009

Great servo, never had any problems with it at all. Used it with the GWS naro flight pack in a GWS pico stick. Used with a Hitec SS Focus III FM

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