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Ricevitore 2.4GHz X8 R4 4Ch

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Ricevitore 2.4GHz X8 R4 4Ch


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24,35 US$
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ricevitore a 2,4 GHz per i sistemi X8 Assan.
Compatibile con tutti i trasmettitori X8.

Dimensioni: 36 x 14 x 3 mm (1,97 X 1,02 X 0,39 pollici)
Peso: 3.2g

Caratteristiche principali
-Altamente Sicuro e robusto collegamento
cristalli -No o canali necessari
-No Interferance da motori, accensioni o di metallo per l'attrito di metallo.
antenna Short
-Non C'è bisogno di modificare le impostazioni della radio.
-Funziona Con tutti i sistemi X8.

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fabrice | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Jul 05, 2013

recepteur parfait indoor outdoor.
attention l'antenne doit tre a l'exterieur, imperatif.
j'ai cracher un avion en epo l'antenne tait a l'interieur du fuselage.
plus de reception.
depuis l'antenne est a l'exterieur de l'avion et c'est parfait, plus de probleme.
attention l'antenne est tres courte.

VetyCZE | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

May 01, 2013

This is a great receiver! Ive ordered 3pcs of them and they all work great. Its pretty light, small but effective. I think it works fine for 300m and more distance.

Highly recommended ;)

adlers83 | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Feb 20, 2013

This receiver has a range of 800m!
I was testing it with FPV. Weight is exact 3,2g.
Have already 4pcs also using it in my FunJet!
No problems! Assan is the best!!!

tomtebrolet | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Jan 30, 2013

Perfect for indoor models, small and lightweight. Easy to bind. I also use it for smaller outdoor models up to 0.5 kg. No problems.

Directive | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Oct 05, 2012

These are the best smallers receivers in the world! I have not found a smaller thinner receiver on the market with all these features! These are amazing! Using them in a hacked Futaba 2 channel pistol radio.

Pachotronic | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 06, 2012

Muy compacto y ligero para pequeos aviones de depron o corchitos. El alcance sin problemas, igual que sus hermanos mayores.

| Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 17, 2012

good reciever, I use this on my Funny Fast Birdy DLG

Roberto | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Aug 14, 2012

Provato su un parkfly, buon range provato a terra fino a 250 mt, in volo non ho avuto nessun problema, nessuna interferenza.

Roberto | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Aug 08, 2012

Ottima ricevente testata su un modello in depron, distanza a terra 250 mt, in volo oltre 350mt dopo il modello divetava troppo piccolo da vedere. Per me Ottimo prezzo.

Deepak Chopra | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Jun 01, 2012

Superb quality receivers at a very good price. Assan is a reliable company with good rapport with all customers...Any issues or questions are always replied...They have my faith...I will keep buying Assan products without any hesitation.

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