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WLToys V272 2.4G 4CH Quadcopter Colore Giallo (pronto a volare) (Modalità 2)

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WLToys V272 2.4G 4CH Quadcopter Colore Giallo (pronto a volare) (Modalità 2)


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24,73 €
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Alla ricerca di un super piccolo Nano Mutli-rotore che è stabile, facile da pilotare e pieno di divertimento? WLtoys hanno questo tutto in un piccolo pacchetto molto piccolo. Piccolo ma grande nelle caratteristiche con un asse gryo 6 rende questo multi-rotore roccia solida di volare via una radio full size da 2,4 GHz con schermo LCD luminoso per le impostazioni di assetto che ti danno un controllo preciso. Leggero e anche design durevole fornisce circa 5 a 7 minuti di tempo di volo e può essere ricaricata dal caricatore USB incluso entro 30 minuti. Luci LED su tutti i motori offrirti orientration che è protetto nella cornice dente.
Se stai cercando di entrare nel mondo del multi-rotori con un certo divertimento interni volare (o in vento leggero), questo è uno per voi. Sei il benvenuto a avere tanto divertimento con questo come abbiamo fatto noi.
Completamente pronto a volare - Basta caricare le batterie e via!
Tempi di 5-7 minuti di volo
Il design leggero
Luci a LED
volo estremamente stabile
Eliche di ricambio
Fantastic volo
Lunghezza: 45m m
Larghezza: 45 mm
Altezza: 25mm
Specifiche della batteria: 3 .7V 100mAh
Radio: 2.4Ghz
Distanza di controllo: 40-50 metri
I ncluded
Giocattoli di WL V272 multi-rotore
Full size 2,4 GHz a 4 canali Trasmettitore con schermo LCD
3.7V 100mAh LiPoly batterie
Caricabatterie USB
6 batterie AA per radiotrasmittente

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Kalango | Acquirente verificato

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Jan 30, 2016

Bon, j'ai achet ce petit truc pour avoir une exprience avec quadcoptres. Ses commandes sont semblables celles d'un hlicoptre, mais son comportement en vol est diffrent. Temps de vol trs limit, avec perte de puissance qui l'empche de redcoller. Trs vite, l'antenne du rcepteur a cass. J'ai soud un fil sa place, qui a fait l'affaire. Puis, le lendemain, aprs un vol normal, un moteur s'est arrt dfinitivement. Recherche sur internet. Suivant les conseils, je gratte la carte lectronique et ressoude les fils du moteur en question. Rien. Je le refais. Rien. Donc, il est l, stock. Une vie utile trs limite selon mon exprience: deux jours en tout et pour tout. Les pices sont vendues un prix disproportionnel, je pense que c'est l qu'on fait de l'argent sur internet.

GIRARD | Acquirente verificato

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Nov 04, 2015

Trs bon rapport qualit prix, trs simple dutilisation.
Rsiste bien aux chocs contre les murs.

Hoeij60 | Acquirente verificato

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Mar 01, 2015

This thing flies really nice. amazing how much tech is put into such a small device. Flies about 4-5 minutes on a charge. charging on the laptop takes about 20 minutes.
Compared to larger quads this one is pretty sensitive I must say. The sensitivity can be adjusted on the transmitter, but for me te lowest setting is fine. Also the sensitivity settings only affect the right stick. throttle and yaw is not affected. (mode2). Flips great by the way.

It is very sturdy. only thing that happens is a prop that slides off. It has been smashed HARD against ceilings, floor, walls, etc and is still in one piece.

All in all this is very much fun to fly in the office or the living room. Nice to try who can land it perfectly on a spot or who can hover in the same location longest. This thing has given us quite some fun!!

philsson | Acquirente verificato

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Feb 25, 2015

Really nice price for a quad with remote. It can take a beating for sure as now after many bumps in the wall it is still intact. As for the bumps it would not have happened if it was not drifting so much. Some flights it doesn't drift so much and others it drifts a lot which also increases when giving more throttle and also dramatically when battery is getting low. Mine always drifts a little which makes it difficult to keep in place, also the yaw movement is really really slow which makes it difficult to bank and make tight turns indoors.
When it comes to the control it has a deadband in the middle which also makes it less smooth to control. I think it was a fun buy but would not recommend it as it behaves. Reading around on the internet it seems to be the same everywhere.

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