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AX 2306N 2000kvブラシレスマイクロモーター

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AX 2306N 2000kvブラシレスマイクロモーター


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1 year warranty
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KV:2000rpmで/ V

ステータ :23のx 6ミリメートル


  • KV ( RPM / V ) 2000.00
  • 最大電流( A ) 9.00
  • 抵抗( MH ) 0.85
  • 最大電圧( V ) 11.00
  • 電力( W ) 120.00
  • シャフトA (ミリメートル) 3.00
  • 長さB ( mm)の 23.00
  • 直径C (ミリメートル) 29.00
  • ことができます長さD (ミリメートル) 9.00
  • 総丈E (ミリメートル) 59.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-10



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XXXTechRC | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Dec 19, 2013

The value for these motors is great. The performance is what you would expect for a sub $7 motor. I have no complaints aside from the weak point where the 3 motor wires are exposed at the end of the shrink tube near the stator. Before spinning this up, but a dab of epoxy here to avoid wire breakage in the future.
I mounted this on a GWS Slow Stik with a 6x4 and 3s 1000mAh lipo and get awesome performance and flight times of around 15 minutes!
Check XXXTechRC on YTube for vid.

fotod | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 12, 2013

Fantastic item, I use them all the time. Acceptable quality, nice price, shiny looks - what else can you expect? Maybe cheaper shipping would be nice

parcy | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 27, 2013

I have used these motors on my depron small combat flyers f22 they are fantastic with this setup i purchased from hobby king uk site,these motors plus the 25-30amp hobbyking esc,turning 5x30 three bladed turnigy prop,followed by the 11,1v 800mah turnigy lipoly battery,my f22s are about 26 inches long thats the scale so if you make one to that spec then use hobbykings parts,you wont regret it,going to post some films on here and you tube soon,you wont regret the way if you make f22s that small out of 6mm depron you dont need carbon wingspars........great.

SLOW STIK | 確認済みの購入者

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Aug 18, 2012

Received 4 of these for my mini Quad today and all look good ! Noticed that the mount is used for extra cooling so I hope they dont have a cooling issue. I plan to remove the stock mount and use a standard 8 mm mount machined to 9 mm. This motor however is a bit too large for the HobbyKing Fiberglass Micro Quad copter frame as the bell is larger than the opening. It is however within spec's as far as kv ratings. The threaded shaft is nice but I will cut it off with a dremel and use the two shaft retainers with a longer hex, to use as a prop saver. For the ESC I am using the Hobbyking 10 amp and the Zippy 2200 2s 15c battery.... For a controller, I am using the
Hobbyking i86L Multi-Rotor Control Board (Lite Edition).. We shall see if everything works out.. Most likely a bit of tweaking here and there .

jamie | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 11, 2012

great motor . i am running mine on a quad copter . i recommend using 7x3.5 props . tested with above mentioned prop and it drew 7.4 amps .the mounting is for a 10 x 10 mm stick

Yoann | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 01, 2012

I put two motors on a me262 home made, first, with two 5x3 propeller, the plane was slow but now with the 4,75x4,75 propeller and it's perfect! The plane weight is about 700grs and the flight is very realistic. I use a 3s 1800 mAh and i can fly moreless 6 or 7 min (but my batteries are old...). So it's a very good deal!

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 04, 2012

These are awesome little motors. I have been using them for quite a while now with the 5043 GWS props on small foamies and foamy airboats. They are surprisingly strong (the structure). I have crashed them many times and all of them are still working like a charm.

Smokin' Bea | 確認済みの購入者

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Feb 21, 2012

I've bought about 12 of these now and highly recommend them.
I use them in scale warbirds to 30" span and 14oz - radial engined models as well as fully cowled (inline) engines
I use a 2S 800ma/hr Lipo & APC7x4 SF prop and they fly well at 7.5 amps WOT. Never burnt one out & I get 6 min flights.
But buy one more than you need as two of mine have had an off balance bell (Oval shape) and you can't fix that.
But you can strip it out, keep the shaft & bearings and the magnets are great for hatches etc.
Cheap and cheerful on a HK 15A ESC for about $7.
- Phil

Javiador | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 06, 2012

Buen motor. El nico inconveniente son los cables, que de manipularlos acaban seccionndose. Sin embargo se compensa con la bancada preparada para un listn de 1x1, que permite montar aviones en 10 minutos.
Volando en un ala delta, de 300 gramos de peso, batera 3s 1200mAh, el tiempo de vuelo es de unos 12 minutos a 11,3v. ESC=SS20, ligeramente caliente. Hlice 5x5. No va muy rpido, pero esto es ms achacable a la plataforma (plancha de depron).

theleabres | 確認済みの購入者

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Dec 07, 2011

Best value motor I have ever used! Bought two last year for scratch build experiments and both motors met and exceeded my expectations. Bought three more last month and installed in the Hobbyking Mini Mustang and now it's a rocket! GWS 7X6 prop on 3s 800mAh 20C draws up to 16 amps but makes the Mini Mustang disappear into the sky! Smooth running motor, quiet, can take some abuse/crashes. Worth every cent of its price and then some. I fully recommend this motor and all the other AXN series too!

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