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Pilatus PC-6 Turbo Porter EPO Trainer 1.700 millimetri (PNF)

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Pilatus PC-6 Turbo Porter EPO Trainer 1.700 millimetri (PNF)


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234,38 €
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Il PC-6 Turbo Porter è famoso per il decollo corto e atterraggio prestazioni (STOL) su quasi ogni tipo di terreno, in grado di decollare entro una distanza di 640 piedi e atterraggio a una distanza di 427 piedi, mentre sopportare un carico utile 2.646 libbre. Grazie alle sue prestazioni STOL, il PC-6 detiene il record mondiale per il più alto atterraggio da un aereo ad ala fissa, a 18,865 piedi (5.750 m), sul ghiacciaio Dhaulagiri in Nepal.

Grazie a queste caratteristiche, essi sono spesso utilizzati per accedere al taglio di erba piste di atterraggio delle vette negli altopiani della provincia di Papua (Indonesia) e Papua Nuova Guinea. Il portiere era anche prodotto su licenza negli Stati Uniti durante i primi anni 1970 per le operazioni durante la guerra del Vietnam. Ha ricevuto la designazione AU-23A Peacemaker per il servizio con la US Air Force e UV-20 Chiricahua per il servizio con l'esercito americano.

Il nostro PC-6 una cellula completamente modellato in schiuma robusto EPO. Arrivando come modello plug and fly, il PC-6 può essere preparato per il volo in circa un'ora di lavoro. Non richiede colla per costruire perché è tutto bullone o avvitare il design. Il 4212 del motore pre-installato 700 kv offre ampio potere per scala brevi decolli e dovere aliante rimorchio tutti sul molto comune lipo 4S 14.8V 3000mAh. L'accesso che lipo è molto semplice attraverso un portello sul fondo del velivolo. Non c'è bisogno di tirare fuori l'ala solo per cambiare pacchi. Anche se un modello in scala dello sport, i montanti alari PC-6 funzioni di scala e la sua marcia di larghezza molto riconoscibile set di atterraggio.

Volare con il PC-6 è grande; con la sua grande ala che galleggia intorno bene alle basse velocità, ma si applicano a tutto gas e marmellata bastoni negli angoli e lei prende vita. Decolli e atterraggi sono un gioco da ragazzi grazie alla ruota posteriore sterzante e un'ampia set ingranaggio principale. Abbassare i lembi di rallentare davvero giù per una fluida atterraggi precisi. Altre grandi caratteristiche stanno lavorando luci a LED, un meccanismo di rilascio aliante, e anche una porta contagocce nella parte inferiore della fusoliera per il rilascio di caramelle, gli uomini paracadute, o qualsiasi altra cosa!

Questo modello STOL scala classico è disponibile ora. Una piccola quantità di lavoro è tutto ciò che è necessario per rendere questo classico pronto a partire!

• Plug and Fly - Basta aggiungere sytem radio, batteria e volare!
• modellato da schiuma robusto EPO
• Tutta la costruzione del bullone insieme, nessuna colla necessaria
• Facilità di accesso boccaporto di fondo per la sostituzione delle batterie veloci
• meccanismo di rilascio Glider
• Due ali pezzo con dettagli puntone scala
• carrello di atterraggio scala robusta
• ipersostentatori alari di lavoro per piacevoli atterraggi lenti
• zona della baia bomba azionata a distanza per la caramella caduta, gli uomini paracadute, ecc
• Luci a LED estremità alari

Apertura alare: 1.700 millimetri
Lunghezza: 1.252 millimetri
Peso: 1900g
Ala Area: 33.5 dm2
Carico alare: 56.7g / dm2
Motore: 4212 700 kv Brushless Outrunner
ESC: 40A

6 ~ 7 trasmettitore e ricevitore Canale
4S 14.8V 3000mAh

  • Pilatus PC - 6
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nkl | Acquirente verificato

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Apr 22, 2017

Great value and good quality model. A bit underpowered with the stock setup. Plastic landing struts should not be screwed in at wheels or you will definitely break them. Recommended CG is perfect with a 3000mAH 4s. You should not need any ballast. The little foam piece everyone wonders about is meant to hold the battery in place as you slide it into the fuse. The manual is pretty clear about this. Fantastic flyer and looks very scale. Will do the slow dives at altitude like the full-scale aircraft with full flaps deployed.

Michael | Acquirente verificato

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Very happy with plane and Hobby King so far.

Mar 19, 2017

Ordered this plane on a Friday night and had it in my hands the following Friday....can't beat that for fast delivery. Had a problem with the ESC which HobbyKing rectified without any problems. Easy to put together, this is my first RC plane and I did not have any problems assembling this model. Had its maiden flight today by a mate of mine with 30+ yrs of experience who did the trimming and when he handed the controls to me it flew perfectly. Very pleased with this purchase, thanks HobbyKing.

Waka172rg | Acquirente verificato

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Great plane

Jan 02, 2017

Great plane glad to have it in my hanger from New Zealand.

Reginald | Acquirente verificato

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Mar 24, 2016

Always loved the PC 6 from my time in the Army. Mine arrived yesterday, unboxed and fully assembled that night and ready for its maiden flight today. A word on the unboxing and assembly. Not all the screws as detailed in the instructions were there. Not a big deal if you have screws from previous planes on hand. The rest of the assembly was very straight forward. I set everything as per the instructions including the CG. I used a 3300 4s Dualsky battery and had to add 2 ounces to the tail to balance the plane. Maiden including an additional 3 flights all went very well. Take offs and Landings were no problems at all on our grass strip. No hidden vices here. This ones a keeper for sure.

new old flyer | Acquirente verificato

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Dec 15, 2015

admittedly i got the plane on the black friday deal for 118 shipped which was a great value on this plane. this was my first art tech plane and it came packaged nicely. fit and finish was spot on, it went together easily in about an hour. had the maiden today and it flies perfectly, drop the flaps full down and it slows to a crawl. I took it up about 200 feet, cut power and put on full flaps, full elevator, and it glided nicely all the way down. no tip stall. it felt a little underpowered so i'm not sure about the towing option but it had enough to fly around very nice and scale. the only thing i plan on changing are the main wheels which are ok but i think a little bigger air filled tires will soak up landing bumps better and give a little more clearance for grass runways.

John | Acquirente verificato

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Nov 21, 2015

This is great model. It is one of the best i have purchased, great packaging, fly great and lots of fun things, dropping candy to towing a glider. It is very stable and easy to put together. With the Black Friday sale it is a steal, don't miss this one. As you can tell I love the plane

peter | Acquirente verificato

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Aug 29, 2015

First to write a review on the Pilatus Porter.....LOL
I am extremely happy with the plane and give it 5 stars , Everything was well packed and assembly / setup was a breeze . I am adding slightly larger Dubro wheels and have upgraded the motor to the NTM 42-30 750kv motor . If you are a Pilatus fan this plane is a must .

Antsis | Acquirente verificato

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May 08, 2015

Took advantage of $20 off plus the ANZAC day free shipping. Arrived in 4 days. Well packed. The instructions are just a few pictures. The plane goes together fine, but found the plastic supports for the undercarriage too short by about 4mm. I felt if I forced them into the wheel hubs so the screws lined up, there would be too much stress on the mountings. Wing struts fit fine with clips on the wing mounts. Unfortunately this means the struts are left sticking off the fuse. Would have preferred if the strut mounts in the wings hinged so they could line against the wing when stored.
Only other niggles;
I found that to fit my 4S 3300mA packs, I had to do quite a bit of cutting in the nose. At the recommended cg, I had to push the battery back under the wing otherwise it felt too nose heavy.
Tires are very hard. I would recommend fitting softer ones.

Flying wise. The plane flies well and has no vices. With about 20 degrees of flap it gets airborne in 3-4 meters. Full flap landings are great. The model slows down quickly and needs to be flown in.
I would have rated it higher if not for the issues mentioned.

Ncbob | Acquirente verificato

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Apr 10, 2015

Worst packaging for a plane that I've ever seen from HobbyKing. Usually they do much better. This was honestly pretty bad and I'm surprised it didn't get damaged in transit. All they did was wrap it with brown wrapping tape and a little bit of paper.

Also the elevator servo was DOA, so right off the bat I'm going to have to replace it before I can fly it.

But the quality of the model is pretty good, the foam detailing is fairly crisp and clean. The elevator and rudder surfaces are a bit stiff, but the ailerons and flaps move very cleanly and crisply. Nice mounting for the landing gear. No instructions on how to mount the radio or all the hatches on the plane, but it wasn't too hard to figure out.

Hopefully it will fly as good as it looks.

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