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Turnigy Voltage Protector 783333uf (3sec)

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Turnigy Voltage Protector 783333uf (3sec)


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Il set di capacità di TURNIGY aiuta a prevenire "out marroni" Ripristino del Rx se i vostri punti di tiraggio servo amplificatore o avete un problema tecnico Rx.
Essa contribuirà inoltre a ridurre il carico sul vostro CES BEC e ridurre la probabilità di glitch. È sufficiente collegarlo a qualsiasi canale di riserva sul ricevitore.

Tensione di funzionamento: 3.2V - 11.1V (1s ~ 3s LiPo)
Tensione sul condensatore: 15v
Capacità di memoria: 783333uf
Peso: 26.2g

I dati su un carico di picco 3A in genere visto quando grande ritrae marmellata:
6v di alimentazione con una caduta di tensione di 4.7V sopra 0.88sec
6v di alimentazione con una caduta di tensione di 3.0V oltre 3.0sec (3.0V tensione minima del 6ch OrangeRx)

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TieffliegerRudi | Acquirente verificato

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Jul 15, 2016

Bei 2,4 GHZ gehört es an den Empfänger.

vulpes | Acquirente verificato

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Oct 22, 2015

its bunch of 2.5v 4.7F capacity.

so you can use it under 15v.

however, it makes servo get crazy when you turn off reciver. so its bad for servo condition.

Florian | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Jun 23, 2015

It works perfect, but for a 450 Size Heli i little bit to Big so i will try the smaller one. And on this i will safe the two Cables out of the Circuit Board with a little bit of Hot Glue, to prevent loosening ...

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Mar 08, 2015

nice item. It exceeded the specs listed.

K-Note72 | Acquirente verificato

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Aug 08, 2014

So I plugged it into a spare port on the receiver in my plane with 2 servos plugged in. After being plugged in for 5 minutes which should be enough for it to charge up, I unplugged my battery. I was able to wiggle my servos for about 4 seconds, and then the servos both locked in one direction. Granted, this is with 2 servos so if you have a full setup you only have maybe 2 seconds so you better hope you're just in a situation where your esc just restarted, rather than your esc or bec burning out altogether

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Jul 11, 2014

main problem in combination with an Quanum Nova is that the Protector is to big to store it in the Nova Cover. but with a little modding it will fits... But Protector works well!

skyfox60 | Acquirente verificato

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May 26, 2014

Hab den als Spitzenstromgltter in einem 2S LiFePo HV setup im Hubi. Wegen des hohen Anlaufstromes hab ich zwei Schalter. Der erste schaltet ber einen Widerstand von 10 Ohm nur das Ding an den Akku( daran hngt das kleine Voltmeter ( Artikel nr.067000001) , Wenn Spannung da, wird der Empnger mit einem zweiten Schalter zugeschaltet. Schaltung ist ein wenig tricky, geht aber. Ich nehme dazu einen Doppelschalter und einen dreifach zur Sicherheit. zwei von dem Dreifach gehen wie der erste doppel zum Empfnger, einer dient nur der Vorladung des Kondensators. Wenn jemand ein Schaltbild davon bentigt, mge er mir Nachricht geben. Klappt super.

Bongalone | Acquirente verificato

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Feb 26, 2014

Utilissimo per evitare sbalzi nella tensione di alimentazione dell'elettronica. Molto leggero

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Dec 10, 2013

I will use, not installed yet, but has a good quality for sure... Thnaks HK

garth | Acquirente verificato

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Jun 26, 2013

They buffer my CC ICE BEC really well, I changed it from the 6s to a 3s2p setup. Now the CC ICE BEC delivers 5A as it should.

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