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Zlín-42 Glow / Balsa 1.650 millimetri (ARF)

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Zlín-42 Glow / Balsa 1.650 millimetri (ARF)


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139,10 US$
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Il Zlin-42 è un ceco costruito allenatore sede tandem che viene utilizzato per l'addestramento VFR, formazione strumento di base e anche come un rimorchiatore aliante, il tipo di servizio ha visto anche con ex forze aeree del blocco orientale come un allenatore. Il Zlin-42 è stato utilizzato anche come addestratore acrobatico di base e anche visto alcuni combattimenti in Sri Lanka!

Si tratta di una ben costruita ed estremamente pratico, mondo reale, ogni modello mosca giorno sport che durerà per anni. Il triciclo robusto sotto-carrozza rende il Zlin 42 maneggevole a terra e in grado di gestire quasi ogni striscia. La spina 2 pc estraibile in ala rende per un facile trasporto e montaggio campo veloce, allo stesso modo, il baldacchino massiccia offre un facile accesso e anche rende il Zlin un candidato ideale per una conversione elettrica. L'hardware è di prima qualità e comprende un serbatoio di carburante e di montaggio del motore. La copertura è di prima classe e la combinazione di colori ideale per l'orientamento.

La struttura robusta ma leggera di questo modello fa per un eccellente modello sportivo mosca che si trasformerà in un paio di mosse acrobatiche quando si vuole, ma le dimensioni generose, ala di spessore e leggero carico alare ti dà un modello che è equaly felice volato lentamente senza ottenere fuori forma. Questo è di buone dimensioni, mondo reale dello sport modello mosca che può essere goduto quando tutte le regine appendiabiti sono nascosto in modo sicuro via e il fatto che esso può essere costruito per il denaro del mondo reale è un bonus era, senza dubbio!

Apertura alare: 1.650 millimetri
Lunghezza: 1.360 millimetri
Ala Area: 43dm2
Peso di volo: 3100g
4 canali, 5 servo (non inlcuded)

Il proprio 4 canali TX / RX
0.46 motore glow o equivalente elettrico
5 x servo standard
batteria RX
60 millimetri Spinner

  • Zlin
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sebas86 | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Dec 11, 2014

Very good model, good quality. Obviously is an ARF so it will require a bit of work (lets say 3 or 4 evenings, depending on your abilities).

Servo: 4 x
Engine: 1 x
Controller: 1 x
Engine mount:
Battery: 1 x
Propeller: 1 x

Flight abilities:
For sure is not hard to flight and to land but obviously it is not stable as a high wind (e.g. Piper Cub). I would recommend the model for those who have at least a bit of experience in flying RC models.
It requires some exponential on ailerons, I've set 50pcnt on my futaba T7C (double ailerons configuration, i.e. each aileron servo to a single channel).
You can use ailerons as flaps as well but in my 3 flights I had so far I couldn't appreciate a proper advantag

Pukkino | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Jun 07, 2014

This is my first glow plane, the engine is a .55 2 stroke with a 12x8 prop, i put 5 Corona ds399hv servos, whit a selfmade adapter plate because these servos are smaller than the standard size ones; so im able to use a Zippy Flightmax 1100mah 2s Life battery!
The construction is, to me, strong to absorb the engines vibration, and there is plenty of space inside the plane to put everything you need. The landing gear its good and the short front wheel helps you landing the plane. I put 110g in the tail to balance this model. The provided CG is ok, the model discends orizzontally and the landing speed is very low.
I reinforced the plywood with a mixture of epoxy and alcool and i used a lot of threadlocker in every screw. The throttle rod has no tube to pass through, so you have to find a way to ensure rigidity.
The covering, im sorry, its not so good. But for the price is ok! The model fly very well and scale, never use much rudder and the elevator is big, so never stress this plane in flight!

julien | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Nov 06, 2013

The flight characteristic is excellent. Landing is extremely easy, because of the slow flight ability and the short front wheel. It flies really straight : gorgeous. The engine is a four strokes ASP 10cc : that is big enough. It flies quietly and gently at half throttle : sweet. The rudder was doing flutter at high speed, so I reinforced the controls. I should have sunk the rod in the rudder with tons of glue. To fix this, I screw firmly a small plate on both sides of the rudder in order to hold the control rod in place (hope that s clear). I put an APM to do navigation with GPS, it worked instantly : great. I brokes the canopy glass twice, and fixed it with usual tape ; that s ok. | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Jul 05, 2013

crashed mine today into a dam broke the canopy and the coal don,t see them in spare parts ?????? are they available

fawlty | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Apr 26, 2013

Looks fantastic, second landing under carage broke clean off still connected to a section of fuselage, have fixed with fibre glass in four key points, good and strong now, should have beefed up before 1st flight to save the mess. my advice is keep as light as possible don't over motor and bat. Love it.

fawlty | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Apr 01, 2013

Looks great, flies great, only down side is weak under carriage make sure you beef it up before you fly.

LIBI4EVER | Acquirente verificato

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 01, 2013

Nose gear and low and needs to be revised for future sales, other components are fine and quality is mid high finishing and can be improved.

Sptfir | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Feb 08, 2013

A real wide-body single which gets a lot of attention at the field. I used a ASP 91 four-stroke and wouldn't recommend going less. It actually flys very well for a scale type plane. Easy to handle and makes nice landings. I had to work with the nose gear and finally made a new one. The included one is too short and gives a clearance problem with the prop due to negative angle (AOA) while taxi on anything but perfectly smooth surface.

A bargain price and it makes me smile to look at and fly.

jacky | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Jan 22, 2013

trs bon modle,vols parfaits,attention verrire trs fragile,et renforcer couple fixation pour un moteur 4 temps
trs raliste

jacky | Acquirente verificato

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Customer Rated

Dec 21, 2012

excellent modle ,vol trs realiste,motorisation 10cc 4 temps, plus que suffisant , accro que bien ,mais pas 3d, seulement raliste, attention de renforcer toutes le bois fixation moteur avec colle epoxy car un peu faible construction pour moteur glow,sinon ce model est un vrai rgal et je le rpte aucun dfaut en vol,sincrement mrite 5 toiles,de la part d'un modliste de 40 ans d'exprience

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