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カテゴリー: Drones

Multicopter Basics #6 - Key Electronic Components

If you’re building your own multicopter, you have many choices available when it comes to selecting a flight computer.

ポストする: Nov 20, 2017 | で掲示されます: Drones |タグ: Beginners

Multicopter Basics #5 -Build Your Own

These days, the market is saturated with a range of Ready to Fly (RTF) solutions.

ポストする: Nov 20, 2017 | で掲示されます: Drones |タグ: Beginners

Multicopter Basics #2 - Safety

Flying a remote-controlled aircraft, particularly a multicopter, is a great deal of fun.

ポストする: Nov 20, 2017 | で掲示されます: Drones |タグ: Beginners

Multicopter Basics #4 - Tools and Techniques

Regardless of whether you're planning to build a multicopter or buying one off the shelf, you will need most of the tools outlined below.

ポストする: Nov 20, 2017 | で掲示されます: Drones |タグ: Beginners

Multicopter Basics #3 - Whats your Objective?

Many hobbyists have been down this path before focusing too much on the multicopter and technology and not enough on the key objective.

ポストする: Nov 20, 2017 | で掲示されます: Drones |タグ: Beginners

Multicopter Basics #1 - Introduction

Flying a multicopter is a lot of fun and building one provides a great sense of achievement!

ポストする: Nov 20, 2017 | で掲示されます: Drones |タグ: Beginners

Multicopter Basics #9 - Learning To Fly

Written by Thomas

Here are some tips that will help you to get off the ground while minimizing the chances of your model coming home in pieces!

ポストする: Nov 20, 2017 | で掲示されます: Drones |タグ: Beginners

Building A Smart Plane with iNav - Article #4


In the previous articles we’ve covered what iNav is and what it can do for a fixed wing pilot and we’ve also covered how to wire everything up. Adding iNavflight to your fixed wing model can provide you will excellent stabilisation and cheap, effective OSD setup but it can also provide GPS flight modes and allow you to even fly missions autonomously.

ポストする: Nov 16, 2017 | で掲示されます: Drones, Planes |タグ: Advanced, Beginners, Intermediate

Comparing Common Flight Controllers

The last few years have seen an explosion of the multirotor part of the hobby and driven a huge amount of innovation in the flight controllers and the software and firmware that runs them.

ポストする: Nov 16, 2017 | で掲示されます: Drones |タグ: Beginners, Intermediate

The Stone Blue Airlines Flying Circus 2016

I had the great opportunity to volunteer for Stone Blue Airlines Flying Circus FPV Festival in Covington, Va this year.

ポストする: Nov 16, 2017 | で掲示されます: Drones |タグ: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate
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