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Turnigy Aerodrive SK3 2830-920kv Outrunner Motor Brushless

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Turnigy Aerodrive SK3 2830-920kv Outrunner Motor Brushless


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motori brushless Turnigy SK3 sono ancora un altro passo in avanti nell'evoluzione del motore.

Ancora una volta abbiamo incaricato i nostri ingegneri per sviluppare un motore che non solo rivale, ma superare la qualità dei motori principali oggi sul mercato con le migliori qualità di magneti, cuscinetti e materiali disponibili.

Il risultato è una serie eccezionale di motori che siano efficienti, forte e abbastanza robusto per il modellista più esigenti.

Tutti i cuscinetti schermati doppie SK3 qualità uso serie, magneti al neodimio sinterizzato (il tipo più forte di magnete permanente disponibile in commercio) e una stringa ferita statore per garantire un accurato e costante avvolgimento ogni volta.

I motori Turnigy SK3 sono adatti per modellisti che sono alla ricerca di un motore brushless superiore qualità senza compromessi.

• I cuscinetti a doppia schermatura
• magneti al neodimio sinterizzato
• String ferita statore
• Elevata qualità di finitura
• Funzionamento super-liscio

Tensione: 6.4 ~ 12.6V (2 ~ 3S LiPoly)
RPM / V: 920kv
Potenza massima: 165W
Corrente max: 17A
Corrente di riposo: 0.95a
Resistenza: 140mh
Albero: 3mm
Spaziatura fori dei bulloni: 16 x 19mm
Filo Bolt: M2
Spina: 3,5 millimetri proiettile
ESC consigliato: 20A
Le dimensioni del motore: 30 x 28mm
Peso: 55g

Il motore
Mount & viti
adattatore prop

  • Kv ( rpm / v ) 920.00
  • Correnti Max (A) 16.00
  • Resistenza ( mh ) 140.00
  • Max Tensione (V ) 12.00
  • Potenza ( W ) 150.00
  • Albero A ( mm ) 3.00
  • Lunghezza B ( mm ) 32.00
  • Diametro C ( mm ) 28.00
  • Can Lunghezza D ( mm ) 30.00
  • Lunghezza totale E ( mm ) 48.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-10


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Rick | Acquirente verificato

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Seems OK

Nov 16, 2022

I bought this for an older ARF. It wasn't a perfect fit because Electrifly uses a proprietary mount in order to get people to buy their overpriced merch, but with a little engineering I fit it in. It runs but I have not yet flown it.

Marianne | Acquirente verificato

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Very good motor

Apr 22, 2022

I use these motors in 1/16 scale tank models. They are perfect, they don´t need a lot of current, are quiet and have a lot of power.

Maxime | Acquirente verificato

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Good but...

Sep 06, 2021

Good motor but not with a Tower Pro Slowfly Propeller 9x6 Bone as the motor after 2mn flight at 50/60% throttle was VERY hot.
My 3D printed Albatros didn't appreciate.
No recommanded proppeler in description. No manual. It's why I put only 3 stars on overall rate.

erwin | Acquirente verificato

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a good replacement

Jan 30, 2020

I tested the 2836 with my Dachgleiter 2800 g weight no problem with 9" propeller and Battery 11,1 V This motor is a replacement for planes up to 2000 g .

SandyGabby | Acquirente verificato

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Inexpensive perfection

Aug 12, 2019

Every plane that I have built over the last 6 years has an Aerodrive SK3 motor. I have purchased over 50 of the SK3 motors of various sizes and have not had a failure yet. They are installed in planes from 8 ounces to over 20 pounds.

Mike | Acquirente verificato

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Barely enough for the Phoenix 1600 on 3S

Jun 03, 2019

I've been looking for something to fit the HK Phoenix 1600 motor glider running the stock prop and spinner on 3S. This motor is up to the task if you use throttle management. After running down a 1500mAh pack at 50-100% throttle the motor came down very hot to the touch but I think I will stick with it as I tend to use too much throttle on maidens.

Michael | Acquirente verificato

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Ok in Phoenix 1600

Apr 26, 2019

Bought this for the phoenix1600 glider as a replacement for the stock motor that burned out and hobbyking’s SK3 2822 replacement that also burned out due to a faulty esc (now replaced). The 2822 was way undersized anyway.
This motor runs about 15.1A on the stock prop using 3S 1500mah nano tech pack. Doesn’t get very hot in bench testing.
Main problem is the shaft is pointed the wrong direction for this style of plane so you’ll need a set of small Allen keys to reverse it. It has flat keyed parts on the shaft that would put it at a weird length so I didn’t use them.
Can recommend this motor size and kv for the Phoenix 1600 with stock prop which measures around 10x5 but isn’t marked. Just try get the version with the shaft coming out of the stator end to avoid having to swap it around.

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