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Turnigy SF ardore Elica 8x4.5 Nero (CW) (2 pezzi)

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Turnigy SF ardore Elica 8x4.5 Nero (CW) (2 pezzi)


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Turnigy lenta Fly Glow in eliche scure sono una grande aggiunta a qualsiasi modello di volo notturno. Sono costruite in ABS leggero e sono molto ben bilanciate. Essi sono reattivi alla luce e producono una luce verde che li rende estremamente visibili di notte.

Elica comprende adattatore si collega per soddisfare le varie dimensioni dell'albero.

  • Diametro X (pollici) 8.00
  • Pitch Y (pollici) 4.50
  • Rotazione CW

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-13


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Helipiet | Acquirente verificato

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Excelent product

Jul 21, 2021

good quality, good price

Alfred | Acquirente verificato

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The props are not CW, they are CCW!!

Mar 10, 2020

I ordered 6 props, they were all CCW (counter clockwise), turn left!

stsguy | Acquirente verificato

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Aug 14, 2014

How cool is this. Now along with my the dark under ware I'm set

valbg | Acquirente verificato

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Apr 08, 2014

Excelent for the price - and enormous highly efficient - BUT - before use they definitely need carefull deburring on all edges, I do this by 400 sandpaper- they need a lot of balancing - I do this by the "wine glas method" (google).

flystx | Acquirente verificato

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Mar 16, 2014

nice to have, but it is a counter rotating Prop, so you have to return the Direction and the pitch of the motor

NumnutChriS | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 24, 2014

Looks and feels like the gaui 8x4.5 props, but these came with adapters if using with smaller prop shafts than 5mm.

| Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 24, 2013

Great turnigy props as usual bu tglow in the dark not very bright for night missions...

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