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TR 35-36B 1300kv Brushless Outrunner (Eq: 2814)

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TR 35-36B 1300kv Brushless Outrunner (Eq: 2814)


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Modello: TR35-36-B
Tensione in ingresso: 7.4V ~ 11.1V (2 ~ 3S Li-Po)
Kv: 1300rpm / V} entro il 10%
Nb. di giri: 12 Delta
Max. corrente efficienza: 15 ~ 25A
Capacità di corrente: 35A / 30s
Resistenza interna: 42 MOhm
Corrente a vuoto @ 7V: 1.83A
Dimensioni: 35 millimetri x 36 millimetri / 1.38in 1.41in X
Diametro albero: 4mm / 0.16in
Peso: 106g / 3,74 once
Numero di poli / magneti: 14
Peso modello consigliato: 1000 ~ 1900g / 35 ~ 67 once
Potenza equivalente: 0,25-0,30 IC motore glow (400W +)

  • Kv ( rpm / v ) 1300.00
  • Correnti Max (A) 35.00
  • Resistenza ( mh ) 42.00
  • Max Tensione (V ) 11.00
  • Potenza ( W ) 0.00
  • Albero A ( mm ) 4.00
  • Lunghezza B ( mm ) 36.00
  • Diametro C ( mm ) 35.00
  • Can Lunghezza D ( mm ) 20.00
  • Lunghezza totale E ( mm ) 55.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-10


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Sebastian | Acquirente verificato

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Sep 02, 2011

Ahoj, tah max. 1100g na 3S 2200 mAh, vrtuli MasterAirscrew 10x4 a odber 45-50A. Je velmi teply, ale ne horky. Prumerny motor...

Renan C. Roberte | Acquirente verificato

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Aug 20, 2011

muito bom motor. comprei para usa-lo num YAK55 (balsa) com 1 M de asa e utilizei o ESC HK SS 45-50A com uma hlice 10X5E...a bateria utilizada foi uma RHINO 1750mha 3S....ficou perfeito a combinao! creio que no final o aviao pesou em torno de 1kg, mas sua vertical ficou infinita, recomendo mesmo!

Antunes | Acquirente verificato

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Jun 01, 2011

estou muito contente com este motor, eu instalei-o num MX2 da ST-Models em conjunto com uma helice 11X5, e o resultado espetacular, voo 3D subindo na vertical.
Obrigado Hobby king por este produto a este preo

Cessna | Acquirente verificato

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May 24, 2011

this motor is amazing very powerful but i have connected using 3S 30C battery and 9x6 prop and is not giving more than 3min flying time any once can advice please...

camazar | Acquirente verificato

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May 03, 2011

I bought this motor to upgrade from my Park 480 1020kv... Upgrade is right all I can say is Holy Crap, I use a Castle creations 35A esc & run a turnigy 2200 40c 3s lipo. I have also gained about two more minuets of Flight time over the park 480 With unlimited vertical & still has not seen full throttle yet. Guys at my flying club cant get over I only need 6 inches of runway over there Gassers & get about the same flight times as well This is one Great motor I should have bought two.!

Cliente | Acquirente verificato

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May 03, 2011

I bought one of these for my Rainbow PM (1.7 kg) with 60 amp turnigy, 9x6 and 11,1V 3S 3000 mha. The motor is a perfect for trainers, many people said it`s not for more than 1,2 kg aprox, but they are wrong .
Nice motor, thank HK!

vst1970 | Acquirente verificato

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Apr 23, 2011

This is a very good motor.

It is strongly recommended to all.

I love it,exellent value for the money!I have got 2 and i will buy more!

JMorato | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 22, 2011

O motor acompanha todos os acessrios da foto, de excelente qualidade. Vai ser colocado em um Decathlon .25 comprado aqui na HK. Recomendo!

Cliente | Acquirente verificato

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Apr 20, 2011

I have three of these. Using a Plush 40 amp ESC. With a 10 x 5 APC style HK prop and a 3s 2200 mah 50 -70 c Nano-Tec LI-PO . use this set up in any .30 size plane and you'll be very pleased with vertical performance. I have this set-up in an Electrifly Cirrus 22 Turbo...50 inch wingspan....Great performance...if you do this.....use epoxy glue to back up the glue job from the factory on the motor mount. Big smiles with the vertical performance!!!! I get 4 minute flights , pulling 35 amps at full throttle!!!

wdenver | Acquirente verificato

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Apr 11, 2011

otimo motor. Estou usando em um moto planador de 2m de envergadura

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