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Turnigy 1000mAh 3S 25C Lipo Confezione

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Turnigy 1000mAh 3S 25C Lipo Confezione


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batterie Turnigy sono conosciuti in tutto il mondo per le prestazioni, l'affidabilità e prezzo. Non è una sorpresa per noi che i pacchetti Turnigy LiPoly sono il go-to in valigia per coloro che sanno. batterie Turnigy offrono la piena capacità nominale ad un prezzo tutti possono permettersi.

batterie Turnigy sono dotate di scarico pesante porta a minimizzare la resistenza e sostenere elevati carichi di corrente. Turnigy batterie resistono agli estremi punire di volo acrobatico e veicoli di RC. Ogni confezione è dotato di connettori placcati in oro e JST-XH connettori di bilanciamento stile. Tutte le batterie pacchetti Turnigy LiPoly sono assemblati utilizzando cellule IR abbinato.

Non troverete un affare migliore nelle batterie LiPoly ovunque!

Capacità minima: 1000mAh
Configurazione: 3S1P / 11.1v / 3Cell
Scarico costante: 25C
Scarico Peak (10sec): 30C
Confezione Peso: 86g
CONFEZIONE: 72 x 34 x 20mm
Plug Charge: JST-XH

  • Capacità ( mAh ) 1000.00
  • Discharge ( c ) 25.00
  • Max Tasso di carica ( C ) 2.00
  • Lunghezza -A ( mm ) 72.00
  • Altezza - B ( mm ) 34.00
  • Width-C(mm) 20.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-12


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David | Acquirente verificato

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May 30, 2016

Super für den Preis! Nur einer von 7 bestellten war kaputt doch der tolle Hobbyking Support hat mir direkt einen neuen geschickt musste ihn nicht einmal zurück schicken. Klare Kaufempfehlung!

Zafir | Acquirente verificato

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May 06, 2016

Seems Ok, slightly unbalanced (~0,07V between cell 1 & 3). Run already twice, works fine.

TheMikeUK | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 05, 2016

Provides 5 - 6 min of flight on 1704 1900kv powered quad. Still charges and discharges well after 20 cycles.

Octavio1990 | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 08, 2015

Excellent batteries, i have the spec 250 fpv kit and with this batteries it fly between 9-11 minutes, im very happy, they are very balanced and they dont get warm

Napstr | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 08, 2015

Good quality lipo at a really good price - they as most lipos don't like it when they get drained to low - one cell just never comes back and the others aren't as good - that's why voltage alarms are very useful and try not to do what I seem to do and leave them on only to come back later to a dead battery - no fault of the battery - just operator.

stanislaw | Acquirente verificato

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Nov 18, 2015

great pack quality, i ordered 10 for a trex250 and to use in my small pylon racer, 4 years with no issues

| Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 31, 2015

Battery works very good in small multi rotor applications and delivers power until the end. When charging I sometimes end up putting more than 1000 mah back into the battery even when it was not even fully discharged.

Abo Soud | Acquirente verificato

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Aug 25, 2015

these came with no boxes only covered in bubble wraps, nonetheless arrived safely and it works good for the price

-Elop- | Acquirente verificato

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Aug 14, 2015

Ich habe mir 6 Lipos gekauft und jetzt 4, die letzten sind nur 20-30C und die ersten die ich erhielt 25-35C und sie wiegen mehr und sind Grer!?
(20-30C = 92gr statt 25-35C = 82gr wie beim ersten Batch)
Sonst finde ich die Lipos gut und wrde sie mir wieder kaufen, also bestellt euch welche aus einem Batch oder achtet drauf das ihr sie nicht in verschiedenen Stores kauft sonst knnte es sein das sie vom Gewicht und Gre variieren.

Alex | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Jun 07, 2015

Used with my FPV250 quad from hobby king with stock motors, esc's. I no longer use these and have them as FPV goggle battery's and not flight battery's. Actual weight is close to advertised numbers, 80 grams.

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