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Phoenix 1600 EPO composito R / C aliante (PNF)

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Phoenix 1600 EPO composito R / C aliante (PNF)


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Questo aliante di apertura alare 1.600 millimetri impiega 15 minuti per assemblare e dura tutta la vita! Le ali e la coda sono realizzati in schiuma dura EPO. Tuttavia, la fusoliera è fatto da un fortissimo stampato per soffiatura pelle nylon con formatori compensato, rendendo praticamente indistruttibili. Di solito riservato ai giocattoli per bambini *. La fusoliera praticamente indistruttibile è liscia e ridgid ma ancora abbastanza luce per la vela da eseguire. Sia l'ala e coda sono avvitati e le due semiali avere una canna in fibra di carbonio per una maggiore resistenza. L'ala principale comprende 1 servo per alettoni per forte movimento superficie di controllo più vi è uno slot di pre-stampati in modo da poter aggiungere il proprio lembi più tardi. Tutti i servi 4 9g, regolatore di velocità e cassa rotante brushless sono inclusi. Basta aggiungere la tua ricevente e la batteria di essere di volo pronti! Questo è veramente un super forte vela che impiega 15 minuti per mettere insieme.

* Avere una fusoliera modellato colpo su un aliante è un'ottima soluzione tuttavia non è popolare tra i produttori a causa del suo costo elevato, raddoppiando di fatto i costi di stampaggio.

Apertura alare: 1.600 millimetri (63 pollici)
Lunghezza: 1.045 millimetri (41 pollici)
Peso di volo: 950g
Batteria ha richiesto: 1300 ~ 1800mAh 3S
Motore: brushless 2815 / 1050Kv (incluso)
ESC: 30A (inclusa)

LiPoly 1300 ~ 1800mAh 3S
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  • IC / 2 : Elec Electric
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Thomas | Acquirente verificato

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Sehr guter Allroundflieger

Sep 11, 2020

Das ist einer meiner Lieblinge! Ich hab ihn in 1,6 m und 2m die Teile sind dank modularer Bauweise austauschbar , 1,6m sind zum herum toben am Himmel geeignet und mit 2m ist gut Termikfliegen . Zum schulen würde ich die zahmere 2m Variante bevorzugen weil er mit 1,6m doch recht flott wird . Der Rumpf ist robust jedoch sollte man Überhitzung des Motors vermeiden weil sonst die Halterung wegbrät . Alles in Allem ein toller Vogel auf den ich nicht verzichten will ! Ich werde mir noch einen auf Vorrat zulegen

Fly | Acquirente verificato

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Ph 1600

May 20, 2020

Its ok for biginer

Nightflyer | Acquirente verificato

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Great Glider! Easy build, great plane for expanding your flying skills

May 19, 2020

Fun glider that handles really well. Not a quick build, but really, what's the hurry. Efficient on 2200 2S, with relatively decent power and climb rate. Many fight option available with full flaps. This is a great platform to work from. Enjoy!

Rick | Acquirente verificato

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Good Sailplane trainer and slope plane

May 18, 2020

Tough fuse! Easy to set up and transport.

aliczek | Acquirente verificato

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Great moto glider model, very strong fuselage

May 16, 2020

I am very happy that I chose this model, it is big, effective and durable.

Anders | Acquirente verificato

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Great value

May 03, 2020

I was pleasantly surprised to find that flap servos were installed, so in total 6 servos are included. The only small complaint would be the linkages, a bit flimsy and also too long for use with the flaps. I removed the 40g ballast from under the battery tray. Unfortunately, I still need 20g of lead in the front with the 2S 1800mAh pushed all the way forward, could have used a 2200mAh instead. For the maiden I changed the prop to 9x6 because I had read about the motor burning out. Climb out was a bit weak so I will probably change back to the stock 10x6. Over all very happy with it, I plan to change wing mount to rubber bands which will be more forgiving for slope flying.

Fly | Acquirente verificato

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Phoenix 1600

Apr 30, 2020

Its best glider for biginer

Brod | Acquirente verificato

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Great plane

Apr 20, 2020

This is my second one,first flew real good,both LOS and simple fpv.
Been waiting for them to come back in the UK for yrs..I bought the pnp version with servos etc but swapped the stock motor for a Sunnysky 2216 1250kv which the Sunny motor shaft fitted perfect on the stock plastic spinner,runs great on a Nanaotech 1800 2cell lipo.
The first one i bought a good few yrs ago had servos installed and worked great with hundreds of flights so expect the same servos to be ok on my new one.Using the stock esc which came with it and the brake for the folding prop was already on so another bonus,but wouldn't have been hard to program if not..

Ave Fenix | Acquirente verificato

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Ave Fenix

Apr 15, 2020


broderick | Acquirente verificato

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simply the best

Mar 29, 2020

had one a few yrs ago and was my favourite plane,fitted an easy removable fpv setup too.Bought another when they recently came back in stock in the UK.Simply great fliers,solid in the wind and super easy to launch and fly..

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