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TGS pieghevole di precisione Elica 22x12 Nero (1pc)

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TGS pieghevole di precisione Elica 22x12 Nero (1pc)


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7,28 US$
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TGS Sport Elica
High Impact resina polimerica.
La precisione ha modellato per un equilibrio preciso.
resistente Distortion.
Rumore basso.
Include anelli adattatori per le diverse dimensioni degli alberi.
  • Diametro X (pollici) 22.00
  • Pitch Y (pollici) 12.00
  • Rotazione CCW

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-13


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gromuluss | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Jun 09, 2013

First I want to say I like the prop. I'm glad I found a good priced prop. It cost me nothing extra for shipping because I included it in another order. Only flaw was balance. I don't normally believe in balancing prop because of distorting the shape of the airfoil creating thrust differences from side to side. But this one I had no choice I put about 5 thick cotes of paint to one blade to get it balanced. But because this is being used for a inexpensive experimental project. I'm happy there was a cheap option. At under 7 bucks for a prop this size I'm happy. One thing It does have that I didn't have the material to use Is slots on the back of the hub, So abit of lead or epoxy in them would balance it at the hub preventing any change in the airfoil shape. Id buy one again.

piperpaule | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 12, 2010

Hochpreziese kunstofflatte mit einem sehr gutem wirkungsgrad, ist zwar nicht billig aber im vergleich zu deutschen anbietern eine preisguenstige alternative. ich nutze sie nur fr elektroflug, sie ist warscheinlich nicht fr benziner geeignet,probiere ich aber noch aus !!! .leider sind die latten sehr schnell vergriffen,aber die wartezeit lohnt sich,und die freude ist umso groesser wen man sie in der hand hatt und sich von der super qualitaet ueberzeugt hat.danke hobby king.

ciao aus niedersachsen euer PIPERPAULE

sbarce | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 08, 2009

Very good quality, well packed! just what I expected. thanks

Metzger InfoTech | Acquirente verificato

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22 x 12 Propeller

May 24, 2009

Recht guter Propeller. Zum Teil unwuchtig, sonst aber mit recht gutem Wirkungsgrad.

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